Monday, November 5, 2007

Call for Green Computing in IncuTrain

Computers need a lot of power even if they are on but not used.

“In terms of electricity, a typical computer uses about 300 watts on power excluding the printer. At five cents a kilowatt hour, if you leave your computer on all the time, it will cost about US$ 131 per year. That quite a bit of money!

On the other hand, if you turn your computer off at night and on weekends, the electrical cost drops to about US$ 31.

The cost drops even more if you turn it off whenever you’re not using it: as little as US$ 12 per year!

Think about it: a savings of US$ 119 per year [...] Just by the simple act of turning the computer off when it isn’t being used.” -- University of Oregon Green Computing Guide

Accordignly to
Friends of the Earth (HK), cost range from HK$0.2/kWh to HK$0.4/kWh for conventional energy in Hong Kong. Therefore, one computer would cause an annual cost between HK$524 and HK$1,048 respectively. Following the University of Oregon business case, a savings of 90% or HK$472 or HK$943 could be realized.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Speaking Opportunity for Mobile Entertainment Companies

Do you have a topic you would like to present at the upcoming MEF LIVE 2007 event?

Brought to you by the Mobile Entertainment Forum (MEF) and Beacon Events, MEF LIVE 2007 is the new definitive annual gathering where the entertainment business and the mobile community discuss made-for-mobile content, new services, business models and more.
Co-located alongside the 12th Annual Mobility World Congress & Exhibition 2007 (MWCE 2007, formerly known as the 3G World Congress), will be the MEF LIVE Zone - the mobile entertainment pavilion where you can experience the latest applications and devices. All in all, this exhibition will see over 3,000 participants who are actively involved in Asia's mobile industry.

Save the date, mark your calendars and synchronize your devices to make sure you are in Hong Kong on the 4-5 December for this event of the year for the Asian mobile entertainment industry!

The programme agenda is currently being finalised so if you think you have what it takes join the line-up, please indicate your interest to speak by Aug 17 2007 to or by submitting a paper online.

Check out for more information.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Ten Faces of Innovation

“The Ten Faces of Innovation” by Tom Kelley (available in iResources and Hong Kong’s public and university libraries) introduces the reader to 10 distinct personas essential to organizations seeking out creativity and innovation. Their mindsets, roles, approaches, way of thinking, way of doing, and contributions are detailed. The 10 personas are The Anthropologist, The Experimenter, The Cross-Pollinator, The Hurdler, The Collaborator, The Director, The Experience Architect, The Set Designer, The Caregiver, and The Storyteller. A lot of product and service related examples are provided to illustrate the process of creativity.

GameOn Exhibition

What is creativity? What is innovation? Where can I get inspiration? I think a lot of people are doing soul searching and may ask the same questions to create "The Next Big Things"!!

"The Next Big Things"
I met and talked with many creative people for their designs - software developers, game designers, fine art artists, architects. Stephen (my cousin) happens to be an architect who studied history of architecture at Liverpool University and of course he is a great supporter for Liverpool soccer team too. Since the team is in town, so he should be quite busy tonight and probably this week to watch the great soccer games. I watched the Vivienne Tam's TV interview the other night; she mentioned she visited a lot of China museums to get inspiration for her design collections. Jason Chen (EA and Microsoft), a great game designer and producer, worked with us on the Xbox Incubation Programme before, told our incubatees many times to play many different computer games before designing their own. They all studied our culture, history, evolution and heritage to get inspiration for new projects. I have to stress that "not copying" but innovate and create new legacy.

Why GameOn?
GameOn is a great computer game history and culture show toured for over 11 cities in Europe and United States and attracted over hundreds of thousand visitors for the last five years. I tried over six months to convince Barbican Museum to bring the exhibition to Hong Kong and this is the first time to host this event in Asia. Of course, I also need the support from the OGCIO of the HKSAR government and Cyberport management. Five containers shipped from United Kingdom to Hong Kong consist of 178 exhibit items and over 120 playable computer and console games.

You can also listen to Charles Mok (Game Ambassador) and my radio interview at RTHK Radio2 last Saturday night for better understanding. Sorry this is a Cantonese version of recording:-

For the group discount tickets, you know you can contact Swank and Mable for it.

Anyway, enjoy the exhibition!! Give me feedback!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Hong Kong’s first IT Internship Facilitation System (database) is launched with website URL for fresh graduates and undergraduates from IT-related and digital entertainment disciplines. The students could search for desired training opportunities via the database. It is also a central platform for IT and digital entertainment employers to publish internship places information and to promote the internship programme.

China sees increased film and TV revenue in 2006

Please click here
to visit and read the article

Friday, June 15, 2007

Website Development

Dear friends,

We need someone 's help to develop our company website.
Who can help? :)


Friday, June 8, 2007

Ocean Park Halloween Bash Competition

Participants are requested to submit a mobile game proposal for the annual smash-hit “Ocean Park Halloween Bash”. Online application is now open and the submission deadline is June 30, 2007. Fabulous prizes will be offered to the winners.

For details of the competition, please visit the website below:


Microsoft Casual Games - Partner Day

Microsoft Casual Games Partner Day at Benaroya Hall! Full day of tracks will be provided with updates on its gaming businesses, policies, strategies and future directions.

The Partner Day sessions will include detailed updates on Microsoft Casual Games services including MSN Games, Games for Windows Live Messenger and Xbox Live Arcade. In addition, the event will cover future directions for the industry and for its businesses. Several developer partners will deliver their insights on how to work best with Microsoft on these opportunities.

Check it out at


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Offer Exclusively for Cyberport IncuTrain Centre Incubatee Companies - The Entrepreneurs Club

Dear Incubatees,

The Entrepreneurs Club to provide existing and would be Entrepreneurs with a regular monthly forum for intellectual exchange. Membership is open to everyone who has an entrepreneurial spirit - not only business owners (or part owners) or angel investors.

Good news!

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre’s incubatee companies are now entitled to enjoy the following privileges from the Entrepreneurs Club:


Please see below offer for Cyberport IncuTrain Centre’s Incubatee companies:

- 2 for 1 deal with IncuTrain companies plus admin fee:

> HKD 1050/2 plus HKD 350/2 (so each company pays HKD 525 + HKD 175)

- If just 1 company signs up, the E-Club will waive the admin fee:

> HKD 1050 total

*Pls note each company has to specify the contact that will attend from their company.

For Cyberport IncuTrain Centre’s Incubatee Business Owners membership:

- 2 for 1 deal plus admin fee:

> HKD 700/2 plus HKD 350/2 (so each business owner pays HKD 350 + HKD 175)

- Just 1 business owner, the E-Club will waive the admin fee:

> HKD 700 Total

To apply:

- Please fill in the form download from

- Inside the form, you will see a field “How did you first hear about The Entrepreneurs Club”. Please put down “Cyberport IncuTrain Centre” in order to enjoy the special offer.

- Please send the form and other related items to The E Club according to the form.

For more information about The Entrepreneurs Club, please visit the following website:

Thanks and best regards,

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

VC funded Frenzoo

First of all, thank IncuTrain for setting up this community blog.

Yesterday I have a chance to visit Frenzoo's office and meet Kevin. And then, I visited its website and saw this great news - "Skype co-founders invest in Asian 3D social networking company" (May 28, 2007):
Congratulation to Kevin and the Frenzoo team!

I wonder if it is the first IncuTrain company that got VC fund? or what other companies did it before?

iugo technology limited

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

PlayMotion Featured in HKET

We have lined up Apple Daily and ADigit to obtain an interview opportunity. During the photo shooting day on May 24. Apple Daily has arranged a model to come to Cyberport IncuTrain Centre. Thanks to ADigit's Harry explained to the media about their proposed product -- gogomedia, and Harry acted as model too ^^

Special thanks to Mable and Swank, who have given their Winnie the Poon & potato plant as part of the setting for photo shooting!!

The feature story is published on May 29's Apple Daily supplement page, please visit the following link for the full feature story :

《數 碼 生 活 : 屋 企 電 視 擺 上 網
返 工 遠 睥 《 溏 心 》》Apple Daily supplement page


If your proposed project were ready for publicity, please do not hesitate to let us know and we will try our best to help you maximize the awareness to the public !!


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Welcome Everyone!!

Dear All,
Based on your request, we tried to create this online community for all of you to participate. To start a community is not easy and there are already so many channels or blogsites out there. Why Cyberport IncuTrain Community?? This is only a beginning of a long journey and your participation is highly appreciated. With your good support, I am sure this can grow to become a great community. Besides, this online activity, in the near future we will organise some informal gathering for everyone to do networking and know each other business better. To lead by example, I start to contribute my version of blog and please enjoy the reading.
I welcome everyone to share their business challenge, experience, joyful moment and successful story. We know that there might be cloudy day sometimes in our life but that is ok. Life or business do have their up and down moment and this is only part of a long journey. The most important thing is for you to enjoy the great moment of past and future.
This is my first blog for the Cyberport IncuTrain Community and of course I want to share my happiness with all of you. The photo was taken at my Tuscany holiday in early April and a lot of good food and wine over there!!
Talk to you later!! Thank You For Your Great Support!!