Final intake of Cyberport Incubation Programme
“Pre-Incubation Programme Series –
Successful On-line Social Networking and Game Business”
Free Enrollment. Welcome to Join!
(Hong Kong, December 28, 2009) Cyberport IncuTrain Centre (“IncuTrain”) is now calling applications for the last intake of its onsite and offsite IncuTrain programme from companies specialized in the digital entertainment industry and creative lifestyle related areas. The application deadline is January 28, 2010 with the vetting process in February 2010. Don’t miss the last opportunity to join our incubation program and apply now!
To help the applicants to understand more and get prepared for the business proposal, another session of the “Pre-Incubation Programme Series – Successful On-line Social Networking and Game Business” will be organized by IncuTrain on January 11, 2010 for those who are interested in the Incubation programme.
“Pre-Incubation Programme Series – Successful On-line Social Networking and Game Business”
Date : January 11, 2010 (Monday)
Time : 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Venue : Cyberport IncuTrain Centre
Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
Charge : Free
Language : Cantonese
Rundown : An introduction to Cyberport Incubation Programme
Experience-sharing by incubatees in 3D social networking and on-
line game business
Q & A session and a tour to IncuTrain facilities
(Light lunch will be served)
To enroll, please email to stating your name, contact number and email address by January 6, 2010. For enquiry, please contact 3166 3907. Seats are limited and on a first come first serve basis.
For more information about Cyberport Incubation Programme or application form and brochure downloads, please visit
For enquiry, please contact
Karen Wong
Tel : 3166 3903
Email :
Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
~ 座談香港數碼娛樂企業進入國內市場面對的障礙,以及如何建立數碼娛樂產品進入內地市場的順暢通道及相應機制
~ 促進內地企業通過香港發展海外市場,互補資源,攜手拓展商機
~ 邀請政府有關機構、廣州以及香港數碼娛樂企業參與午餐會
~ 邀請廣州政府機構分享廣州數碼娛樂產業的發展平臺、優惠政策以及支持措施
~ 邀請香港有關企業及機構分享香港數碼娛樂產業市場現況
~ 參觀內地主要數碼娛樂企業、舉辦洽商會議,包括投資、收購、合作機會
時間:早上9時30分 至 下午 5時30分
** 受培育公司可享有75% 培訓支助,包括團費 (即受培育公司只須付HK$50)及香港往廣州交通
** 已畢業受培育公司也可享有50% 培訓支助,包括團費 (即受培育公司只須付HK$50)及香港往廣州交通
報名:請於2010年1月13日前連同參加公司名稱、參加者名稱、電郵及電話,電郵致 標題 “穗港數碼娛樂產業交流團”報名。
建議由香港出發的交通工具:香港九龍搭乘東鐵到羅湖口岸(約30元),然後過關轉乘廣深鐵路列車到廣州火車東站(70元),集合地點近大快活, 請參閱本頁註: 廣州火車東站地圖)
~ 香港無線發展中心
香港無線發展中心 (HKWDC)是由香港特別行政區政府的創新及科技基金撥款,香港無線科技商會統籌成立,用作推動香港無線科技開發及應用的重點項目。它肩負起使香港成為亞太區無線科技中心的使命,致力吸引世界各地的投資及人才。香港無線發展中心得到香港特區政府,其他半政府機構和無線科技業界公司的大力支持。
~ 香港數碼娛樂培育及培訓中心
~ 廣東動漫遊戲產業研究中心
~ 廣州從化動漫產業園
~ 座談香港數碼娛樂企業進入國內市場面對的障礙,以及如何建立數碼娛樂產品進入內地市場的順暢通道及相應機制
~ 促進內地企業通過香港發展海外市場,互補資源,攜手拓展商機
~ 邀請政府有關機構、廣州以及香港數碼娛樂企業參與午餐會
~ 邀請廣州政府機構分享廣州數碼娛樂產業的發展平臺、優惠政策以及支持措施
~ 邀請香港有關企業及機構分享香港數碼娛樂產業市場現況
~ 參觀內地主要數碼娛樂企業、舉辦洽商會議,包括投資、收購、合作機會
時間:早上9時30分 至 下午 5時30分
** 受培育公司可享有75% 培訓支助,包括團費 (即受培育公司只須付HK$50)及香港往廣州交通
** 已畢業受培育公司也可享有50% 培訓支助,包括團費 (即受培育公司只須付HK$50)及香港往廣州交通
報名:請於2010年1月13日前連同參加公司名稱、參加者名稱、電郵及電話,電郵致 標題 “穗港數碼娛樂產業交流團”報名。
建議由香港出發的交通工具:香港九龍搭乘東鐵到羅湖口岸(約30元),然後過關轉乘廣深鐵路列車到廣州火車東站(70元),集合地點近大快活, 請參閱本頁註: 廣州火車東站地圖)
時 間 | 擬 定 行 程 |
9:30 - 10:15 | 香港出發到廣州火車東站 |
10:15 - 11:00 | 前往午餐會地點—廣州迎賓館酒店 |
11:00 – 13:30 | 午餐會—『穗港數碼娛樂產業的發展以及市場商機』主要針對如何建立香港數碼娛樂企業產品進入內地市場的順暢通道及相應機制、如何促進穗港兩地數碼娛樂企業合作與發展進行探討。 |
13:30-14:00 | 驅車至廣東原創動力文化傳播有限公司 或其他公司 |
14:00-15:30 | 參觀廣東原創動力文化傳播有限公司 或其他公司 |
17:00-17:30 | 前往廣州火車東站,結束考察行程 |
~ 香港無線發展中心
香港無線發展中心 (HKWDC)是由香港特別行政區政府的創新及科技基金撥款,香港無線科技商會統籌成立,用作推動香港無線科技開發及應用的重點項目。它肩負起使香港成為亞太區無線科技中心的使命,致力吸引世界各地的投資及人才。香港無線發展中心得到香港特區政府,其他半政府機構和無線科技業界公司的大力支持。
~ 香港數碼娛樂培育及培訓中心
~ 廣東動漫遊戲產業研究中心
~ 廣州從化動漫產業園
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Optimal Usability Certification Workshops on Jan 28/29, 2010
Cyberport IncuTrain Centre is organizing two Optimal Usability Workshops in January 2010 targeting small and medium sized digital entertainment and creative lifestyle content companies. Please find workshop details as follow:
1/ Usability Issues Workshop
Date: January 28, 2010 (Thursday)
Time: 9:00-17:00
Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
** The workshop will be conducted in English
2/ User Testing Workshop
Date: January 29, 2010 (Friday)
Time: 9:00-17:00
Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
** The workshop will be conducted in English
** certificate of attendance will be issued by Optimal Usability and Cyberport IncuTrain Centre to the participants after the workshop.
Course Fee: HK$250 for each workshop
** Seats are limited, and on first-come-first-served basis
Application deadline: January 15, 2010 (Friday), 5pm.
To register: please fill in enrolment form in here and fax at 3166 3027 or email at with subject "Optimal Usability Workshops in Jan 2010" by January 15, 2010 (Friday), 5pm. Thanks.
About Common Usability Issues Workshop
Common Usability Issues is a practical introduction for people wanting to learn about how to improve the usability of software applications or websites. From high-level principles right through to detailed tips on specific interface elements, attendees will learn how to apply simple usability guidelines to their work and build usability into their designs from the start. Attendees also take away a set of valuable reference notes and checklists.
During the workshop participants will:
- To understand fundamental usability concepts and issues Learn why usability is important, and how it can be inexpensively included in projects.
- To learn about best-practice usability heuristics (including the latest research) Learn how to apply best practice usability and avoid basic mistakes, through the use of dozens of real-world examples.
About User Testing Workshop
This workshop is a practical introduction for people wanting to learn about how to improve the usability of software applications or websites. In a nutshell, user testing involves sitting down with real users, getting them to use a piece of technology, and figuring out what annoys or frustrates them. Using hands-on exercises and rich examples from New Zealand and overseas organisations that the presenter will cover:
an introduction to usability
- how to prepare relevant scenarios
- how to recruit participants
- how to facilitate and observe user tests
- how to analyse tests
- how to present results.
Each attendee will receive a copy of our User Testing Methodology report.
During the workshop participants will:
- Understand fundamental usability concepts and issues
- Learn how to design and plan user tests
- Learn how to facilitate and observe user tests
- Learn how to analyse and report the results of user testing
- Learn practical tips and tricks from the school of hard knocks
Who should attend?
Designers and developers of all kind of interactive technologies including websites, intranets, software applications, IVR systems, consumer electronics and mobile phones; usability specialists; business analysts responsible for screen designs; project managers wanting to know more about how user testing fits into the wider product development lifecycle; market researchers wanting to know how to incorporate observational
research into their projects; technical writers wanting to learn about the latest usability research; business analysts responsible for screen designs.
About the presenter - Dave O'Brien
Dave O'Brien is a senior consultant at Optimal Usability, New Zealand's leading usability consultancy company. Optimal Usability has completed over 1,600 user tests for clients such as Trademe, Westpac, Department of Conservation and Yahoo!
Dave’s ten years of user-centered design experience in San Diego taught him that the key to delivering a great product is up-front, unbiased user research - moving past preconceptions, folklore, and the competition to find out who the users really are and what they really need.
His past work, as a full-time UI designer for Qualcomm and a senior UI consultant for Intuit, includes both commercial products (B2B web apps and high-profile consumer desktop software) and internal tools (intranets, workflow automation, and knowledge management).
More recently, Dave designed a call-centre system for Air New Zealand, helped create the customer experience for a telco startup, guided the development of website personas for ACC, and created a new site-structure evaluation tool.
** Cyberport IncuTrain Centre reserves the right of to change the content of the event without prior notice.
1/ Usability Issues Workshop
Date: January 28, 2010 (Thursday)
Time: 9:00-17:00
Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
** The workshop will be conducted in English
2/ User Testing Workshop
Date: January 29, 2010 (Friday)
Time: 9:00-17:00
Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
** The workshop will be conducted in English
** certificate of attendance will be issued by Optimal Usability and Cyberport IncuTrain Centre to the participants after the workshop.
Course Fee: HK$250 for each workshop
** Seats are limited, and on first-come-first-served basis
Application deadline: January 15, 2010 (Friday), 5pm.
To register: please fill in enrolment form in here and fax at 3166 3027 or email at with subject "Optimal Usability Workshops in Jan 2010" by January 15, 2010 (Friday), 5pm. Thanks.
About Common Usability Issues Workshop
Common Usability Issues is a practical introduction for people wanting to learn about how to improve the usability of software applications or websites. From high-level principles right through to detailed tips on specific interface elements, attendees will learn how to apply simple usability guidelines to their work and build usability into their designs from the start. Attendees also take away a set of valuable reference notes and checklists.
During the workshop participants will:
- To understand fundamental usability concepts and issues Learn why usability is important, and how it can be inexpensively included in projects.
- To learn about best-practice usability heuristics (including the latest research) Learn how to apply best practice usability and avoid basic mistakes, through the use of dozens of real-world examples.
About User Testing Workshop
This workshop is a practical introduction for people wanting to learn about how to improve the usability of software applications or websites. In a nutshell, user testing involves sitting down with real users, getting them to use a piece of technology, and figuring out what annoys or frustrates them. Using hands-on exercises and rich examples from New Zealand and overseas organisations that the presenter will cover:
an introduction to usability
- how to prepare relevant scenarios
- how to recruit participants
- how to facilitate and observe user tests
- how to analyse tests
- how to present results.
Each attendee will receive a copy of our User Testing Methodology report.
During the workshop participants will:
- Understand fundamental usability concepts and issues
- Learn how to design and plan user tests
- Learn how to facilitate and observe user tests
- Learn how to analyse and report the results of user testing
- Learn practical tips and tricks from the school of hard knocks
Who should attend?
Designers and developers of all kind of interactive technologies including websites, intranets, software applications, IVR systems, consumer electronics and mobile phones; usability specialists; business analysts responsible for screen designs; project managers wanting to know more about how user testing fits into the wider product development lifecycle; market researchers wanting to know how to incorporate observational
research into their projects; technical writers wanting to learn about the latest usability research; business analysts responsible for screen designs.
About the presenter - Dave O'Brien
Dave O'Brien is a senior consultant at Optimal Usability, New Zealand's leading usability consultancy company. Optimal Usability has completed over 1,600 user tests for clients such as Trademe, Westpac, Department of Conservation and Yahoo!
Dave’s ten years of user-centered design experience in San Diego taught him that the key to delivering a great product is up-front, unbiased user research - moving past preconceptions, folklore, and the competition to find out who the users really are and what they really need.
His past work, as a full-time UI designer for Qualcomm and a senior UI consultant for Intuit, includes both commercial products (B2B web apps and high-profile consumer desktop software) and internal tools (intranets, workflow automation, and knowledge management).
More recently, Dave designed a call-centre system for Air New Zealand, helped create the customer experience for a telco startup, guided the development of website personas for ACC, and created a new site-structure evaluation tool.
** Cyberport IncuTrain Centre reserves the right of to change the content of the event without prior notice.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
BizSpark Tech Talk (hands-on lab training): Windows Azure Platform Hands-on Training
You are invited to participate a hands-on training on our latest Cloud Computing Development Platform – the Windows Azure Platform ( In addition to a hands-on development experience, participants will also be granted the access code (token) to the real Azure Platform to taste the deployment procedures.
Want your developers to start exploring Windows Azure? ACT NOW! (Seats are limited, first come first served. Deadline for registration – 5th Feb 2010)
Date & Time: TBC (Feb 2010) (9:00am – 5:30 pm)
Venue: Infocan Training Ltd.
8th Floor, Greenwich Centre, 260 King’s Road, Hong Kong
Speaker: Eddie Chua (Microsoft HK Ltd.)
Harry Ng (Infocan Training Ltd.)
Registration: Please send your nomination(s) to with subject "Feb 2010 Windows Azure Platform Hands-on Training" together with company name, participants' name, email and tel, maximum 2 seats per company.
- Introduction: What’s Windows Azure Platform
- Hands on lab (HOL) on Windows Azure
- HOL – Windows Azure Storage
- HOL – SQL Azure (Basic Management + Data Migration)
- HOL – App Fabric (Authentication
Note: Light breakfast plus Lunch are provided.
Want your developers to start exploring Windows Azure? ACT NOW! (Seats are limited, first come first served. Deadline for registration – 5th Feb 2010)
Date & Time: TBC (Feb 2010) (9:00am – 5:30 pm)
Venue: Infocan Training Ltd.
8th Floor, Greenwich Centre, 260 King’s Road, Hong Kong
Speaker: Eddie Chua (Microsoft HK Ltd.)
Harry Ng (Infocan Training Ltd.)
Registration: Please send your nomination(s) to with subject "Feb 2010 Windows Azure Platform Hands-on Training" together with company name, participants' name, email and tel, maximum 2 seats per company.
- Introduction: What’s Windows Azure Platform
- Hands on lab (HOL) on Windows Azure
- HOL – Windows Azure Storage
- HOL – SQL Azure (Basic Management + Data Migration)
- HOL – App Fabric (Authentication
Note: Light breakfast plus Lunch are provided.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Invitation to the Kick-off Ceremony of the PANORAMA – Asia Pacific Animation Challenge and Animation Camp 2009
Dear incubatees and alumni,
Autodesk, Hong Kong Maya User Group and Cyberport IncuTrain Centre would like to invite you to the “Kick-off Ceremony of the PANORAMA – Asia Pacific Animation Challenge and Animation Camp 2009” on:
Date : December 11, 2009 (Friday)
Time : 10:30 am (Guest Registration)
11:00 am (Ceremony Commences) – 12:00 nn
Venue : Function Room 1-3, Level 3, Cyberport 3 (Core E), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
** Light lunch will be provided
PANORAMA will see students from Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore submitting their original animation projects for a chance to represent their country in the finals of the contest – the Animation Challenge Bootcamp, which will be held at Hong Kong Cyberport during December 11 to 14, 2009.
Simultaneously, Animation Camp 2009 to be held on December 12 at Hong Kong Cyberport will be one of the largest digital media development events for Hong Kong creative industry for this year. Leaders of the animation world including Lucasfilm Animation Singapore and Imagi Studio are invited to deliver the training to the youth, the incubatees and the industry in Hong Kong.
We hope you will join us in this meaningful occasion. Inquiries may be directed to Maggie Kwok / Katherine Lam at 3166 3907/ 3166 3902.
If interest, please email the following reply slip to with subject "PANORAMA kick off ceremony– Asia Pacific Animation Challenge and Animation Camp 2009" by 4 December 2009
Yours Sincerely,
Cyberport IncuTrain Centre
Shuttle bus service will be available as follow:
>>From Admiralty to Cyberport:
Please gather at 10:15am, December 11, 2009 at the entrance of Cafe de Coral restaurant (facing Drake Street) at the ground floor of Admiralty Centre, Admiralty, Hong Kong.
>>From Cyberport to Admiralty:
Please gather at 1:15pm, December 11, 2009 at the lift lobby, ground floor of Core E, Cyberport 3
Autodesk, Hong Kong Maya User Group and Cyberport IncuTrain Centre would like to invite you to the “Kick-off Ceremony of the PANORAMA – Asia Pacific Animation Challenge and Animation Camp 2009” on:
Date : December 11, 2009 (Friday)
Time : 10:30 am (Guest Registration)
11:00 am (Ceremony Commences) – 12:00 nn
Venue : Function Room 1-3, Level 3, Cyberport 3 (Core E), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
** Light lunch will be provided
PANORAMA will see students from Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore submitting their original animation projects for a chance to represent their country in the finals of the contest – the Animation Challenge Bootcamp, which will be held at Hong Kong Cyberport during December 11 to 14, 2009.
Simultaneously, Animation Camp 2009 to be held on December 12 at Hong Kong Cyberport will be one of the largest digital media development events for Hong Kong creative industry for this year. Leaders of the animation world including Lucasfilm Animation Singapore and Imagi Studio are invited to deliver the training to the youth, the incubatees and the industry in Hong Kong.
We hope you will join us in this meaningful occasion. Inquiries may be directed to Maggie Kwok / Katherine Lam at 3166 3907/ 3166 3902.
If interest, please email the following reply slip to with subject "PANORAMA kick off ceremony– Asia Pacific Animation Challenge and Animation Camp 2009" by 4 December 2009
Yours Sincerely,
Cyberport IncuTrain Centre
Reply Slip
(* Please choose one of the following )
* Yes – I shall attend the ceremony /
* Yes – I shall attend the ceremony /
Sorry – I cannot attend the ceremony and would like to nominate others as my representative.
Do you want to reserve a seat for free shuttle bus service (Admiralty <-> Cyberport) ?
Shuttle bus service will be available as follow:
>>From Admiralty to Cyberport:
Please gather at 10:15am, December 11, 2009 at the entrance of Cafe de Coral restaurant (facing Drake Street) at the ground floor of Admiralty Centre, Admiralty, Hong Kong.
>>From Cyberport to Admiralty:
Please gather at 1:15pm, December 11, 2009 at the lift lobby, ground floor of Core E, Cyberport 3
Intellectual Property Department is organizing a "粵港創意產業企業交流活動" from December 8-9 at Guangzhou, China. It will be a 2-days' visit to 國家網遊動漫產業發展基地(天河軟體園)( ) and 越秀園區(黃花崗科技園)( We believe that there would be fruitful exchanges between the Hong Kong delegation , GD officials and the representatives of the enterprises.
Participants are expected to absorb their transportation and accommodation costs as well as other expenses arising from the trip.
For incubatees and alumni, you are entitled to have training reimbursement (incubatees could enjoy 75% training expense reimbursement ; alumni could 50% training reimbursement) on hotel accommodation, transportation cost between Hong Kong and Guangzhou, and any conference / training registration fee of this event within the period December 7 - 10, 2009.
Note: no need to have 2 quotations for the following expense items:
- hotel accommodation at 廣州雲山大酒店 during DEC 7 - 10 (HK$400 each night including breakfast)
- Transportation by direct train from HK to Guangzhou
If you are interested, please send attendees' name, company name, title, tel and email to with subject "粵港創意產業企業交流活動" by 12:00nn, December 2 , 2009.
Please find the details for the event as follow:
時間: 2009年12月8日-9日
地點: 廣州市
考察交流地點: 國家網遊動漫產業發展基地(天河軟體園)、越秀園區(黃花崗科技園)2個園區。
Participants are expected to absorb their transportation and accommodation costs as well as other expenses arising from the trip.
For incubatees and alumni, you are entitled to have training reimbursement (incubatees could enjoy 75% training expense reimbursement ; alumni could 50% training reimbursement) on hotel accommodation, transportation cost between Hong Kong and Guangzhou, and any conference / training registration fee of this event within the period December 7 - 10, 2009.
Note: no need to have 2 quotations for the following expense items:
- hotel accommodation at 廣州雲山大酒店 during DEC 7 - 10 (HK$400 each night including breakfast)
- Transportation by direct train from HK to Guangzhou
If you are interested, please send attendees' name, company name, title, tel and email to with subject "粵港創意產業企業交流活動" by 12:00nn, December 2 , 2009.
Please find the details for the event as follow:
時間: 2009年12月8日-9日
地點: 廣州市
考察交流地點: 國家網遊動漫產業發展基地(天河軟體園)、越秀園區(黃花崗科技園)2個園區。
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