Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Event details update on Cyberport Website
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Hong Kong ICT Promotion Scheme in China - Information Session (香港ICT 產品營銷中國計劃簡介)
With a vision to establish itself as a leading information and communications technology (ICT) hub in the Asia-Pacific region, Cyberport is committed to facilitating the local economy by nurturing ICT industry start-ups and entrepreneurs, driving collaboration to pool resources and create business opportunities, and promoting a digitally inclusive society through strategic initiatives and partnerships.
Cyberport signed the MOU with the Knowledge Innovation Community (KIC) in Shanghai and has established a representative office at KIC, Yangpu District. “Hong Kong ICT Promotion Scheme in China” newly launched by Cyberport Collaboration Centre is an effective platform specially designed for Hong Kong ICT SMEs to tap into the Mainland China market.
An information session hosted on 25 October will deliver this new pathway for business success in China and you are cordially invited to join us.
Date: 25 October 2011 (Tuesday)
Time: 2:00-3:30p.m.
Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport Incutrain Centre,
Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, HK
Language: English and Mandarin
- Simplest Way to Largest Market - Hong Kong ICT Promotion Scheme in China
Ms. Alice So, Business Development Manager, Collaboration Centre, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co Ltd.
- Introduction of Shanghai Knowledge Innovation Community (KIC) (上海創智天地)
Ms. Wang Zhi Ling, Manager, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Shanghai Tuspark (KIC) Management Co Ltd.
- Set up Business in China (Tax & Finance Implications)
Ms. Tammy S W Lim, FCPA, Partner, CWCC
- Successful Soft-landing Case Sharing in Shanghai
Mr. Andy Chung, CEO, XNT Limited
For registration, please click:
Enrollment deadline: 24 Oct 2011 (Monday).
For any further query, please feel free to contact Ms. Alice So at tel. no. 3166-3830 or via email aliceso@cyberport.hk.
Please find transportation info as below:
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
SVBSsm Silicon Valley Business School Seminars
Cyberport cordially invites you to two unique seminars in November – Assembling the Nuts and Bolts of Entrepreneurship, Silicon Valley-Style and Patents & Technology Commercialization.
The first seminar will help you understand how to form and structure a high-tech startup, raise funds from investors, build a global business and cash out. While the other will cover the basics of patent protection in the United States, explores the latest trends in patent trading and alternative methods of gaining patent protection as well as practical ‘how-to’ guidance on technology transfers, patent licensing, sales and acquisitions.
If you register through Cyberport as the Hong Kong Partner, the discounted price is US$195. What’s more, you’ll get reimbursement (75% for incubatees and 50% for alumni) if you enroll now!
For more information, agendas and registration visit: http://www.svbs.co/hongkong
For enquiries, please contact Pamela Lau at 3166 3757 or email to conference@cyberport.hk.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Windows Phone 7 XNA Training
We would like to invite you to attend the Windows Phone 7 XNA Training coming on 18-19 Oct 2011 (Tue-Wed). Please kindly find below the training details and registration method.
Duration: 2 days
Date & Time: 18-19 Oct 2011 (Tue-Wed), 10.00AM-12.30PM, 2.00PM-5.00PM
Venue: Fevaworks IT Education Centre, 4/F, Tung Wah Mansion, 199 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Registration Method:
Please send email to training@cyberport.hk with subject “Windows 7 Phone XNA” to register by 13 Oct 2011 , with providing the following details:
- Participant’s Name
- Company name
- Email
- Phone No.
Fee: Free-of-charge
Windows Phone 7 XNA Training
– Making Game for WP7: Jump Start
Trainer: Mr. Uditha Sandara
Uditha Bandara is specialist in Microsoft XNA Game development for Windows Phone, Xbox 360, PC, and Zune. He is the South East Asia`s First XNA/DirectX MVP (Most Valuable Professional). He had delivered sessions at various events and conferences in Singapore, Sri Lanka and India. He has published several articles, tutorials, and game demos on his XNA Game Development Blog – http://uditha.wordpress.com/
Course Agenda:
Day 1 (18 Oct 2011, 10am-5pm)
10:00 a.m. – 10.15a.m.
Welcome Note.
10:15 a.m. – 1.00p.m.
Windows Phone 7 Game Development.
Microsoft XNA Game Studio provides rich tool set to create games for Windows Phone 7 devices.
This session outlines how to use XNA API for develop 2d and 3d games.
2.00p.m. – 3.00 p.m.
Casual Games and XNA.
Casual Game developers can use XNA to develop games and sell it on Windows Marketplace for Mobile and XBOX Live marketplace.
This session outlines the life cycle of casual games and how you can use XNA to make money from your Game.
3.00p.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Hands on Labs 1- Part1. –Getting started with the Windows Phone Developer tools.
Windows Phone developer tools enable developers to Create games for windows phone 7 devices.
This hands on Labs provides tutorials on how the get started with the windows phone developer tools.
Day2 (19 Oct 2011, 10am-5pm)
10:00 a.m. – 10.15a.m.
Welcome Note.
10:15 a.m. – 1.00p.m.
Hands on Labs 1- Part2. – Game UI, 3D graphics, Audio, Inputs.
This Hands on Labs provide tutorials on creating Game User Interface, using 3D graphics, Audio and adding touch Inputs for Windows Phone 7 games.
2.00p.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Hands on Labs 2. –Building Your Own Mobile Game Title.
Creating your own mobile game title involve planning, storyboarding, designing, developing and testing. This Hands on Labs highlights the lifecycle of mobile game development involves in, when creating a simple mobile game with XNA.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
把握角色人物創作於雲端平台上賺錢的機會 Turn Brand Character to Make Money on Cloud Platform
日期 Date: 20 Oct 2011
時間 Time: 12:00-14:00
地點 Venue: 香港數碼港道100號數碼港3座(F區)5樓518室 Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese
費用 Fee: 全免 free-of-charge
活動程序 Rundown:
12:00 – 12:30 登記Registration, Light lunch and Networking
12:30 – 12:45 介紹數碼港企業發展中心之培育計劃及數碼港創意微型基金 Introduction to Cyberport Incubation Programme and Creative Micro Fund Scheme
12:45 – 12:55 介紹數碼港協作中心之中小企協作平台Introduction to Cyberport collaborative platform
12:55 – 13:35 把握角色人物創作於雲端平台上賺錢的機會Turn Brand Character to Make Money on Cloud Platform
講者包括 Speakers:
- 多萊寶授權(國際)有限公司董事李偉生先生
Mr Wilson Lee, Director of Bubble Mon Digital Media Company
- Mad Rabbit Ideas Limited 創辦人黃書漢先生
Mr. Richard Wong, CEO of Mad Rabbit Ideas Limited
13:35 – 13:45 參觀數碼港企業發展中心Site Visit to Centre Facilities and Rent-Free office
13:45 – 14:00 活動結束Networking and End of Event
有興趣參加的朋友,請連同你的公司名稱、姓名、電郵及手機號碼,於10月17日前電郵致training@cyberport.hk 主題請列明參加 "把握角色人物創作於雲端平台上賺錢的機會/Turn Brand Character to Make Money on Cloud Platform"活動
Please email your name, company name, tel and email address with subject “Turn Brand Character to Make Money on Cloud Platform” to training@cyberport.hk by 17 October 2011
About Speakers:
- 李偉生先生 Mr. Wilson Lee

李偉生先生是北京大學資訊管理文化創意博士生,擁雙碩士學位。早期工作於不同投資銀行;霸菱資產管理公司,渣打銀行,中國工商銀行(亞洲商業銀行)。於1999年成立多萊寶授權(國際)有限公司 www.bubblemon.com.cn 總部設立在香港,主要業務版權交易,併購,中外電影電視版權買賣,卡通動漫發行,音像發行,電視網路及手機視頻授權,衍生產品開發。
- Mr. Richard Wong 黃書漢先生

Richard畢業於多倫多國際設計學院,回港後於J.WALTERTHOMPSON從事廣告及網頁設計工作。Richard於TRIO INTERATIVE設計公司,為香港電訊、SONY、中國銀行、可口可樂及BANDAI等國際大企業公司設計嶄新而又豐富功能性的大型網站。Richard憑華麗又新穎的設計為電訊供應商ONE2FREE奪得”十大設計網站”和最佳機構網站大獎,在互動媒體界初露峰芒! Richard獲得由蜆殼石油-香港青年協會頒發之”創業奇兵”金獎及”最具創意企業大獎” 。証明了創意設計主導市場的概念。於2006年,Richard贏得由雜誌媒體頒發的”SUPER CREATIVE”的獎項令Richard的設計旅途上到達另一個高峰。Richard天馬行空的想像力和巨大的創作力在多年來不斷出現的全新角色人物加已充滿黑色幽默的個人風格更為人津津樂道。在眾多的原創角色人物中,以頑皮可愛的CIBOYS,諷刺幽默的SAM,多功能精品人形玩偶的ANIMODY,廣受大眾及國際知名品牌青睞。
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Mind to Market Boot Camp
Angel investors and venture capitalists are often looked at as being one and the same, however this is definitely not the case. With Angels providing 90% of capital for seed and early stage investment, they form a very crucial support element to the life of most start-ups.
If you are looking for early stage capital, you must know what an Angel is looking for, and how to get your new venture ready to attract them. If you are the CEO or founder of an early stage company, this Programme will provide you with a strong understanding of the requirements that need to be met, to be ready to attract and utilize private capital for development and growth, i.e. to know what is required to become ‘investment ready’ for an angel investor.
Incubatee companies that graduate from the Programme will be invited to join Angels Den SpeedFunding events in order to pitch to seasoned angel investors seeking opportunities for investment into hi-growth ventures.
At the end of the Programme, a pitching competition will be held,with the top two companies receiving free entry to pitch to,and meet with, angel investors at Angels Den SpeedFunding events. |
Programme Outcome
Companies graduating from the Angels Den Investment Ready Programme will be invited to join Angels Den SpeedFunding events, to meet and pitch to, angel investors, to raise early stage capital for their ventures.
The learning & development outcomes of the Programme will ensure that the entrepreneurs will:
- Understand the different sources of capital available for early stage ventures and the requirements and risk profile of each source.
- Understand how to identify the value of their product or service to their market.
- Understand how to develop a sound ‘path to market’ strategy and exploit their USP.
- Develop a strong business model and business plan that is suitable for investment.
- Understand how to develop and deliver a strong elevator pitch.
- Understand how to move from the pitch to the deal.
After the completion of the programme, certificates will be issued by the organiser to the successful participated companies.
Event Details
The Programme consists of a five-day training programme, delivered over a six-week period, consisting of full-day sessions on weekends and seminars during the week. Each participating company is expected to ensure at least one founder and two senior staff commits to, and attends, the entire Programme. Please refer to enrollment form for training dates.
Course Fee
Incubatee (with 75% training reimbursement) just pays HK$4,950
Alumnus (with 50% training reimbursement) just pays HK$9,900
Regular price: HK$19,800
Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), Cyberport
Please fill in enrollment form and email to training@cyberport.hk by 10 October 2011.
Please click here to download the enrollment form.
Mr. Raiyo Nariman, Regional Manager, Angels Den Hong Kong and Macau
Over the years, Raiyo has been involved in ventures and business from all sectors; spinning-out a small team to create a regional shared services business; creating start-ups based on ‘bleeding edge’ technology; assisting tertiary and research institutions to commercialize their research and intellectual property; mentoring start-up CEOs and founders to get their companies ‘investment ready’ and raise capital; assisting SMEs to access capital for growth and support for international market entry.
Raiyo often takes a hands-on role as ‘professional’ start-up CEO, focusing on accessing capital, establishing the team, developing the right culture to drive the commercialisation strategy and working to ensure effective stakeholder management, especially in the ‘dark’ times.
He’s had the opportunity to work all sides of the start-up game, and has therefore learnt more than his share of lessons, which allows him to provide entrepreneurs seeking capital and support for growth and development with a 360o perspective.
About Angels Den
Angels Den exists to help entrepreneurs and SME owners get the investment they need to take their businesses into high growth. The focus is on identifying hi-growth opportunities and ventures that are investment ready and to facilitate & support introductions to active investors seeking to invest both financial and human capital.
Angels Den is the only Angel investor network to provide free Business Funding Clinics and one to one pitching at SpeedFunding, allowing entrepreneurs and SME owners: access to a network of over 4000 Angel investors in the UK, Europe and Asia; access to Family Office investors willing to invest upwards of USD3m per business; an opportunity to pitch at Private Viewings; Regional Managers dedicated to supporting and providing guidance throughout the process.
Friday, September 16, 2011
CyberRun 2011

It’s CyberRun again! The 8th CyberRun 2011 will be held on 6 November 2011 (Sunday).
The event is jointly organized by Hong Kong Society of Rehabilitation and Cyberport Tenants Club. It’s an annual charity run to promote healthy living by running or walking while raising funds for the betterment of people with disability in mainland China. With slogan “Happy Living Healthy Thinking” this year, CyberRun promotes a healthy lifestyle by encouraging stress relief through exercise. This is very suitable for office working crowd, like us.
The event will be split into several categories: a 5km run, a 4km walk and a 1.5km accessible walk (for handicapped people mainly). We look forward to forming a Corporate Team and an Incubatee Team for CyberRun 2011. Both enrolment costs will be covered by the Company.
Event details:
5 km Run:
Time: 9:00am
Venue: Cyberport à Sandy Bay à The Arcade, Cyber port (5km)
Enrollment: Please fill in the entry form and send to Terry Yeung of Marketing
Payment: Sponsored by Cyberport Management Company
4km Walk:
Time: 9:00am
Venue: Cyberport à Sandy Bay à Baguio Villa à Bel Air à Cyber port ( 4km)
Enrollment: Please fill in the entry form and send to Terry Yeung of Marketing
Payment: Sponsored by Cyberport Management Company
Colleagues who are interested in joining the corporate team, please fill in the entry form here and send to Terry Yeung of marketing by 20 Oct.
For registration details and further enquiries, please visit http://www.cyberrun.hk/ or call 3166 3867 (Terry Yeung) for details.
Let’s action – good for you and the needy!
Note: The 4km Walk is very leisure and pretty walk with your family members and friends. It is suitable for all ages. You may join as an individual with your loved ones.
Skillz: The DJ Game Launch Date and Hands-on Video Footage Released

Skillz: The DJ Game Launch Date and Hands-on Video Footage Released
Touch-based Music and Rhythm DJ Game Coming to the iPad September 8
HONG KONG – 8 September 2011 – Playpen Studios today announced that Skillz: The DJ Game will be hitting the iPad on Thursday, Sept. 8, 2011. Those who can’t wait to see Skillz in action are in luck, as Playpen today released a series of over-the-shoulder, hands-on video footage of the game being played. The newly released videos demonstrate Skillz’s fast-paced gameplay as players uses the iPad’s touchscreen to mix and scratch several tracks from the game’s award-winning soundtrack, including a fresh remix of the popular track “Day ‘N’ Nite” by Kid Cudi Vs. Crookers. Check out the hands-on footage at http://www.skillzdjgame.com/.
Skillz’s key features include:
- Step Into A World of DJing: Single player music game for all ages that simulates the world of a superstar DJ and allows players to mix and scratch songs using a tablet’s touchscreen interface.
- The Freshest Music: Play 25 of the hottest dance tracks from world-renowned artists including Diplo, People Under The Stairs, Crookers, Fedde Le Grand and more.
- Exhilarating Gameplay: Tap the screen to trigger samples, swipe the crossfader, and scratch the virtual vinyl to remix songs as you play.
- Build Your Rep: Unlock new levels and earn achievements as you play through various difficulty settings and grow your fan base.
- Rule the Crowd: Compete on a global leaderboard against friends and foes, and unlock achievements with OpenFeint integration.
- Expansive Music Library: Post-release support with new track packs to become available on an ongoing basis.
For more information about Skillz:
- Visit the website: http://www.skillzthedjgame.com/
- Watch on Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/skillzdjgame
- Follow on Twitter: www.twitter.com/skillzthedjgame
- Like on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Skillz-The-DJ-Game
About Playpen Studios
Playpen Studios is a Hong Kong-based independent video game developer founded by Joe Gilbertson and James Wong in 2005. After winning a game design competition hosted by Microsoft, and successfully became one of the incubate companies at Cyberport IncuTrain Programme in 2005, the duo went on to become certified developers for the Xbox platform and performed a multitude of project-based services for Chinese developers and publishers. Their first original project came in 2007, when Playpen revealed Skillz: The DJ Game for PC, which went on to win the “Excellence in Audio” award at the Independent Games Festival China in 2010. Since then, Playpen formally announced the 2011 release of Skillz on the iPad and Android tablets, followed by the PC release. To learn more about Playpen Studios, visit http://www.skillzdjgame.com/.
Media Contact:
John O’Leary, Account Executive, TriplePoint
+1 (310) 587-9200
How to Pitch to Angel Investors Boot Camp
Deadline for registration: 30 September, 2011
Getting Investment Ready: How to Pitch to Angel Investors Boot Camp
Angel investors and venture capitalists are often looked at as being one and the same, however this is definitely not the case.
With early stage investments being very high risk, Angels are often looking for something more than just a straight out financial return, such as a desire to be involved, to play in an exciting arena, to ‘give back’, or to support entrepreneurs. With Angels providing 90% of capital for seed and early stage investment, they form a very crucial support element to the life of most start-ups.
If you are looking for early stage capital, you must know what an Angel is looking for, and how to approach them. If you are the CEO or founder of an early stage company, this Programme will provide you with a strong understanding of the requirements that need to be met, to be ready to attract and utilize private capital for development and growth, i.e. to know what is required to become ‘investment ready’.
Incubatee companies that graduate from the Programme will be invited to join Angels Den SpeedFunding events in order to pitch to seasoned angel investors seeking opportunities for investment into hi-growth ventures.
Programme Outcome
Companies graduating from the Angels Den Investment Ready Programme will be invited to join Angels Den SpeedFunding events, to meet and pitch to, angel investors, to raise early stage capital for their ventures.
The learning & development outcomes of the Programme will ensure that the entrepreneurs will:
- Understand the ‘capital raising process’ – capital raising is often an approach to follow, ensuring key steps are understood and completed, to increase the chances of success.
- Understand the different sources of capital available for early stage ventures and the requirements and risk profile of each source.
- Understand how to identify the value of their product or service to their market.
- Understand how to develop a sound business model and ‘path to market’ strategy.
- Develop a strong business model and business plan that is suitable for investment.
- Understand how to develop and deliver a strong elevator pitch.
- Understand how to move from the pitch to the deal.
Event Details
The Programme consists of a four-day training programme, delivered over a couple of months, consisting of full-day sessions on weekends and seminars during the week. Each participating company is expected to ensure at least one founder and two senior staff commit to, and attend, the entire Programme. Please refer to enrollment form for training dates.
Course Fee
HK$19,800 for each IncuTrain Company
Incubatee (with 75% training reimbursement) just pays HK$4,950
Alumnus (with 50% training reimbursement) just pays HK$9,900
Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), Cyberport
Please fill in enrollment form and email to training@cyberport.hk by 30 September 2011.
Please click here to download the enrollment form.
Mr. Raiyo Nariman, Regional Manager Den Hong Kong and Macau
Over the years, Raiyo has been involved in ventures and business from all sectors; spinning-out a small team to create a regional shared services business; creating start-ups based on ‘bleeding edge’ technology; assisting tertiary and research institutions to commercialize their research and intellectual property; mentoring start-up CEOs and founders to get their companies ‘investment ready’ and raise capital; assisting SMEs to access capital for growth and support for international market entry.
Raiyo often takes a hands-on role as professional start-up CEO, focusing on accessing capital, establishing the team, developing the right culture to drive the commercialisation strategy and working to ensure effective stakeholder management, especially in the ‘dark’ times.
He’s had the opportunity to work all sides of the start-up game, and has therefore learnt more than his share of lessons, which allows him to provide entrepreneurs seeking capital and support for growth and development with a 360o perspective.
About Angels Den
Angels Den exists to help entrepreneurs and SME owners get the investment they need to take their businesses into high growth. The focus is on identifying hi-growth opportunities and ventures that are investment ready and to facilitate & support introductions to active investors seeking to invest both financial and human capital.
Angels Den is the only Angel investor network to provide free Business Funding Clinics and one to one pitching at SpeedFunding, allowing entrepreneurs and SME owners: access to a network of over 4000 Angel investors in the UK, Europe and Asia; access to Family Office investors willing to invest upwards of USD3m per business; an opportunity to pitch at Private Viewings; Regional Managers dedicated to supporting and providing guidance throughout the process.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Looking for Angel? Top Tips to Know when Looking to Pitch to Angel Investors
Venture capital firms are professionally run & managed investment firms that invest other people's cash, and therefore have a very different approach to investment – their focus is almost exclusively the return on investment they hope to achieve. Most start-ups raising early stage capital will find it almost impossible to raise capital from VCs, as they tend to focus on growing companies.
Angel investors are often wealthy individuals looking to invest their own cash in early stage companies – i.e. pre-seed, start-up or very early stage growth. With early stage investments being very high risk, Angels are often looking for something more than just a straight out financial return, such as a desire to be involved, to play in an exciting arena, to 'give back', or to support entrepreneurs.
With Angels providing 90% of capital for seed and early stage investment, they form a very crucial support element to the life of most start-ups.
If you are looking for early stage capital, you must know what an Angel is looking for, and how to approach them. If you are the CEO or founder of an early stage company, this seminar will give you a good understanding of Angel investors – who they are, what they are looking for, how they work and how to find them.
Event Details
Date : | 2 September 2011 |
Time : | 12:30- 16:30 |
Venue : | Solution Lab, Cyberport Entrepreneurship Centre, Unit 518, Cyberport 3 (Core F), |
100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport |
Fee: | Free-of-charge |
Language: | English |
12:30 – 13:30 |
Registration, Light lunch and Business Networking |
13:30 – 14:15 |
Introduction to Cyberport Incubation Programme and Creative Micro Fund Scheme |
by Mr. Sunny Tsang, Centre Manager of Cyberport Entrepreneurship Centre |
14:15 – 16:15 |
10 Tips for Pitching Angel Investors by Raiyo Nariman, Angels Den Hong Kong and Macau |
16:15 – 16:30 |
Site Visit to Centre Facilities and Rent-Free office |
16:30 |
End of Event |
Please email your name, company name, tel and email address with subject “ 10 Tips for Pitching Angel Investors Briefing Seminar” to training@cyberport.hk by 1 September 2011
Mr. Raiyo Nariman, Regional Manager Angels Den Hong Kong and Macau
Over the years, Raiyo has been involved in ventures and business from all sectors; spinning-out a small team to create a regional shared services business; creating start-ups based on 'bleeding edge' technology; assisting tertiary and research institutions to commercialize their research and intellectual property; mentoring start-up CEOs and founders to get their companies 'investment ready' and raise capital; assisting SMEs to access capital for growth and support for international market entry. Raiyo often takes a hands-on role as professional start-up CEO, focusing on accessing capital, establishing the team, developing the right culture to drive the commercialisation strategy and working to ensure effective stakeholder management, especially in the 'dark' times. He's had the opportunity to work all sides of the start-up game, and has therefore learnt more than his share of lessons, which allows him to provide entrepreneurs seeking capital and support for growth and development with a 360o perspective. |
About Angels Den
Angels Den exists to help entrepreneurs and SME owners get the investment they need to take their businesses into high growth. The focus is on identifying hi-growth opportunities and ventures that are investment ready and to facilitate & support introductions to active investors seeking to invest both financial and human capital.
Angels Den is the only Angel investor network to provide free Business Funding Clinics and one to one pitching at SpeedFunding, allowing entrepreneurs and SME owners: access to a network of over 4000 Angel investors in the UK, Europe and Asia; access to Family Office investors willing to invest upwards of USD3m per business; an opportunity to pitch at Private Viewings; Regional Managers dedicated to supporting and providing guidance throughout the process.
About Cyberport Entrepreneurship Centre
Cyberport Entrepreneurship Centre provides incubation programme exclusively tailored for the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry such as digital entertainment, Emerging Internet and Web 3.0 applications. Cyberport Entrepreneurship Centre aims to incubate small-to- medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the ICT industry, particularly the start-ups, by offering professional services, financial aid and support of all kinds for their commercialization success. Cyberport Entrepreneurship Centre also plays an important role in assisting incubatees in enterprise management, the building and promotion of entrepreneurship, and the development of creative talents for the industry.
Cyberport Entrepreneurship Centre runs the Cyberport Incubation Programme and the Cyberport Creative Micro Fund (CCMF) Scheme, invests in more high-growth local start-ups or SMEs and scales up CCMF Scheme to spark creativity and innovation in ICT industries.
Throughout the years, the incubatees and alumni of Cyberport Entrepreneurship Centre have won many international and local awards, including TBS Digicon6 Awards in Tokyo, Red Herring Asia 100 Innovative Startup Award in Shanghai, Stockholm Challenge, Banff World Television Awards, Mercury Excellence Awards in New York, Asia Pacific ICT Awards and Hong Kong ICT Awards.
For more information about Cyberport Entrepreneurship Centre, please visit the following weblink: http://www.cyberport.hk/campaign/incutrain/Cyberport_Entrepreneurship_Centre_Brochure.pdf
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Next-Gen Game Level Building…. Apply NOW, while seats are available!
Next-Gen Game Level Building
This module continues to expand students' understanding of game requirements with a focus on constructing a playable level in Unreal Engine. Students build, texture, light, add effects, cameras, and interactive objects for a level. Successful completion of this course provides students with the necessary knowledge to develop content for game environments.
Course Outline:
● Advanced UDK Static Meshes
● UDK Terrain
● Level Environment Lighting and Optimization
● Special Effect and Particle Creation
● Matinee Animation
● Basic Kismet
教學階段3 (第九週至第十五週) : 次世代遊戲關卡建設
入學要求:對遊戲引擎有基本概念,有 Maya、3DS MAX、Photoshop 的基本知識和技能更佳
● UDK 高級靜態網格
● UDK 地形系統
● 關卡環境,照明和優化
● 特效和粒子創建
Event Details:
Date: | 27 Aug – 26 Oct 2011 |
Time: | Lectures on Saturdays (9:30am - 12:30pm and 1:30pm - 4:30pm) |
| Tutorials on Mondays and Wednesdays (7:00pm – 10:00pm) |
Venue: | HKU SPACE Fortress Tower Learning Centre |
| Room 1403, 14/F Fortress Tower, 250 King's Road, North Point, Hong Kong |
| (Exit B, Fortress Hill MTR Station) |
| |
Language: | Putonghua(with English notes) |
To enroll, please click here to download the enrollment form and send back to training@cyberport.hk by 22 Aug 2011.
For details , please visit official website at http://unreal.cyberport.hk
Startups Connect: 2011 & Beyond The Future of Games and Digital Entertainment
Date : | August 26, 2011 (Friday) |
Time : |
12:00-14:00 |
Venue : |
Solution Lab, Cyberport Entrepreneurship Centre, Unit 518, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport |
12:00-12:30: | Registration, simple lunch and business networking |
12:30-13:00: |
Session One "2011 & Beyond The Future of Games and Digital Entertainment" by Mr. Stephen Leung, Founder of Linksolution |
13:00-13:30: | Session Two " Working with App developer worldwide" by Mr. Terence Leung, Business Development for OutBlaze |
13:30-13:50: |
Intro of CCMF and Incubation Programme |
13:50-14:00: |
Cyberport Entrepreneurship Centre visit and QA , e.g. onsite incubatee office and Centre facilities |
14:00: |
End of Event |
To register
To register, please email your company name, participant's name, tel and email to training@cyberport.hk.
About the Speakers
Mr. Stephen Leung
Stephen co founded Linksolutions and served as the founder and Creative Director of the company since 2005. Stephen's main roles included strategic business planning, international business, product planning and development. During the years, Linksolutions has published more than 15 game titles across different platform in US, Japan and Europe with major partners including Oberon Media, DeNA and WildTangent. Prior to starting Linksolutions, Stephen held the position of Senior Program Analyst at The Economist Group. Stephen currently holds a MSc degree in digital entertainment and a B.A in Psychology from University of British Columbia, Canada.
Topic: Working with App developer worldwide
Mr. Terence Leung
Terrence have joined Outblaze (www.outblaze.com) since 2008, he have been responsible for business development and account management on various areas. Currently, he is working actively on mobile game/app publishing and partnership with various developers around the world. On the other hand he is working on distribution of apps in global markets. Before Outblaze, he has a very long and strong experience on telecom industry and WiFi service. He was educated in McGill University Canada (B.Eng) and CUHK (MBA).
Monday, August 1, 2011
Smart Event 2011

In its 12th edition, Smart Event will bring together an exceptional panel of security experts in embedded devices, mobile applications and electronic identity. Over 150 world-class researchers, innovators and developers will share with you the latest R&D and innovation advances, the new usages and emerging trends and the lessons from recent rollouts. Have a look at their organizations below! Hottest- 2011 topics include NFC & Security, Online Privacy, Smartphone Security, m-Payment, M2M, Corporate Mobility, Java Card, World e-ID projects, Biometrics, new ID documents... and many more among 27 thematic sessions!
For online registration, please click here.
TOGAF® 9 for Practitioners (Level 1 & 2)- Hong Kong: Tue 23rd August - Fri 26th August 2011
This four-day, instructor-led Training Product introduces all of the topics you will need to cover in order to use the latest version of TOGAF in your organization and to prepare to take The Open Groups examination(s) leading to TOGAF 9 Certification.
To be confirmed.
· a 10% discount is available to members of the Open Group (list here).
· a 20% discount is available to delegates who work for an organisation that is part of local or national government, or a registered charity.
· a five for the price of four discount is available for groups from the same company.
These discounts are mutually exclusive and cannot be combined.
Daily start and end times
Start: 09:00
End: 17:30
Course materials will include an Architecting the Enterprise TOGAF pocket guide, a CD-ROM containing the course documentation and reference material.
To view the full course description, please click here.
To download the booking form, please click here.
Enter The First Hong Kong Stereoscopic 3D Competition Now!
Full details of competition, please visit s3d.cyberport.hk
Monday, July 18, 2011
第十三屆DigiCon6大賞 -- 作品募集中!
請按此下載參賽須知 (只有英文版本).
請按此下載報名表格 (只有英文版本).
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Creative Technologies Workshop 8-19 August 2011 at Cyberport-To Get Cyberport IncuTrain Centre Sponsored Air Ticket to New Zealand for Further Study

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre and Wellington Institute of Technology (WelTec) will jointly provide the Hong Kong's first Creative Technologies Workshop at Cyberport during the period 8-19 August 2011 with the support from Hong Kong Design Center and Innocentre. Mr. Gareth McGhie, who was at senior position for WETA Workshop, an Oscar-winning company, and he has supervised the costume making for Peter Jackson's trilogy, Lord of the Rings, will manage and conduct the workshop at Cyberport. The Workshop aims to enable the production of a thoroughly resolved project leveraging a wide range of media skills. Also, the Workshop will enhance develop analysis and evaluation skills within contemporary visual arts creative practices and context. It will employ student's knowledge and visual media in the formulation of complex creative ideas and communication of concepts.
Mr. Teriu Lemon, Head of School for Creative Technologies says …
"as part of the programme, WelTec tutors are building a 3-metre high sculpture which will include leading edge technology such as motion sensors. This sculpture will be shipped to Hong Kong and then Cyberport students will build a replica that reflects their own culture and design, learning fabrication skills and digital technology techniques along the way. This certificate programme provides a pathway into higher level study at WelTec. We are really excited about the opportunities for staff getting involved in this venture."
* Students who have completed the Workshop with satisfactory result could get Certification in Creative Technologies and become Creative Technologist (CT) in Creative, IT, Workshop Production, Engineering and Management industries
* Students with excellent result are eligible to have a chance to get Cyberport IncuTrain Centre sponsored air ticket to enter WelTec New Zealand for further study
Seats are limited and industry professionals could enjoy priority registration. The course fee of Creative Technologies Workshop for incubatee and alumnus is HK$450 and HK$900 respectively (regular course fee at HK$1,800). For registration, please fill in attachment enrollment form and email to training@cyberport.hk by 28 July 2011.
The Workshop will be conducted in English. Organizers, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co. Ltd. Cyberport IncuTrain Centre and WelTec, reserve the right to change the content of the workshop.
Please click here to download the enrollment form.
Apply Now and win HK$100,000 - YBHK's HSBC Youth Business Award
The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups established "Youth Business Hong Kong" (YBHK) in 2005 to encourage young people to explore ''entrepreneurship'' as an alternative to traditional modes of employment. Local young people who are passionate about starting their own business can look to YBHK and its one-stop services to facilitate financial support, seed money, business mentorship and support, including information and networking. Organised by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and solely sponsored by HSBC Business, the "HSBC Youth Business Award" further promotes entrepreneurship by aiming to:
-Recognise young enterprises that are pro-active, innovative and/or offers exceptional services
-Recognise the determination, creativity and accomplishments by young enterprises
-Offer a platform for exchanges among start-ups to enrich business knowledge
-Promote public recognition of the contribution made by young enterprises to the local economy, which in turn enables a culture of entrepreneurship to flourish
Please click here to download the application form.
SIGGRAPH Asia 2011-Exhibitors Unveiled. Secure Early Bird Rates by 31 July!

SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 will gather industry leaders, digital innovators, creative researchers, award winning producers, engineers, managers and executives from the Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques industry and academia. We are expecting over 75% of the visitors from the APAC region, as well as exhibitors and visitors from all over the world. You should participate with us if you want to:
1. Explore business opportunities, meet new partners and strengthen existing relationships, through the only conference and trade show that draws the people from around the world and across the multiple disciplines with a strong focus on Asia.
2. Meet leaders in the industry through an unparalleled quality of conference and exhibition programs. More than 90% of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 exhibitors were happy with the visitor quality and 60% of the attendees were decision makers with the authority to purchase, or influence the purchase of equipment and services.
3. Reach out the people you need to reach, through focused media placement, public relation programs, extensive collaboration with partner events and associations, targeted direct marketing in the local languages English, Mandarin, Japanese and Korean.
4. Recruit staffs, students and lecturers. SIGGRAPH Asia's conference and exhibition attracts the quality of visitors you want to meet.
Please click here to download the Factsheet.
Please click here to download the Brochure.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
第十三屆DigiCon6大賞 -- 作品募集中!
截止報名日期: 2011年8月5日
由日本TBS電視台及香港數碼娛樂協會聯合舉辦,DigiCon6 Animation & Movie Awards,簡稱「DigiCon6大賞」,是一個大型的數碼內容創作比賽。此獎項的目的是為發掘及支持有潛質的藝術創作人士,不但為創作人士的發展開 拓門戶,並且將他們的作品展現給大眾觀賞。 大賞今年已踏入第十三屆,共有十個亞洲地區參與比賽,包括日本、中國、香港、台灣、泰國、新加坡、韓國、菲律賓、馬來西亞和印度,各國的創作人才共同競逐 地區大獎「DigiCon6金銀銅獎」。香港的作品於過去三年的大賞之中,獲得驕人成績,希望本地的創作人才今年再接再厲,取得佳績!香港的得獎者更有機 會親身參與於日本東京舉行的DigiCon6大賞頒獎典禮。 第十三屆DigiCon6大賞截止報名日期為2011年8月5日 (以郵截為準)。請即報名! 如有查詢,請與方小姐聯絡(電話:2788-5669 / 電郵:conniefong@hkpc.org),或按此瀏覽大會網站。
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Hong Kong ICT Delegation to Canada
The delegation will feature a series of networking and technical exchange activities including ICT seminars, business meetings with Canadian ICT companies in Vancouver of British Columbia and Calgary of Alberta, and visit to Siggraph (Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics) 2011 ( http://www.siggraph.org/s2011), which is the premier international conference and exhibition on computer graphics and interactive techniques attracting estimated 25,000 technical and creative professionals from all over the world.
1) Organizing Committee
- The Office of The Hon. Samson Tam (Information Technology)
- Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co. Ltd.
- Hong Kong ACM Siggraph Professional Chapter
- Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS)
- Hong Kong DigiCreate Alliance
- Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council (HKITJC)
- Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
- Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA)
- Digital Game Based Learning Association
3) Travel & Accommodation Costs
HK$27,000 for round-trip air tickets among Hong Kong, Vancouver and Calgary
(economy class) and hotel accommodation in Vancouver and Calgary.
(The rate is subject to change on availability)
4) Registration and Enquiries
For registration and enquiries, please contact:-
Ms. Minnie Ng, Business Development Manager
Cyberport Collaboration Centre
Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co. Ltd.
Units 1102 – 1104, Level 11, Cyberport 2, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3166 3869
Fax: (852) 3027 0369
Email: minnieng@cyberport.hk / collaboration@cyberport.hk
For the rundown of Hong Kong & Canada ICT Seminar & Networking Reception, please click here.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
截止報名日期: 2011年6月30日
網絡營商是 21 世紀的主流經濟模式,為推動香港網絡經濟發展,鼓勵中小企善用 網絡通訊科技加強競爭力,香港中小企營商網將聯同業界組織舉行「中小企傑出營 商獎」,表揚本地有出色營商表現的中小企。
1. 推動香港經濟發展,與中小企一同創造財富
2. 公開表揚在網絡營商方面有傑出創新成就的中小企
3. 透過分享交流實踐經驗,提升香港中小企競爭力
4. 鼓勵中小企與時並進,善用電腦及網絡科技營商
1. 在香港註冊成立最少超過 1 年的港資企業
2. 符合香港政府對中小企的定義
(i) 任何從事製造業而在本港僱用少於100 人的企業;或
(ii) 任何從事非製造業而在本港僱用少於50 人的企業。