Friday, January 29, 2010

BizSpark Tech Talk: Building Amazing Applications with Silverlight 4

Date: February 25, 2010 (Thu)
Venue: Microsoft Hong Kong Limited - Seminar Room, 13/F, Cyberport 2, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
18:45 Registration starts
19:00 - 19:45 Dinner
19:45 - 21:15 Seminar
Language: Cantonese
Admission fee: FREE


This latest version of Silverlight delivers hundreds of features and controls. With printing support, rich reporting and charting, and integration with back0end systems and server products including Microsoft Sharepoint, Silverlight is ready for business. Join us and learn about all the powerful capabilities of Silverlight 4 for business application developers, bringing the best-of-breed .NET platform to brower-based experiences.

Speaker: Andy Cheung, Application Platform Architect, Microsoft Hong Kong.

Andy is responsible for connecting Enterprises in Hong Kong to provide advice and guidance for software architecture and implementation using Microsoft Technologies. He is also actively involving in local developer communities, and has been awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for three consecutive years.

To register: please send your company name, participant's name, tel and email with email subject "BizSpark Teck Talk: Building Amazing Applications with Sliverlight 4 on Feb 25, 2010" to by Feb 19, 2010.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

IT Internship and IT Exchange Programmes 2010 - 2011

With the support of the OGCIO, the IT and creative industry, we are delighted to tell you that the IT Internship Coordination and Facilitation; and IT Exchange Programmes will continue in 2010 – 2011.

You are cordially invited to join us in boosting the IT and creative industry by offering intern placements.

First, you can upload FREE job advertisement(s) about offering intern placements into our online platform – as we will have promotion when participating the coming Education and Careers Expo 2010 (4 -7 Feb), which is sponsored by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) of HKSAR government.

Secondly, you can join in our activities in the Expo, like participating our Sharing Session “How to Engage in Internship” during the Expo to support the intern students / benefited employer(s) as audience, or even present your experience in Internship with us. Or you can assign manpower to sit in our booth with prior consent from us and collect information of your potential candidates (i.e. visitors for the Expo).

During the exhibition, we will promote the programmes and demonstrate how to search jobs through the Internslink, it will be a good chance for you to recruit suitable employees.

The simple way is to go to, then click “Register Now” to get a FREE account to do so. Those who have already had an account please login and upload your new job advertisements.

After you have finished, it would be appreciated if you can send us an email to inform us, such that we can further highlight your job vacancies there.

Thank you very much for your support.

What you should do:
• Register as Employer in
• Upload FREE intern job advertisements
• Participate Event activities

Event Info:

Sharing Session - “How to Engage in Internship”
Education & Career Expo 2010

Date: 4 Feb, 2010 (Thu)
Time: 12:00 to 13:00
Venue: Seminar Room 2, Hall 1, HK Education & Expo,
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wanchai, Hong Kong
I. Appreciation to employers and universities
II. Announcement of the upcoming programmes
III. Interns and exchange students sharing
IV. Introduction of Industry Mentorship
V. Visit to our booth (1CA21) at the Expo
• Free of charge and refreshment will be provided

Exhibition booth detail:
Booth number : 1CA21.
Exhibition starts : 10:30 a.m., 4 Feb 2010
Exhibition End: 6:00 p.m., 7 Feb, 2010

**Please fill in the Reply Slip and send back to us by 29 Jan if you join in the Sharing Session. For further enquiry, please call us by 3166-3783.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Final intake of Cyberport Incubation Programme APPLY NOW !

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre is now calling applications for the last intake of its onsite and offsite IncuTrain programme from companies specialized in the digital entertainment industry and creative digital lifestyle related areas. The application deadline is January 28, 2010 with the vetting process in February 2010. Don’t miss the last opportunity to join our incubation program and apply now!

As of December 2009, out of a total of 195 received applications, 94 companies have been admitted to the incubation programme. 40 of them successfully graduated. Due to the satisfactory results of the first phase, the Innovation and Technology Fund allocated an additional HK$25 million in funding, total HK$56 million to extend the IncuTrain programme for another 3 years until 2012 to benefit more companies in the industry.

For more information about Cyberport Incubation Programme or application form and brochure downloads, please visit

For enquiry, please contact

Tel : 3166 3907

Email :

Thursday, January 14, 2010


如何在中國進行申請及知識產權保護講座 (to be conducted in Chinese / Putonghua only)





1、 大陸知識產權保護的實踐,包括商標權、專利權、版權和商業秘密。
2、 如何獲得大陸商標權、專利權和版權。
3、 網路服務,數位媒體處理、製作、傳播的知識產權保護技巧。




日期:2010年2月5 日(星期五)
地點: 香港數碼港道100號數碼港3座(F區)數碼娛樂培育中心Solution Lab
- 30 分鐘簡單的三文治午餐及交流時間
- 30-45 分鐘的講座 : 如何在中國進行申請及知識產權保護
- 30分鐘的發問時間
** 講座將以普通話進行。

如欲報名,請於2010年2月2日前連同參加公司名稱、參加者名稱、電郵及電話,電郵致 標題 “如何在中國進行申請及知識產權保護講座”報名。