Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Event details update on Cyberport Website
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Hong Kong ICT Promotion Scheme in China - Information Session (香港ICT 產品營銷中國計劃簡介)
With a vision to establish itself as a leading information and communications technology (ICT) hub in the Asia-Pacific region, Cyberport is committed to facilitating the local economy by nurturing ICT industry start-ups and entrepreneurs, driving collaboration to pool resources and create business opportunities, and promoting a digitally inclusive society through strategic initiatives and partnerships.
Cyberport signed the MOU with the Knowledge Innovation Community (KIC) in Shanghai and has established a representative office at KIC, Yangpu District. “Hong Kong ICT Promotion Scheme in China” newly launched by Cyberport Collaboration Centre is an effective platform specially designed for Hong Kong ICT SMEs to tap into the Mainland China market.
An information session hosted on 25 October will deliver this new pathway for business success in China and you are cordially invited to join us.
Date: 25 October 2011 (Tuesday)
Time: 2:00-3:30p.m.
Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport Incutrain Centre,
Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, HK
Language: English and Mandarin
- Simplest Way to Largest Market - Hong Kong ICT Promotion Scheme in China
Ms. Alice So, Business Development Manager, Collaboration Centre, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co Ltd.
- Introduction of Shanghai Knowledge Innovation Community (KIC) (上海創智天地)
Ms. Wang Zhi Ling, Manager, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Shanghai Tuspark (KIC) Management Co Ltd.
- Set up Business in China (Tax & Finance Implications)
Ms. Tammy S W Lim, FCPA, Partner, CWCC
- Successful Soft-landing Case Sharing in Shanghai
Mr. Andy Chung, CEO, XNT Limited
For registration, please click:
Enrollment deadline: 24 Oct 2011 (Monday).
For any further query, please feel free to contact Ms. Alice So at tel. no. 3166-3830 or via email aliceso@cyberport.hk.
Please find transportation info as below:
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
SVBSsm Silicon Valley Business School Seminars
Cyberport cordially invites you to two unique seminars in November – Assembling the Nuts and Bolts of Entrepreneurship, Silicon Valley-Style and Patents & Technology Commercialization.
The first seminar will help you understand how to form and structure a high-tech startup, raise funds from investors, build a global business and cash out. While the other will cover the basics of patent protection in the United States, explores the latest trends in patent trading and alternative methods of gaining patent protection as well as practical ‘how-to’ guidance on technology transfers, patent licensing, sales and acquisitions.
If you register through Cyberport as the Hong Kong Partner, the discounted price is US$195. What’s more, you’ll get reimbursement (75% for incubatees and 50% for alumni) if you enroll now!
For more information, agendas and registration visit: http://www.svbs.co/hongkong
For enquiries, please contact Pamela Lau at 3166 3757 or email to conference@cyberport.hk.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Windows Phone 7 XNA Training
We would like to invite you to attend the Windows Phone 7 XNA Training coming on 18-19 Oct 2011 (Tue-Wed). Please kindly find below the training details and registration method.
Duration: 2 days
Date & Time: 18-19 Oct 2011 (Tue-Wed), 10.00AM-12.30PM, 2.00PM-5.00PM
Venue: Fevaworks IT Education Centre, 4/F, Tung Wah Mansion, 199 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Registration Method:
Please send email to training@cyberport.hk with subject “Windows 7 Phone XNA” to register by 13 Oct 2011 , with providing the following details:
- Participant’s Name
- Company name
- Email
- Phone No.
Fee: Free-of-charge
Windows Phone 7 XNA Training
– Making Game for WP7: Jump Start
Trainer: Mr. Uditha Sandara
Uditha Bandara is specialist in Microsoft XNA Game development for Windows Phone, Xbox 360, PC, and Zune. He is the South East Asia`s First XNA/DirectX MVP (Most Valuable Professional). He had delivered sessions at various events and conferences in Singapore, Sri Lanka and India. He has published several articles, tutorials, and game demos on his XNA Game Development Blog – http://uditha.wordpress.com/
Course Agenda:
Day 1 (18 Oct 2011, 10am-5pm)
10:00 a.m. – 10.15a.m.
Welcome Note.
10:15 a.m. – 1.00p.m.
Windows Phone 7 Game Development.
Microsoft XNA Game Studio provides rich tool set to create games for Windows Phone 7 devices.
This session outlines how to use XNA API for develop 2d and 3d games.
2.00p.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Casual Games and XNA.
Casual Game developers can use XNA to develop games and sell it on Windows Marketplace for Mobile and XBOX Live marketplace.
This session outlines the life cycle of casual games and how you can use XNA to make money from your Game.
3.00p.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Hands on Labs 1- Part1. –Getting started with the Windows Phone Developer tools.
Windows Phone developer tools enable developers to Create games for windows phone 7 devices.
This hands on Labs provides tutorials on how the get started with the windows phone developer tools.
Day2 (19 Oct 2011, 10am-5pm)
10:00 a.m. – 10.15a.m.
Welcome Note.
10:15 a.m. – 1.00p.m.
Hands on Labs 1- Part2. – Game UI, 3D graphics, Audio, Inputs.
This Hands on Labs provide tutorials on creating Game User Interface, using 3D graphics, Audio and adding touch Inputs for Windows Phone 7 games.
2.00p.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Hands on Labs 2. –Building Your Own Mobile Game Title.
Creating your own mobile game title involve planning, storyboarding, designing, developing and testing. This Hands on Labs highlights the lifecycle of mobile game development involves in, when creating a simple mobile game with XNA.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
把握角色人物創作於雲端平台上賺錢的機會 Turn Brand Character to Make Money on Cloud Platform
日期 Date: 20 Oct 2011
時間 Time: 12:00-14:00
地點 Venue: 香港數碼港道100號數碼港3座(F區)5樓518室 Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese
費用 Fee: 全免 free-of-charge
活動程序 Rundown:
12:00 – 12:30 登記Registration, Light lunch and Networking
12:30 – 12:45 介紹數碼港企業發展中心之培育計劃及數碼港創意微型基金 Introduction to Cyberport Incubation Programme and Creative Micro Fund Scheme
12:45 – 12:55 介紹數碼港協作中心之中小企協作平台Introduction to Cyberport collaborative platform
12:55 – 13:35 把握角色人物創作於雲端平台上賺錢的機會Turn Brand Character to Make Money on Cloud Platform
講者包括 Speakers:
- 多萊寶授權(國際)有限公司董事李偉生先生
Mr Wilson Lee, Director of Bubble Mon Digital Media Company
- Mad Rabbit Ideas Limited 創辦人黃書漢先生
Mr. Richard Wong, CEO of Mad Rabbit Ideas Limited
13:35 – 13:45 參觀數碼港企業發展中心Site Visit to Centre Facilities and Rent-Free office
13:45 – 14:00 活動結束Networking and End of Event
有興趣參加的朋友,請連同你的公司名稱、姓名、電郵及手機號碼,於10月17日前電郵致training@cyberport.hk 主題請列明參加 "把握角色人物創作於雲端平台上賺錢的機會/Turn Brand Character to Make Money on Cloud Platform"活動
Please email your name, company name, tel and email address with subject “Turn Brand Character to Make Money on Cloud Platform” to training@cyberport.hk by 17 October 2011
About Speakers:
- 李偉生先生 Mr. Wilson Lee

李偉生先生是北京大學資訊管理文化創意博士生,擁雙碩士學位。早期工作於不同投資銀行;霸菱資產管理公司,渣打銀行,中國工商銀行(亞洲商業銀行)。於1999年成立多萊寶授權(國際)有限公司 www.bubblemon.com.cn 總部設立在香港,主要業務版權交易,併購,中外電影電視版權買賣,卡通動漫發行,音像發行,電視網路及手機視頻授權,衍生產品開發。
- Mr. Richard Wong 黃書漢先生

Richard畢業於多倫多國際設計學院,回港後於J.WALTERTHOMPSON從事廣告及網頁設計工作。Richard於TRIO INTERATIVE設計公司,為香港電訊、SONY、中國銀行、可口可樂及BANDAI等國際大企業公司設計嶄新而又豐富功能性的大型網站。Richard憑華麗又新穎的設計為電訊供應商ONE2FREE奪得”十大設計網站”和最佳機構網站大獎,在互動媒體界初露峰芒! Richard獲得由蜆殼石油-香港青年協會頒發之”創業奇兵”金獎及”最具創意企業大獎” 。証明了創意設計主導市場的概念。於2006年,Richard贏得由雜誌媒體頒發的”SUPER CREATIVE”的獎項令Richard的設計旅途上到達另一個高峰。Richard天馬行空的想像力和巨大的創作力在多年來不斷出現的全新角色人物加已充滿黑色幽默的個人風格更為人津津樂道。在眾多的原創角色人物中,以頑皮可愛的CIBOYS,諷刺幽默的SAM,多功能精品人形玩偶的ANIMODY,廣受大眾及國際知名品牌青睞。