Monday, November 1, 2010

Cyberport Creative Micro Fund (CCMF) 2010 is inviting applications - A grant of HK$100,000 for the successful applicants

The Cyberport Creative Micro Fund (CCMF) Pilot Scheme is set up to encourage innovation and creativity, by seeding high potential start-up projects or business concepts in digital creative area. A grant of HK$100,000 in cash will be awarded to the successful applicants for proof of concepts and developing prototype products. The response to the 1st Pilot Scheme of CCMF in 2009 was great. Total 70 applications covering a wide range of products, services and applications, were received in less than 2 months. Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited has decided to launch the 2nd Pilot Scheme of CCMF in 2010.

With the emerging opportunities brought by Web 3.0, this year’s CCMF places strong emphasis on ideas and projects which demonstrate the power of next generation internet to make it more robust, intelligent, integrated to multiple devices and offer mass diffusion of video, 3D animation and other forms of rich media. The evolution of the internet and the emergence of Web 3.0 will make the user internet experience more interactive and immersive, while transforming the way people access information which brings in opportunities for businesses to outreach to their customers. The Administration of 2010 CCMF is now inviting applications for the award. Inquiries about CCMF please feel free email to

The deadline for the submission of application is 5pm December 31, 2010.

For more information about CCMF 2010, please go to

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