Thursday, August 9, 2007

Speaking Opportunity for Mobile Entertainment Companies

Do you have a topic you would like to present at the upcoming MEF LIVE 2007 event?

Brought to you by the Mobile Entertainment Forum (MEF) and Beacon Events, MEF LIVE 2007 is the new definitive annual gathering where the entertainment business and the mobile community discuss made-for-mobile content, new services, business models and more.
Co-located alongside the 12th Annual Mobility World Congress & Exhibition 2007 (MWCE 2007, formerly known as the 3G World Congress), will be the MEF LIVE Zone - the mobile entertainment pavilion where you can experience the latest applications and devices. All in all, this exhibition will see over 3,000 participants who are actively involved in Asia's mobile industry.

Save the date, mark your calendars and synchronize your devices to make sure you are in Hong Kong on the 4-5 December for this event of the year for the Asian mobile entertainment industry!

The programme agenda is currently being finalised so if you think you have what it takes join the line-up, please indicate your interest to speak by Aug 17 2007 to or by submitting a paper online.

Check out for more information.