提高營業額,改善銷售技巧及溝通技巧系列 – 証書課程
Business Development Training Certification Program How to focus on value rather than on price? How to match sales offerings to clients’ needs when developing solutions and preparing sales pitch and to close the sale confidently?Date: July 16 & 23 (Friday)Time: 1pm~5:30pmVenue: Cyberport IncuTrain Centre - Solution Lab Level 5, Cyberport 3(Core F), 100Cyberport Road, HK Language: English1. IntroductionDuring this program participants will learn to approach the sales process more strategically by following a simple and effective sales process and by cold calling with more confidence and ease. Participants will also learn to focus on value rather than on price, to match their offerings to their clients’ needs when preparing their sales pitch and to close the sale confidently.
2. Pre-Course WorkParticipants will be required to engage in a pre-course activity accruing to their area of work. Apart from setting the context and framework for the course, this will allow the participants to tune in to their specific areas of need.
They will be asked to prepare for a real life scenario in which they interact with an existing or potential client and the behaviors and attitudes they adopt will be assessed. Participants will then be given feedback on how they can improve and engage in the process more effectively.
3. Performance ObjectivesBy the end of this program, participants will be able:
1. To increase their ability to influence the outcome of their sales meetings and of their communications in general.
2. To plan more effectively for a successful cold/sales call.
3. To create real value for their clients – not just communicate it.
4. To reduce the number of objections they receive by offering genuine needs-based solutions.
5. To close more business and increase the value of their sales.
6. To reduce the length of the sales cycle by building commitment better and faster.
7. To build stronger and more enduring client relationships.
4. Program Outline (1-day program)First Half-Day Session – Outline (1pm – 5:30pm)Session One: Introduction, Context And Mindset
• Participants need to understand the "what-is-in-it-for-them" to be able to fully commit to the process of refining their existing communication and selling skills.
• We will discuss the program’s scope and methodology.
• Participants have the opportunity to identify and share their individual learning needs with the facilitator.
Session Two: Video Role-play – Establishing The Benchmark For Participants’ Existing Cold Calling Skills
• Participants will take part in a role-play where they will simulate making a cold call similar to the ones they need to make back at work, with the aim of getting through to the prospect and ultimately making an appointment for a face-to-face meeting.
• Participants will review their performance later in the day, when they are better equipped to make decisions about what they want to keep and what they want to change.
Session Three: Situational Fluency And Enhancing the Cold Calling Process• We will explore a simple process to assist you to position your meetings and communications with your client within a consultative selling context in which your ability to listen is key, in a bid to make your approach more effective and strategic.
• We will explore how to raise the standards for the cold calling process as follows:
1. The Psychology of Selling – Connect, influence and sell using the TLC principle (i.e. trust, like, communicate)
2. A numbers’ game: how proactive are you?
3. Creating and managing the Prospects List
4. Greeting, building rapport and tapping into the ‘gate-keepers’ knowledge
5. Greeting and building rapport with the prospect
6. Grabbing the prospect’s attention within the first 30 seconds
7. Agreeing the next step and summarizing agreement
8. Following up
Session Four: Video Role-play Review - Cold Calling• The review will evaluate participants cold calling skills in terms of participants ability:
1. To greet, build rapport and tap into the ‘gate-keepers’ knowledge
2. To get through to the prospect
3. To greet and connecting with the prospect
4. To communicate their company’s USP clearly and succinctly and grab the prospect’s attention within the first 30 seconds
5. To make an appointment for a face-to-face meeting
6. To end the call positively
• Performances will be reviewed through an immediate debrief.
Second Half-Day Session – Outline (1 pm – 5:30 pm)
Session One: Revision of First Half-Day Session
• Concepts learned during the first half-day session will be reviewed through an energizing and interactive group activity.
Session Two: Selling Value Using FAB Statements• Participants explore the different characteristics and effects of features, advantages and benefits on clients and learn about the importance of relating specific product benefits to the Defined Needs of their clients.
• A benefit-stating exercise, where participants produce benefit statements to address a number of given customer problems, is an important element of the session.
• The second part of the session provides examples and practical strategies for handling value and capability objections and culminates in role-play activities where participants apply these strategies to typical client scenarios.
Session Three: Obtaining Commitment to Action and Following Through• In sales that involve major client decisions, commitment is very rarely gained in a single sales call. Frequently, the objective of the call will be to make progress towards a sale rather than to close a deal. Obtaining Commitment applies to either securing agreement to action that moves the sale forward or to closing the sale.
• In this session, participants will learn that commitment follows naturally when customers are aware of their Defined Needs and the salesperson has clearly demonstrated his company’s ability to satisfy those needs.
• Via a series of practical activities, participants will explore the potential outcomes of the call, learn the three steps to Obtaining Commitment, how to handle any objections that may arise at this stage and how to follow-through by confirming next steps / explaining the after-sales service they will provide.
Session Four: Video Role-play Review And Second Video-Role Play – Analyzing Needs, Presenting The Solution And Gaining Commitment
• Participants will take part in a role-play where they will simulate a meeting where they analyze the client’s needs, formulate and present a solution on the spot and ultimately gain commitment to take the next step.
• The review will evaluate participants solution presentation skills in terms of participants ability:
1. To sell value by using FAB Statements
2. To deliver clear and succinct solution points
3. To obtain commitment from the client
• Performances will be reviewed through an immediate debrief.
Session Five:Personal Development Plan And Conclusion• Participants will develop a Personal Development Plan to support continuous learning on the job.
Facilitator: Ms. CRISTINA RODENBECK Course Fee: HK$3,000
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**Cyberport IncuTrain Centre's incubatees enjoy 75% reimbursement (Only HK$750 after 75% reimbursement ) **Cyberport IncuTrain Centre's alumni enjoy 50% reimbursement (Only HK$1,500 after 50% reimbursement )Seat available: 16
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Application deadline: July 2, 2009
Attention: Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co. Ltd. Cyberport IncuTrain Centre and ACT reserve the right to change the content of the course.Enquiry hotline: 31663900