Monday, July 18, 2011

第十三屆DigiCon6大賞 -- 作品募集中!

截止報名日期: 2011年8月5日
由日本TBS電視台及香港數碼娛樂協會聯合舉辦,DigiCon6 Animation & Movie Awards,簡稱「DigiCon6大賞」,是一個大型的數碼內容創作比賽。此獎項的目的是為發掘及支持有潛質的藝術創作人士,不但為創作人士的發展開 拓門戶,並且將他們的作品展現給大眾觀賞。 大賞今年已踏入第十三屆,共有十個亞洲地區參與比賽,包括日本、中國、香港、台灣、泰國、新加坡、韓國、菲律賓、馬來西亞和印度,各國的創作人才共同競逐 地區大獎「DigiCon6金銀銅獎」。香港的作品於過去三年的大賞之中,獲得驕人成績,希望本地的創作人才今年再接再厲,取得佳績!香港的得獎者更有機 會親身參與於日本東京舉行的DigiCon6大賞頒獎典禮。 第十三屆DigiCon6大賞截止報名日期為2011年8月5日 (以郵截為準)。請即報名! 如有查詢,請與黎小姐聯絡(電話:2788-5779 / 電郵,或按此瀏覽大會網站。

按此下載參賽須知 (只有英文版本).
按此下載報名表格 (只有英文版本).

The new face of ITIL and TOGAF


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Creative Technologies Workshop 8-19 August 2011 at Cyberport-To Get Cyberport IncuTrain Centre Sponsored Air Ticket to New Zealand for Further Study

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre and Wellington Institute of Technology (WelTec) will jointly provide the Hong Kong's first Creative Technologies Workshop at Cyberport during the period 8-19 August 2011 with the support from Hong Kong Design Center and Innocentre. Mr. Gareth McGhie, who was at senior position for WETA Workshop, an Oscar-winning company, and he has supervised the costume making for Peter Jackson's trilogy, Lord of the Rings, will manage and conduct the workshop at Cyberport. The Workshop aims to enable the production of a thoroughly resolved project leveraging a wide range of media skills. Also, the Workshop will enhance develop analysis and evaluation skills within contemporary visual arts creative practices and context. It will employ student's knowledge and visual media in the formulation of complex creative ideas and communication of concepts.

Mr. Teriu Lemon, Head of School for Creative Technologies says …

"as part of the programme, WelTec tutors are building a 3-metre high sculpture which will include leading edge technology such as motion sensors. This sculpture will be shipped to Hong Kong and then Cyberport students will build a replica that reflects their own culture and design, learning fabrication skills and digital technology techniques along the way. This certificate programme provides a pathway into higher level study at WelTec. We are really excited about the opportunities for staff getting involved in this venture."

* Students who have completed the Workshop with satisfactory result could get Certification in Creative Technologies and become Creative Technologist (CT) in Creative, IT, Workshop Production, Engineering and Management industries

* Students with excellent result are eligible to have a chance to get Cyberport IncuTrain Centre sponsored air ticket to enter WelTec New Zealand for further study

Seats are limited and industry professionals could enjoy priority registration. The course fee of Creative Technologies Workshop for incubatee and alumnus is HK$450 and HK$900 respectively (regular course fee at HK$1,800). For registration, please fill in attachment enrollment form and email to
by 28 July 2011.

The Workshop will be conducted in English. Organizers, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co. Ltd. Cyberport IncuTrain Centre and WelTec, reserve the right to change the content of the workshop.

Please click here to download the enrollment form.

Apply Now and win HK$100,000 - YBHK's HSBC Youth Business Award

Deadline for application: 8 August 2011

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups established "Youth Business Hong Kong" (YBHK) in 2005 to encourage young people to explore ''entrepreneurship'' as an alternative to traditional modes of employment. Local young people who are passionate about starting their own business can look to YBHK and its one-stop services to facilitate financial support, seed money, business mentorship and support, including information and networking. Organised by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and solely sponsored by HSBC Business, the "HSBC Youth Business Award" further promotes entrepreneurship by aiming to:

-Recognise young enterprises that are pro-active, innovative and/or offers exceptional services
-Recognise the determination, creativity and accomplishments by young enterprises
-Offer a platform for exchanges among start-ups to enrich business knowledge
-Promote public recognition of the contribution made by young enterprises to the local economy, which in turn enables a culture of entrepreneurship to flourish

Please click here to download the application form.


SIGGRAPH Asia 2011-Exhibitors Unveiled. Secure Early Bird Rates by 31 July!

Secure Early Bird Rates by 31 July!

SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 will gather industry leaders, digital innovators, creative researchers, award winning producers, engineers, managers and executives from the Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques industry and academia. We are expecting over 75% of the visitors from the APAC region, as well as exhibitors and visitors from all over the world. You should participate with us if you want to:

1. Explore business opportunities, meet new partners and strengthen existing relationships, through the only conference and trade show that draws the people from around the world and across the multiple disciplines with a strong focus on Asia.

2. Meet leaders in the industry through an unparalleled quality of conference and exhibition programs. More than 90% of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 exhibitors were happy with the visitor quality and 60% of the attendees were decision makers with the authority to purchase, or influence the purchase of equipment and services.

3. Reach out the people you need to reach, through focused media placement, public relation programs, extensive collaboration with partner events and associations, targeted direct marketing in the local languages English, Mandarin, Japanese and Korean.

4. Recruit staffs, students and lecturers. SIGGRAPH Asia's conference and exhibition attracts the quality of visitors you want to meet.

Please click here to download the Factsheet.
Please click here to download the Brochure.
