Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Next Generation Game Engine Training「次世代遊戲引擎訓練營」

Learning How to Develop Games on PC, iOS (iPhone or iPad), Android, PS3, Xbox360, NGP …
6-Month Intensive Game Creative Training

Nature and Objectives
- This 6-month program is designed for those who have a background in visual or interactive design and desire a career in the game industries.
- The 5 modules have covered most aspects of nowadays game development knowledge, skills and techniques.
- Students will be able to create their own next-gen game by using Unreal Game Developer Kit (UDK) when they finish this program.

Who Should Attend
- Startup companies, industry professionals, students and anyone who want to be a next-gen game developer!

Event Details

Date and Time:

From June to November 2011

Saturday Lectures (9:30am - 12:30pm and 1:30pm - 4:30pm)

Mondays and Wednesdays Tutorials (7:00pm – 10:00pm)

Medium of Instruction:

Putonghua (with terminology and handout material in English)

Award of Certificate:

Participants, who have attended at least 80% of the total course hours, submit and

pass the project assignment will be awarded a certificate.


All sessions will be held at HKU Space Fortress Hill campus


To enroll, please send email to with subject

"Next Generation Game Engine Training" by 29 April 2011 for more info and application form.

Act Now, Seats are Limited!

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