Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Get Together with CVCF 2009 Speakers
- Mr. Dave McClure, Startup Investor and Advisor, Founders Fund
- Mr. Aydin Senkut, Founder and President, Felicis Ventures
- Mr. Yat Siu, CEO, Outblaze Limited
- Mr. Dominic Chan, Founder and Partner, Dark Horse Investment
- Mr. Justin Kan, Founder and President,, Inc.
- Mr. Leo Ku, Vice President, Meephone
- Mr. Ralph Marx, President, Advocate Systems, Inc.
- Mr. Calvin Ng, CEO, iLEMON Group Inc.
- Ms Carol Sands, Managing Partner Member, The Angels' Forum & The Halo Funds
- Mr. David Smith, Founder and Chairman, Tynax Inc.
Content of the gathering:
The above CVCF 2009 speakers have extensive experience and knowledge on angel funds and entreperneurship. The gathering provides a chance for incubatees and alumni to meet with CVCF 2009 speakers face-to-face.
Also, it is a prime opportunity to ask CVCF 2009 speakers all kind of questions about startup fund raising, how to build business and grow profit, how to work with angel investors and etc.
Please prepare your questions!
In addition, the participants would also learn:
* Matching criteria for angel investment
* Best selling points of abusiness from a angel investors' point of view
* What should be prepared/ready to initiate a successful partnership with angel investors
* Different ways (and stages) of collaborating with angel investors as an entrepreneur in creative industries
* What kind of support that a startup may have
The gathering will be informal with a lot of dialogues and interactions.
Please come and enjoy the networking.
To register, please send email to with your company name, participants' name, tel and email subject "Get-Together Gathering with CVCF 2009 Speakers" by 12:00nn November 12, 2009 (Thursday).
Date: 16 Nov 2008 (Monday)
Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre , Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
(for detailed speakers' profile, please visit CVCF 2009 website at
全中國兒童數目超過13億, 坐擁超過4,500萬個網絡遊戲用戶, 實際銷售收入超過105億人民幣, 你希望成為當中動畫和遊戲發行商的一份子嗎? 立即參加香港數碼娛樂業北京考察團,把商機盡握在手!
由香港貿易發展局主辦, 為期3日2夜的香港數碼娛樂業北京考察團將於11月23-25日舉行。得到國家商務部的邀請, 本考察團將有機會參與第二屆中國服務貿易大會, 在數字動漫遊戲專場內與內地多家知名遊戲開發商或動漫製作室進行多項商貿配對, 與內地企業(如搜狐、聯眾、金山、完美時空等)相討合作協議。此外, 為協助香港企業進一步了解內地數碼娛樂業的發展, 本考察團還會安排到有關企業拜訪和進行不同類型的交流活動。
- 參觀當地有關企業,認識並了解實際營商環境
- 參與第二屆中國服務貿易大會- 在數字動漫遊戲專場進行商貿配對和推廣活動
- 交流宴會,與當地公司建立聯繫,為未來洽談商貿作準備
- 各類遊戲開發商 (網上遊戲開發商, 手機遊戲開發商等)
- 電腦/數碼動畫
- 無線服務提供者
‧ 安排公司拜訪
‧ 安排商貿配對和推廣活動
‧ 舉辦交流晚宴
‧ 來回北京機票連兩晚住宿
‧ 當地交通安排
截止報名日期 : 11月5日
如欲索取更多資料, 請填妥以下回條或與本局黎靄怡小姐或陳穎欣小姐聯絡。
黎靄怡小姐 電話:2584 4401 電郵:
陳穎欣小姐 電話:2584 4163 電郵:
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
『動畫師畫出彩虹』 分享會
John Chan@貓室- 憑原創動畫短片《動畫鏗鏘集》獲得 2008 DigiCon6 大賞香港區第1名,並在日本舉行的總選嬴取「2008 DigiCon6大賞最優秀賞」最高殊榮,他怎樣看香港創作及本地動畫行業發展?他的入行經過又是怎樣?
如果你也想親身與John Chan接觸,聽他分享創作靈感來源以及製作動畫的點滴經驗,歡迎你參加數碼港之友的『動畫師畫出彩虹』分享會!
日期:2009年10月31日 (六)
內容:● 動畫製作公司貓室簡介
● John Chan 入行經過
● 動畫介紹:動畫鏗鏘集
● 播放得獎作品《動畫鏗鏘集》
● 分享製作過程及創作靈感
● 問答時間
● 參觀數碼港數碼媒體中心
備註:1. 免費穿梭巴士來回金鐘港鐵站及數碼港 (詳情請參閱報名表格)
2. 所有參加者將獲贈精美紀念品乙份
Please Click Here for detail of this seminar.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Cyberport Venture Capital Forum 2009
CVCF 2009
The creative business sector often embraces groundbreaking business models and marketing strategies. Since the dotcom era in the late 90’s, the creative industries have not only evolved and thrived but also changed the dynamics of traditional business. Companies like Skype for example, have entered the communications market by driving the cost of telephony to zero. Companies like Facebook, Google, Netflix, Clearwire, and YouTube are all examples of companies which changed the gestalt of global media business and at the same time changed the world. These creative companies were all first financed by private angel investors. The theme of CVCF 2009 is “Finding Perfect Angels: Early Stage Investors Backing Creative Start-ups”. We will invite angel investors and entrepreneurs who have gone through the crucial start-up stage of a creative business to share their insight and experience, and highlight how they can work together to develop and build innovative company that can succeed and thrive.
Date: 17 November 2009 (Tuesday)
Time: 09:00 - 17:30
Venue: Function Rooms 1-3, Cyberport 3, Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Keynote Speaker:
"Sourcing , Selecting & Nurturing Your Next Best Deal"
"The Changing Rote of Angel Investors"
FREE BOOK for early bird registrants
As Cyberport IncuTrain Centre is one of CVCF 2009 supporting organsation , the Centre is entitled to have 20 complimentary tickets for incubatees on first-come-first-served basis.
If you are interested in CVCF 2009 and would like to get the ticket, please send an email to with your company name, attendee's name and email by October 30, 2009.
For more information, please visit
Preview of SIGGRAPH Asia 2009", 15 October 09 (Thursday)
HK ACM Siggraph Professional Chapter will be organizing a seminar on following
Date: 15October 09 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00 - 9:00pm
Venue:Lecture Theatre , 1/F Hong KongProductivity Council, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon.
In this special occasion, we are going to preview of SIGGRAPH Asia 2009,which will be held in Yokohama, Japan on coming 16-19 December 2009; withscreening of SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Computer Animation Festival.
Also, 2 speakers will be sharing their works and talk about theirexperience in animation production and multimedia development:
Mr. Buck Mok: AnimationWorkshop- The Making of Wu Song Kill Tiger
Mr. Kith Ng: KeyZ- The Making of Allen Mama - Why original content is important for a smallstudio
The seminar is totally free for all members and non-member.
Due to limited capacity, members of ACM SIGGRAPH HK ProfessionalChapter will be served as first priorityDue to limited seats, if you are interested to join the seminar,please register by fax to 2434-5695 oremail: on or before 12 October 09.
For enquiry, please feel free to call HK ACM Siggraph Professional Chapter at 2436-8752.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Microsoft Surface - 將給你帶來革命性的改變 !
Microsoft Surface 是多重觸控式嶄新操作介面,這塊30吋的「桌面」顯示器,可以讓用戶透過雙手自由操控,簡單及直接觀看和應用數碼內容。
- 甚麼是 Microsoft Surface﹖
- Microsoft Surface 的用途及潛在發展的商機
- Microsoft Surface 現有應用介紹
- Microsoft Surface 應用開發
講師: Mr. Eddie Chua,
ISV Solution Architect,
Developer & Platform Group,
Microsoft Hong Kong
日期: 2009年10月28日 (星期三)
地點: Microsoft BizSpark Creativity Center @ 數碼港 IncuTrain
香港數碼港道100號數碼港3座 (F區) 5樓 518室
12:00 - 13:00 登記
13:00 - 16:00 研討會
16:00 - 16:30 問答時間
對象:任何對Microsoft Surface有興趣的人仕
費用:HK$40 (現場付款)
報名:請將你的姓名、電郵及電話號碼於10月22日前,發送電郵至 training@cyberport.hk報名。
Click Here for more detail of this campaign.