Thursday, December 30, 2010

Startups Connect: ICT Awards Tips & Tricks + Best Innovation and Research Award Winners Experience Sharing

The Hong Kong ICT Awards were established in 2006 under a collaborative effort amongst the industry, the academia and the Government. The Awards aim at building a large scale and internationally recognized branding of ICT awards of Hong Kong. The Awards recognize, promote and commend the excellent achievements to which Hong Kong ICT professionals and organizations contribute. The Awards also encourage local practitioners to develop innovative and creative ICT solutions, which will uplift the image of Hong Kong ICT sectors, both locally and internationally. In this sharing session, we have invited one of the organizers, Internet Professional Association (iProA), and some previous winners to share their knowledge and experience with us.

Event Details

Date : January 7, 2011 (Friday)

Time : 12:15-14:00

Venue : Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport


Incubatees just pay HK$5

Alumni just pay HK$10

Normal fee HK$20

Language: Cantonese

** Simple lunch will be provided.


12:15 pm - 12: 30 pm Registration

12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Sandwich lunch and networking

1:00 pm - 1:20 pm ICT Awards Tips and Tricks by Mr. Alex Hung, Convener, Promotion and Sponsorship workgroup, HKICT Awards 2011 and Vice President, iProA

1:20 pm - 1:40 pm Best Innovation and Research Award Winners Experience Sharing

1:40 pm - 2:00 pm QA and end of event

Targeted Participants

Incubatees, startups and anyone interested in participating ICT Awards

To Register

If you are interested, please send email to by January 4, 2011 with subject “ICT Awards Tips and Tricks” together with participants’ name, title, company name, email and tel.

About the speaker

Mr. Alex Hung

Convener, Promotion and Sponsorship workgroup, HKICT Awards 2011 and Vice President, iProA

Mr. Alex Hung is the Chief Information Officer of Edutechnic Ltd. (website: He has extensive experience in international business development, project management and alliance development, participated in several global investment/financial projects during his previous employment with UBS, HSBC Asset Management and Wilco International, UK.

Mr. Hung earned his MBA and MSc in Information Systems Management from HKUST, and a Computer Science degree conferred by HKU.

Devoted to contributing his talents to the academia and IT industry in Hong Kong, Mr. Hung is a Council Member of Director Board and External Course Advisor of local Universities including The University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Institution of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi). He is the Project Director of Hong Kong ICT Awards 2006: eYouth and also 2007-2009: I&R, an programme that provides opportunities to participants to demonstrate their talented ICT projects to the industry, academia and the general public, allowing them to develop their confidence, deepen their knowledge and understanding in the ICT industry.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

創業聯繫: 十二五科技發展規劃對信息科技界帶來的新機遇

截止報名日期: December 14, 2010

“ 十二五科技發展規劃對信息科技界帶來的新機遇”


日期: 2010年12月17日
時間: 下午12時15分至2時正
地點:香港數碼港道100號數碼港3座(F區)5樓518室Solution Lab

12:15 接待
12:30 午餐和交流時間(提供輕便午餐)
13:00 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室 教育科技部 副巡視員
13:50 問答環節
14:00 結束



Supporting Organization:

Startups Connect: Business opportunities for IT industry under the national 12th Five-Years Plan

Deadline for registration: December 14, 2010

Topic :
Business opportunities for IT industry under the national 12th Five-Years Plan

-To know about the business opportunities for IT industry under China's Twelfth Five-Years Plan
-To provide networking opportunity among the incubated companies, guest speaker and industry professionals

Detail of this event:
Date: Friday, December 17, 2010
Time: 12:15pm – 2:00pm
Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F) 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Language: Putonghua

12:15 Reception
12:30 Lunch, networking and interchange time (Light lunch will be provided)
13:00 "Business opportunities for IT industry under the national 12th Five-Years Plan" by guest speaker Mr. Cao Guo Ying, Deputy Inspector, Department of Education, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People's Govt. HKSAR
13:50 Q&A session
14:00 Meeting ends

To register, please download, fill in the form and send to


Supporting Organization:

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre Advisory & Vetting Committee and Mentors Meets You

Deadline for registration: December 14, 2010

Programme Rundown
Session 1: Networking and interchange among the incubated companies, ACM, mentors and industry professionals
Session 2: Sharing session on "My successful experience as an innovative startup company"

-To provide networking opportunity among the incubated companies, Advisory & Vetting Committee members, mentors and industry professionals
- To share the successful experience of IncuTrain Centre incubatee

Detail of this event:
Date: Thursday, December 16, 2010
Time: 12:15pm – 2:00pm
Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F) 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Language: English/ Cantonese, subject to the speaker

12:15 Reception
12:30 Lunch, networking and interchange time (Light lunch will be provided)
13:30 "My successful experience as an innovative startup company" by Mr. Daniel Chun, Founder and Director of Art Group Ltd, a current incubatee of Cyberport IncuTrain Centre (Art Group Ltd recently won 2010 Red Herring Asia 100 innovative startup award in Shanghai)
13:50 Q&A session
14:00 Meeting ends

To register, please download, fill in the form and send to

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Canadian Financing Forum

We are pleased to announce the recent acquisition of the Canadian Financing Forum (CFF). The addition of the CFF to the Banff Venture Forum brand is synergistic and serves to further enhance the access to capital opportunities available to Canadian technology entrepreneurs. The CFF facilitates relationship building between entrepreneurs and leading venture capital and corporate investors, paving the way for company financings that ultimately sustain economic growth through new business creation and development in Western Canada.

Details of event:
Date: 10 February 2011
Venue: Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
Vancouver, British Columbia

Apply to present at this year's CFF, please click here.
To register for CFF 2011, please click here.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Invitation to the Presentation to Cyberport Incubatees for HKTDC Filmart Recruitment

FILMART is a leading event in Asia and an important market for the global film, digital content and entertainment players to get together. Renowned producers, distributors, investors and professionals will be there to network and negotiate business deals. The Hong Kong Animation & Digital Entertainment Pavilion (DE Pavilion), inaugurated in 2004, has received high acclaims not only from the DE industry, but also from filmmakers alike. The Animation & Digital Entertainment World is poised to astound the market in 2011.

Don't miss this valuable chance to get Special rate to join the DE Pavilion (with government's funding) this year to meet buyers, sellers and financiers from across all platforms.

Date : 10 December, 2010 (Friday)
Time : 11:00am – 12:30pm
Venue : Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre,Unit 518, Level 3, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport, Hong Kong.
Speaker : Grace Wong (Marketing Officer) Hong Kong Trade Development Council To join this presentation, please register by send us your company name, personal name, email address and contact number to or call 3166 3783.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Game Engine Introductory Seminar - Unreal遊戲引擎訓練營簡介會

現今不論是多人網路或是主機平臺的遊戲,要達到國際級的聲光效果水準,均是透過遊戲引擎來開發製作。商用遊戲引擎中又以Unreal引擎擁有大量成功產品的案例,是目前業界最廣泛使用的引擎技術之一。為促使本地電子遊戲開發技術能與國際競爭,數碼港IncuTrain 特別規劃「Game Engine Introductory Seminar – Unreal遊戲引擎訓練營簡介會」,邀請業界公司資深的專業人員組成講師團,使用UDK(Unreal Development Kit)版本進行介紹,並為大家介紹即將於2011年首季招生的「次世代遊戲引擎訓練營」,針對工具模組運用、美術企劃等,提供實戰經驗中淬煉而出的教學與心得。



日期:14/12/2010 (星期二)
時間:9:30-17:00 (午飯時間:12:30-14:00)
香港數碼港道100號數碼港3座(F 區) 5樓518室
** 數碼港IncuTrain 之培育公司只需付HK$5,已畢業之培育公司則只需付HK$10

下載 報名表格,填妥後電郵至 或傳真至 +852-3166 3027

Hu Jinwei,
Shanghai Game Academy講師
英佩遊戲 美術專案經理
7年遊戲業從業經驗, 曾就職 JCC、Ubisoft; 曾參與開發的項目包括 包括< Unreal Tournament 3>、< Gears of War 2>、< EVE> -CCP、<DarkSider> -THQ、< Free Style>、< Shenmue Online>、< Blade & Soul> -NCsoft、< TERA> -BlueHole以及多款尚未公開次世代遊戲項目.

有關 Shanghai Game Academy

創辦於2004年的Shanghai Game Academy (GA),是中國最早成立的、成功辦學時間最長的專業遊戲開發培訓機構。
如今,在作為中國遊戲產業中心的上海,幾乎每一家遊戲開發公司中都活躍著GA畢業生的身影,其中包括Epic Games China, Ubisoft, EA,Activision Blizzard,盛大,騰訊等中外頂級遊戲企業。在GA的幫助下,他們正在追求更大的夢想。 GA也是中國唯一一家全部聘用遊戲公司在職資深開發人員擔任講師的培訓機構。

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

深圳資訊與通訊科技交流團 - 專訪深圳高新技術產業開發區(Shenzhen Hi-Tech Park)及中國國際高新技術成果交易會(China Hi-Tech Fair)




Duration時間:9:00 – 17:00
Gathering Time集合時間:9:00 - 9:10
Gathering Place集合地點:near taxi station inside Shun Tak Centre at Sheung Wan 香港上環信德中心內的士站
Fee 費用:HK$200(including transportation, lunch and China Hi-Tech Fair entrance fee包括來回交通、深圳市內交通、午膳及中國國際高新技術成果交易會入場費)

 - 款項可於Cyberport IncuTrain Centre辦公室以現金繳交,或現場即時繳交。

** Cyberport IncuTrain Centre受培育公司可享有75% 培訓支助 (即受培育公司只須付費用HK$50)
** 已畢業受培育公司也可享有50% 培訓支助 (即受培育公司只須付HK$100)

報名:請於2010年11月9日前連同參加公司名稱、參加者名稱、電郵及電話,電郵致 標題“深圳資訊與通訊科技交流團”報名,名額有限, 額滿即止。

** 另請自行選擇購買旅遊保險

- 有關深圳高新技術產業開發區

- 有關中國國際高新技術成果交易會
“中國科技第一展”--中國國際高新技術成果交易會(簡稱高交會),是由中華人民共和國商務部、中華人民共和國科學技術部、中華人民共和國工業和資訊化部、中華人民共和國國家發展和改革委員會、中華人民共和國教育部、中華人民共和國人力資源和社會保障部、中華人民共和國農業部、中華人民共和國國家知識產權局、中國科學院、中國工程院、深圳市人民政府主辦,深圳市中國國際高新技術成果交易中心(深圳會展中心管理有限責任公司)承辦,中國規模最大、最具影響力的科技類展會。 高交會設有 “高新技術成果交易、高新技術專業產品展、論壇、super-SUPER專題活動、高新技術人才與智力交流會、不落幕的交易會”六大板塊,集成果交易、產品展示、高層論壇、項目招商、合作交流於一體,通過“官產學研資介”的有機結合,為海內外客商提供尋求項目、技術、產品、市場、資金、人才的便捷通道。 自1999年首屆舉辦以來,高交會得到了中國各級政府的高度重視和大力支援,朱鎔基、吳邦國、李長春、吳儀、曾培炎等國家領導人分別蒞臨了歷屆盛會。每屆高交會均有全國31個省、自治區、直轄市、計劃單列市和港澳臺地區以及近30家中國著名高校參加展示交易洽談;同時,高交會也得到了海內外高新技術企業的認可和歡迎,全球50多個國家的客商參加了歷屆高交會的展示、交易和洽談,其中有美國、英國、德國、加拿大、澳大利亞、義大利、俄羅斯以及歐盟等近30個參展國家或國際組織,有微軟、IBM、甲骨文、西門子、英國電訊、愛立信、菲利浦、SAP、新力、三星等40多家國際知名跨國公司;來自全球的商政學界精英,如諾貝爾獎獲得者、部長級以上政府官員、跨國公司總裁等400多人在高交會論壇上發表演講;每屆展會參觀人數超過50萬人,產品與技術交易額超過130億美元。


Monday, November 1, 2010

Web 3.0 Asia

Cyberport Creative Micro Fund (CCMF) 2010 is inviting applications - A grant of HK$100,000 for the successful applicants

The Cyberport Creative Micro Fund (CCMF) Pilot Scheme is set up to encourage innovation and creativity, by seeding high potential start-up projects or business concepts in digital creative area. A grant of HK$100,000 in cash will be awarded to the successful applicants for proof of concepts and developing prototype products. The response to the 1st Pilot Scheme of CCMF in 2009 was great. Total 70 applications covering a wide range of products, services and applications, were received in less than 2 months. Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited has decided to launch the 2nd Pilot Scheme of CCMF in 2010.

With the emerging opportunities brought by Web 3.0, this year’s CCMF places strong emphasis on ideas and projects which demonstrate the power of next generation internet to make it more robust, intelligent, integrated to multiple devices and offer mass diffusion of video, 3D animation and other forms of rich media. The evolution of the internet and the emergence of Web 3.0 will make the user internet experience more interactive and immersive, while transforming the way people access information which brings in opportunities for businesses to outreach to their customers. The Administration of 2010 CCMF is now inviting applications for the award. Inquiries about CCMF please feel free email to

The deadline for the submission of application is 5pm December 31, 2010.

For more information about CCMF 2010, please go to

3rd Cloud Computing World Forum - Asia

This year's forum includes some of the most respected companies and minds in research, strategy and integration of IT and cloud products and services within the enterprise. The show will feature more end users than any other, reflecting the central issues of enterprise business models and making presentations real and relevant.

Detail of this event:
Date: 17 – 18 November 2010
Venue: The Mira, Hong Kong
Hotline: +44 (0) 845 519 1230

Note: incubatees and alumni could enjoy 75% and 50% Cyberport IncuTrain Centre training reimbursement respectively. Please refer to financial guideline for reimbursement details and procedure.

To view the Event Brochure, please click here.
To register: please click here for online registration.


Windows Phone 7 Briefing: from Features to Prospective Users

Windows Phone 7 (WP7) is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft. It launched in Europe and Asia on October 21, 2010, and is due to launch in the US on November 8, 2010. The company focused on three goals to this end: to help customers personalize handsets with apps and games, to help developers be profitable, and help developers deliver cloud experiences.

Event Details
Date : November 26, 2010 (Friday)
Time : 12:00-14:00
Venue : Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport
Admission: Incubatees just pay HK$5, Alumni just pay HK$10, Normal fee HK$20
Language: Cantonese

** Simple lunch will be provided.

Targeted Participants
-Anyone interested in Windows Phone 7 from business perspective
-Anyone decided to be Windows Phone 7 application and game developers

To Register
If you are interested, please send email to by November 24, 2010 with subject “Windows Phone 7 Briefing: from Features to Prospective Users” together with participants’ name, title, company name, email and tel.

About the Speakers

Mr. Jimmy Chim,
Business Group Lead, Mobile Communications Business, Microsoft Hong Kong Limited

Mr. Andy Cheung,
Application Platform Architect, Microsoft Hong Kong

Andy Cheung is currently working with Microsoft Hong Kong as Application Platform Architect. He is responsible for connecting Enterprises in Hong Kong to provide advice and guidance for software architecture and implementation using Microsoft Technologies. Before joining Microsoft, Andy was the Data System Architect in for 7 years, designing and maintaining the database systems behind Centamap. He is also actively involving in local developer communities, and has been awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for three consecutive years.

Web 3.0 Innovated Corporate Website Design

For sales enquires, please contact Tel: (852)3166 3788


Digital Media Marketing Conference 2010

Detail of this event:
Date: Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 5:50 p.m.
Venue: Function Room 1 – 3, Hong Kong Cyberport
Language: Cantonese with English terminology
For more information about the agenda, please click here.
For more information about the transportation arrangement, please click here.
To register: please click here for online registration.

遊戲開發者大會 • 中國

第三屆遊戲開發者大會 • 中國(GDC China)將於2010年12月5-7日再次登陸上海。GDC China由UBM TechWeb遊戲網路(旗下擁有遊戲開發者大會Game Developers Conferences®、《遊戲開發者》雜誌和主辦,並將提供一個獨特的論壇平臺,深入挖掘亞太區遊戲開發動態。會議的特色是所有內容均由中國本地開發者所組成的專家顧問團策劃擬定,他們共同承諾,並將致力於推動並支援中國成長中的遊戲產業。在國家和當地政府主管部門的大力支持下,GDC China通過引入GDC高品質的演講內容和在全球範圍內的社群影響力,提升中國數字娛樂產業的現狀。GDC China將特設線上遊戲開發和業務、遊戲國際化與合作兩大主會場,以及獨立遊戲、社交遊戲和手機遊戲三大峰會。

會議日期: 2010年12月5日-7日
展覽日期: 2010年12月5日-6日
地點: 上海國際會議中心 中國上海浦東濱江大道2727號
電話:(86-21) 5037 0000
傳真:(86-21) 5037 0999


How to Pitch Investors? Presentation Skills Training with Certificate

When looking for private investment which is more important – your business plan or your pitch? The answer, of course, is both. Being great at the elevator pitch is not much use if you can’t back it up with a real understanding of your business financials; and no weight of business plan ever caught the eye of a busy angel investor.

This training program will help participants move from business plan to investment pitch. It considers venture investing from both the point of view of the investor and also the business owner. This unique approach ensures that expectations on all sides are considered in advance and responded to. Participants will learn about cases on pitching investors; what venture investors are really looking for; that there are both angels and demons out there; skill set on presentation to investors.

Event Details
Date : December 17, 2010 (Friday)
Time : 9:30-18:00 (lunch to be provided)
Venue : Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport

9:30 - 12:00: Pitching Investors Showcase by Guest Speaker, Mr. Barry Jones

12:15 - 13:00: Lunch and networking (light lunch will be provided)

13:00 - 14:00: 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室教育科技部副巡視員曹國英先生分享"十二五科技發展規劃對信息科技界帶來的新機遇"
"Business opportunities for IT industry under the national 12th Five-Years Pla (Tentative)" by Mr CAO Guo Ying, Deputy Inspector, Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R.

14:00 - 18:00: Pitching Investors Presentation Skills by Mr. Terence Yeung

AM session will be conducted by Mr. Barry Jones in English;
Lunch briefing will be conducted by Mr CAO Guo Ying in Putonghua;
PM session will be conducted by Mr. Terence Yeung in Cantonese

** Certificate will be given to the attendees.

Seats are limited on first-come-first-served basis.

Admission Fee:

Incubatees just pay HK$375 with 75% training reimbursement*
Alumni just pay HK$750 with 50% training reimbursement*
Normal fee HK$1,500

* Please refer to Cyberport IncuTrain Centre financial guideline

Targeted Participants
- Startups companies, who want to improve their presentation skills in particular on investment pitching
-Any professionals, who want to learn more about cases on pitching investors.

To Register
If you are interested, please download and fill in the enrollment form and settle the payment by December 10, 2010.

About the Speakers

Mr. Barry Jones

Mr. Barry Jones is Principal and Co-founder of Maroon Analytics, a boutique advisory firm that focuses on growth opportunities. He has 17 years experience in investment banking, public accounting and consulting. Prior to founding Maroon, he worked with KPMG and Credit Suisse in London, New York and Hong Kong. Barry specialises in taking the CFO role in early stage companies, and is an expert in translating entrepreneurial vision into a sound financial strategy. In addition to focusing on verticals such as Infrastructure, Technology and Cleantech, he has interests in businesses as diverse as Cement & Wine.Barry holds an MBA (High Honors) from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and a BA (Hons.) in Accountancy and Economics from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst Association (CAIA). He is also a CFA Charterholder.

Mr. Terence Yeung

Terence has over 17 years of experience in management consulting and corporate training. He once was a manager of Anderson Business Consulting, providing service for both mainland and multinational enterprises. Before that, he was senior Training Consultant of Giordano International Limited. From 2002 to now, he is the Managing Director of TACSEN Management Consultants Limited. In 2006, Terence was awarded by Hong Kong Daily News the Most Outstanding Trainer in Personality Studies in “Asian Top 10 Corporate Trainers” Award. Terence has extensive experience in presentation skills training and his clients include ACCA, CICPA, KPMG, and Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited.

To register: please click here to download the enrollment form.

Thursday, October 14, 2010 - Website for Game and Animation Job Seekers


The HKTDC Education & Careers Expo 2011

Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), the HKTDC Education & Careers Expo is the ultimate platform to promote your institution or company and reach out to promising students or job candidates. This annual event will return for its 21st edition at 17th to 20th February 2011, and applications are now open!

Invitation to Exhibiting at Hong Kong International Licensing Show 2011

Hong Kong International Licensing Show 2011, to be staged from 10-12 January 2011, at Hall 3G Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

In 2011, with LIMA's commitment as the Show’s co-sponsor, we shall invite even more manufacturers, merchandisers and procurement executives from prominent retailers and department stores in the region to visit our Show. With many licensees seeking for quality brands and unique properties to meet the strong demand for both consumer and lifestyle products in Asia, the lifestyle brands and unique intellectual property that your company represents will certainly provide the much needed diversity and quality to our regional visitors.

Asia Game Show 2010

Asia Game Show 2010 will be held from December 24-27, 2010 at HKCEC, Wanchai Hong Kong.
The 9th Asia Game Show has something for Gamers and Providers of Games, Computer and Hardware Assessories, Broadband, Gadgets and related services!

Asia Game Show is back, but with a vengeance - to thrill exhibitors, sponsors and local & overseas visitors with special buys, new highlights, educational services and exclusive exhibitor & sponsorship packages!

To participate, please send email request to for pre-approval.

TOGAF training

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre’s incubatees and alumni could enjoy 15% discount for application of any TOGAF training. Regarding 75% and 50% training reimbursement subsidy from Cyberport IncuTrain Centre to incubatees and alumni respectively on TOGAF training courses, incubatees and alumni could send pre-approval email request to for final decision. The subsidy will be subject to incubatees / alumni submitted project and final pre-approval from the IncuTrain Centre.

Architecting-the-Enterprise (AtE) is pleased to announce the release of the New TOGAF 8-9 courses on the following dates in Hong Kong and other locations in Asia during the coming months:

TOGAF™ 9 for Practitioners (Level 1 & 2)

Beijing: October 19th - October 22nd
Shanghai: November 9th - November 12th
Hong Kong: December 7th - December 10th
Beijing: December 9th - December 10th

TEDxPearlRiver 2010

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxPearlRiver, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxPearlRiver event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.

Details of the event:

Date: October 30, 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 9:00 - 19:00
Venue: Artistree,TaiKoo Place, Hong Kong Island

Cultivating Start-ups

The new SME Centre is a one-stop resource for would-be entrepreneurs seeking the latest market intelligence.

A support programme has been launched to encourage a new generation of entrepreneurs in Hong Kong. Launched in June, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) SME Start-Up Programme sets out to open doors to existing and would-be entrepreneurs in the constantly changing global market.

The programme was set up in partnership with 16 public and private organisations, including the Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department, the Innovation and Technology Commission, the Intellectual Property Department and the Federation of Hong Kong Industries.

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2010

Submission of Awards entries: November 2010The Hong Kong ICT Awards recognise, promote and commend the excellent achievements to which Hong Kong ICT professionals and organisations contribute. The Awards also encourage local practitioners to develop innovative and creative ICT solutions, which will uplift the image of Hong Kong ICT sectors, both locally and internationally.
Important Dates for this awards:

Awards Contests launched: September 2010

Submission of Awards entries: November 2010

Awards Presentation Ceremony: April 2011

Welcome all interested incubatees to join this awards.

The 4th Hong Kong Mobile Film Festival

Deadline for Registration: December 6, 2010

Launch of the 'Windows Phone 7 Next Top Model' Campaign

To celebrate the soon-to-be-released Windows Phone 7, we are launching an engaging online campaign, the 'Windows Phone 7 Next Top Model' (Windows Phone 7 星光男女) contest, in which trendy youngsters with camera faces are invited to participate. Finalists will be able to enjoy a professional makeover experience provided by a top team of styling consultants in town.

The 12TH DigiCon6 Animation & Movie Awards

日期: 2010年12月11日(星期六)
費用︰ 免費(座位有限,額滿即止)
語言︰ 日語(設廣東話傳譯)
地點: 香港九龍塘達之路72號創新中心Chamber 1
10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
- 《劇場版 機動戰士鋼彈00 - A wakening of the Trailblazer》製作心得
- 如何成為動畫導演

2:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m. (對象︰專業人士)
- 《劇場版 機動戰士鋼彈00 - A wakening of the Trailblazer》製作技術分享
查詢: 2788 6304 /

The HKTDC Inno Design Tech Expo

The HKTDC Inno Design Tech Expo (IDT Expo) is an international marketplace for enterprises to acquire the latest design services and technology to sharpen their competitiveness in the world market. In 2009, 345 exhibitors around the globe and about 30,900 visitors from 52 countries and regions participated in the fair.

Details of the event:

Date: 2-4 December 2010

Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

Enquiries: Tel : (852) 1830 668 Fax : (852) 2824 0249 Email :

Website :

CyberRun for Rehab – Healthy Steps in Cyberport 2010

The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you and your family to join a meaningful sports event, the 6th CyberRun for Rehab – Healthy Steps in Cyberport 2010. CyberRun 2010 will be co-organized by The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation (HKSR) and the Cyberport Tenants Club to heighten public awareness of healthy living by running or walking while raising funds for the betterment of people with disability and chronic illness in mainland China and Hong Kong.

Detail of CyberRun 2010

Date: November 7, 2010 (Sunday)
Time: 09:00-13:00
Venue: Cyberport

To register, please click here to download the entry form. For enquiry, please contact HKSR on Tel: 3143 2800 or Email: for detail.

VIP Invitation to New Zealand ICT Technical Seminar

On the occasion of the visit by Hon. Steven Joyce, Minister of Communications, Information and Technology The Ambassador of New Zealand, H.E. Carl Worker and Group General Manager of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, Rod MacKenzie invite you to a New Zealand ICT Technical Seminar in Shenzhen. Opening address provided by Minister Hon Steven Joyce.

Detail of this event:

Date: Thursday 21 October

Time: 3.00 – 5.30pm (Registration Time: 2.30- 3.00pm)

Venue: Jin Mao Grand Ballroom A & B, 3rd floor, Shenzhen JW Marriott Hotel 6005 Shennan Boulevard, Futian District, Shenzhen

RSVP: Please RSVP to by Monday 4th October or call Nina Zhang-OKeefe on +86 755-3391 1656, Mobile: +86 137 2375 2286

Dress Code: Business Attire

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

BarCamp Hong Kong 2010

BarCamp is an ad-hoc "unconference" born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees. Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to join. Detail of this event:

Date: September 18, 2010 (Sat)
Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Venue: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Fee: Free of Charge

After Event Drink
Time: 6:30 pm til late
Venue: Deck n Beer, G/F, East Promenade, Salisbury Road, TST

To register, please click here for online registration.


2010年,中國手機上網成為常態!手機應用成為關鍵!2010年中國手機應用開發者大會暨全球移動互聯網高峰論壇將在2010年9月25日在中國廣州隆重舉行。 「2010年中國手機應用開發者大會暨全球移動互聯網高峰論壇」將會是中國移動互聯網領域迄今最大規模的一次行業盛會。大會邀請了1000位企業家、開發者和投資者們出席,共用成功經驗,剖析失敗經歷,你可以在這裏推廣您的平臺,為產品找到買家,為企業找最好的投資,儲備更多的業界人才,認識更多的業界人脈。

日期: 2010年9月25日 (星期六)
時間: 下午1:00 – 6:30
地點: 中國廣州大學城 華南理工大學校區千人學術大講堂主廳

如有興趣參加,請按此作網上登記及請聯絡William Lau (email: ; tel: 3166 3903)。
如有查詢,請聯絡香港無線發展中心 - 電話︰(852) 2989 9163

British Chamber of Commerce’s Angel Investment Program

Deadline of Submission: September 17, 2010

The British Chamber of Commerce’s Angel Investment Programme, launched in late 2007, was the first such initiative to be launched in Hong Kong by any of the chambers of commerce. After nearly 3 years of operation, the British Chamber’s Angel Investment Committee is a well respected and leading source of advice and conduit to funding for young Hong Kong enterprises looking for initial or growth investment from our growing network of Angel investors.If you have a great idea, or have started a new business and are looking to grow, the Chamber would like to help. Within the membership there are many entrepreneurs who have made it, and professionals whose expertise could be invaluable to your successful development, as well as individuals who are looking to personally invest in start-ups.

For interested incubatees, please click here to download the application form and inform William Lau (email: ; tel: 3166 3903).
For enquiry, please email to


Yahoo! Advances Cloud and Hadoop for Businesses in Hong Kong

Hadoop was initiated as Apache Software Foundation project in 2005 by a group of Yahoo! employees, and now one of the most capable technologies widely aopted by yahoo! and inducstry leaders across the Internet, social networking and technology landscape.

This seminar which will tell you:Session 1: overview of Cloud Computing and HadoopSession 2: More about Hadoop and its applications in Yahoo!Session 3: Hadoop Applications for Business/ Enterprises and respective Case StudiesDetail of this seminar:

Date: September 10, 2010 (Friday)
Time: 2:30 pm - 5:15 pm
Venue: Function Room, 1/F, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong
Language: English
Fee: Free of Charge
Target Audience: Technology / Applications Developers in Hong Kong

To register, please click here for online registration.
For enquiry, please contact Hong Kong Productivity Council - Ms. Queenie Lui (Tel: 2788 5464; Email:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Startups Connect: Awards Winning Tips and Advices Sharing

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre will have "Startups Connect" networking event to bring industry professionals, startup companies, incubatees and alumni together with their presentations and mentors / guests in the event. During the event, participants are encouraged for active networking and information exchange.

Details of the event:

Date: October 11, 2010 (Monday)

Time: 12:15 - 14:00

Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport, Hong Kong.

Language to be conducted: Cantonese and English, and subject to the speakers.

Fee: normal price HK$20

Registration is open to startups and industry professionals.

To register: please send email by Oct 6 to with subject "Startups Connect: Awards Winning Tips and Advices Sharing on Oct 11" together with participant's name, company name, title, email and tel.


12:15 - 12:30 Registration

12:30 - 12:45 Simple lunch

12:45 - 13:35 Mentors, incubatees and alumni presentation

- "Practical Tips on How to Win ICT Awards" by Mr. Steve Lau, Senior Consultant, IT Industry Development, Hong Kong Productivity Council

- "The Helpful DOs and DONTs for Award Entries" by Mr. Eddy Hui, Chairman of Hong Kong Mayan User Group

- "Sharing Awards Winning Experience" by Mr. Alan Choy, Director of Music Powerhouse Ltd.

13:35 - 14:00 Mingle

14:00 End of Event

About the Speakers:

Mr. Steve Lau, Senior Consultant, IT Industry Development, Hong Kong Productivity Council

Steve Lau is the Senior Consultant in the IT Industry Development of HK Productivity Council. He has been responsible for promoting emerging ICT including mobile computing, manufacturing solutions, open source software,e-commerce applications, interactive marketing best practices to business sectors, SMEs and developer communities. He has also rich experience in being assessor and organizer of various Awards scheme sin ICT and Digital Entertainment area including the ICT Awards Best Lifestyle Award stream, ICT Awards Ubiquitous Award Stream, Digicon6 Competition, Greater China Illustration Awards, Yahoo BIC Awards, and HK Mobile Film Competition. Currently, he is also Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Interactive Marketing Association.

Mr. Eddy Hui, Chairman of Hong Kong Mayan User Group

Eddy fell in love with animation, character design and multimedia in the 80's. He has worked in animation and multimedia industry for more than 15 years, one of the early adaptors of 3D animation, motion graphics and web design in Hong Kong. He has served in different local and global design companies and focused on integration of animation and multimedia into corporate identity, clients included Bank of China, HP, IBM, Jockey Club, JWT, PCCW and so on. He now teaches in City University of Hong Kong (SCOPE) as the Deputy Program Leader of Multimedia Design Program.

Mr. Alan Choy, Director of Music Powerhouse Ltd.

Founded by a team of experienced, visionary and enthusiastic digital music specialists in Hong Kong, Music Powerhouse Ltd. is focused on the development of music discovery technology and innovative solutions and business models. MPh has been an on-site member of the Cyberport IncuTrain Programme since August 2008 and funded by the Small Entrepreneur Research Assistance Programme (SERAP) of the Hong Kong Government’s Innovation and Technology Commission since April 2008. Its MPh Music Discovery System has won the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2009 – Best Lifestyle Grand Award and Best Lifestyle (Creative & Free Living) Gold Award. Besides, two applications ridden on the System’s core technologies namely “CD Wi-Fi Radar” and “Music Magic Touch” captured the “Ubiquitous City-HK” Government Wi-Fi Application Award and Innovative TD-SCDMA Application Award in June and July 2009 respectively. The Company was also honoured with the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) Awards – 2009 Start Up Company Merit.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Call for Presentation: Startups Connect: Networking with Digital Entertainment Tools & Technologies Companies

Call for Presentation: Startups Connect: Networking with Digital Entertainment Tools & Technologies Companies

Reply Deadline: August 20, 2010

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre is planning next Startups Connect networking event with the topics related to Digital Entertainment Tools and Technologies companies. As incubatees and alumni, you are cordially invited to present your company and products in order to spark new collaboration or ideas.

If you are interested to be one of the presenting companies, please send your proposed topic, speaker and his/her bio by email to Katherine Lam (email at with subject “Call for Presentation: Startups Connect Networking with Mobile Application Companies by August 20, 2010.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Startups Connect: Networking with Digital Entertainment Tools & Technologies Companies

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre will have "Startups Connect" networking event to bring industry professionals, startup companies, incubatees and alumni together with their presentations and mentors / guests in the event. During the event, participants are encouraged for active networking and information exchange.

Details of the event:

Date: September 3, 2010 (Friday)

Time: 12:15 - 14:00

Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport, Hong Kong.

Language to be conducted: Cantonese and English, and subject to the speakers.

Fee: normal price HK$20

Registration is open to startups and industry professionals.

To register: please send your company name, participant's name, email and tel to with subject "Startups Connect: Networking with Digital Entertainment Tools & Technologies Companies" by August 27, 2010.


12:15 - 12:30 Registration

12:30 - 12:45 Simple lunch

12:45 - 13:35 Mentors, incubatees and alumni presentation

- “如何透過應用研究協助發展以科技為基礎的數碼創意產業”
“How to Leverage Applied Research to Develop Technology-driven Digital Creative Industry” by Dr. Cheung Nim-kwan, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI

- "The Development of New Technologies and Tools for 3D Virtualization and Visualization in Health Care" by Ir. Clifford TSE, Managing Director of Altrinion Group

- "Empowering Artists to be Their Own Brand" by Mr. Brennan Mulligan, CEO of Alkheme Limited

13:35 - 14:00 Mingle

14:00 End of Event

About the Speakers:

Dr. Cheung Nim-kwan, Chief Executive Officer of ASTRI

Before joining ASTRI, Dr. Cheung Nim-kwan was Executive Consultant of Telcordia Technologies in the U.S. and President of the international IEEE Communications Society in 2006 and 2007.

After receiving his B.Sc. (General) and B.Sc. (Special) degrees, both with First Class Honours, from the University of Hong Kong in 1969 and 1970 respectively, Dr. Cheung pursued further studies at the California Institute of Technology in the U.S., where he received his Ph.D. degree in Physics in 1976. He is Fellow of IEEE and Telcordia Technologies.

He joined Bell Laboratories upon his graduation to conduct pioneering research in innovative single-mode fiber optic systems. In 1984, he became District Manager of Advanced Lightwave Technology in Bell communications Research, where he created three world-class research programmes in high-speed, coherent, and subcarrier-multiplex lightwave systems. In 1999, Dr. Cheung became Vice President of Applied Research Government Programme in Telcordia Technologies. Under his leadership, the Government-funded research programme portfolio grew at double-digit rate per year.
Since 2004, Dr. Cheung has been serving as a Consulting Professor in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. He has also served on the Electrical Engineering advisory boards of Columbia University, Polytechnic University of New York, and New Jersey Institute of Technology.

In 2005, Dr. Cheung was elected the 18th President of the IEEE Communications Society, which is an international professional organization with 45,000 members in 180 chapters around the world. After completing his term, he served as immediate Past President of the Society to provide assistance to the President.

Dr. Cheung has published over 150 journal publications, and has served in different editorial positions, including Editor-in-Chief of the renowned IEEE Communications Magazine

Ir. Clifford TSE, Managing Director of Altrinion Group

Clifford Tse has over 20 years of experience in the technology industry and has extensive international working experience in the North Americas, Europe and Asia.

Clifford has worked with major hospitals, research institutes and multi-national healthcare companies in US, UK and Hong Kong in developing computational engines for drug discovery, genomics and sophisticated solutions for clinical specialties. In particular, Clifford led the development of the Cardisys, an award-winning state-of-the-art cardiology management system that is used by some of the largest hospitals in Hong Kong and overseas.

Clifford is well respected for developing sophisticated computational analytics using supercomputing technologies and building some of the fastest trading engines for top-tier finance firms. He was a pioneer in developing financial network systems, developed the first major trading platform using the Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol, built the first electronic futures and options trading platform for one of the largest stock exchanges, and the first global IP-based foreign exchange transaction system for one of the largest banks in the world. Clifford was also previously the Strategic Advisor at Jardine Fleming Securities and advised the firm on developing a unified regional trading infrastructure and creating a pan-regional third-market exchange.

Clifford was a founding member of Juno Online Services which became one of the largest email and internet service providers in the US with over 40 million users.

Before entering the business world, Clifford worked at research institutes including Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), MIT Laboratory of Computer Science, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and MIT Media Lab, where he developed language and compiler technology for massively parallel supercomputing.

Clifford graduated with 4 degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the US.

Mr. Brennan Mulligan, CEO of Alkheme Limited

Brennan Mulligan graduated from UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business. He founded and sold two successful start-ups. He's consulted global brands, including Nike, Timberland and Reebok. His latest start-up, Alkheme Ltd., aims to build online communities empowering content owners to create and sell their own lines of consumer products.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Startups Connect: Networking with Mobile Application Companies

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre will have "Startups Connect" networking event to bring industry professionals, startup companies, incubatees and alumni together with their presentations and mentors / guests in the event. During the event, participants are encouraged for active networking and information exchange.

Details of the event:

Date: August 12, 2010 (Thursday)

Time: 12:15 - 14:00

Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport, Hong Kong.

Language to be conducted: Cantonese and English, and subject to the speakers.

Fee: normal price HK$20

Registration is open to startups and industry professionals.

To register: please send your company name, participant's name, email and tel to with subject "Startups Connect: Networking with Mobile Application Companies" by August 4, 2010.


12:15 - 12:30 Registration

12:30 - 12:45 Simple lunch

12:45 - 13:35 Mentors, incubatees and alumni presentation

Topics and speakers:

- "Wireless Service Value Chain Cooperation Platform – Pearl River Delta seminar briefing" by Mr. Lawrence Li, Centre Director, Hong Kong Wireless Development Centre

- “Mobile Apps Success Cases Sharing “ by Mr. Benjamin Yiu, Business Manager of Dream Cortex

- "How to win in the Mobilescope - A case study: Hong Kong Movie iPhone App" by Mr. Benny Leung, Chief Operating Officer of Green Tomato Ltd.

- "hello moopi, goodbye junk" by Mr. Andrew Chin, CEO of Evergreat Creative (Hong Kong) Limited

- "Creating Innovative Mobile Apps and Games" by Mr. Leo To, Director of Nuthon IT Solutions Limited

13:35 - 14:00 Mingle

14:00 End of Event

About the speakers and topics

Hong Kong Wireless Development Centre (HKWDC)
The Hong Kong Wireless Development Centre (HKWDC) is devised by the Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) as a flagship project to disseminate the awareness, development and usage of wireless application technology in Hong Kong. It aims as a regional wireless and mobile applications hub in Asia Pacific to attract investments and talents from around the world. It has acquired support from the HKSAR Government and all parties in the wireless industry. Covering 3000 square feet, HKWDC comprises well-equipped software development suites and a spacious product display area at Cyberport, a symbolic representation of leading edge Information Technology (IT) and Hong Kong as a digital city.

WTIA with support from Hong Kong Wireless Development Centre (HKWDC) have established a Wireless Services Value Chain Cooperation (WSVCC) platform in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) of Mainland China. This project aims to reinforce the collaboration in the area of mobile & wireless technology inside the PRD, as well as to raise the awareness and enhance the development of Hong Kong wireless applications & solutions in Mainland China.

In the seminar, we will introduce services provided by WSVCC and how to apply for the subsidized services from the WSVCC platform. You can also meet other industry practitioners during the Networking Session. Mobile application developers, service & solution providers, corporate users are welcome to join the seminar.

About Dream Cortex
Dream Cortex is one of Hong Kong’s premier digital content creation facilities. As one of the pillars of the renowned Cyberport complex, Dream Cortex offers state-of-the-art game development and 3D animation production environment, coupled with industry leading digital media post-production and distribution infrastructure. The company is fully equipped with the tools and talents to tackle projects and productions of any size and scope. Since 1998, Dream Cortex has met client and partner demands for sophisticated, groundbreaking digital content, across a wide range of business sectors.

Dream Cortex offers a full range of high-impact creative services including game development, game art production, 3D animation production, iPhone/iPad App Development, Flash Development and Web Design. Projects include the award-winning animated TV series “The Adventures of Hello Kitty & Friends”, Hello Kitty Online MMO Game, Ben10 Omniverse MMO Game, Tom & Jerry Online MMO Game and others. Dream Cortex is a subsidiary of Outblaze Limited, the media services and solutions provider.

As Business Manager of Oublaze’s subsidiary company, Dream Cortex, Benjamin focuses on games, animations, iPhone apps and other digital media related businesses. Benjamin’s main responsibilities are marketing, project management, business partnership and development.

Mr Benny Leung, Chief Operating Officer of Green Tomato Ltd.
GreenTomato is a leading mobile application service provider established in 2003. Headquartered in Hong Kong, the innovative and energetic team focuses on the emerging Mobile Internet Market. GreenTomato helps corporate clients expand their presence and user community on the mobile space through mobile platform solutions, mobile contents generation and mobile application development projects (iPhone, Android, Blackberry, J2ME, Symbian, and Windows Mobile). GreenTomato has launched over 150 WAP services serving more than 3 million subscribers and over 50 iPhone apps for its clients since 2009. Along with numerous international and local awards, GreenTomato is a Red Herring Global 100 company, as well as the Best Rising Star recognized by Nokia Award 2005.

Mr. Andrew Chin, Evergreat Creative Hong Kong Limited – Creator of moopi
Andrew equally split his more than 15 year telecom experience into fixed and mobile services. He has been located in Hong Kong, USA and China for sales and marketing as well as business development function. Most of his time focused on providing technical solution for corporate customers. Dr. Andrew Lai, Mr. Eric Lam and Andrew founded Evergreat Creative, later ECHK, about a year ago. The company focuses on mobile application development. Andrew serves as the CEO of the company.

Mr. Leo To, Director of Nuthon IT Solutions Limited
Leo has founded Nuthon in 2004 as a web development company, and put his focus on smart-phone mobile apps since 2008 as one of the earliest adopters. His location-based apps, "Toilet Rush" & "Leisure Guide", are well-known in Hong Kong.

Supporting Organization

Friday, July 2, 2010

Call for Presentation: Startups Connect Networking with Mobile Application Companies

Reply Deadline: Jul 21, 2010

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre is planning next "Startups Connect" networking event with the topics related to "Mobile Application". As incubatees and alumni, you are cordially invited to present your company and products in order to spark new collaboration or ideas.

If you are interested to be one of the presenting companies, please send your proposed topic, speaker and his/her bio by email to Katherine Lam (email at with subject “Call for Presentation: Startups Connect Networking with Mobile Application Companies" by July 21, 2010.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Animation Camp 2010 by Patrick Lin from Pixar Animation Studios 數碼娛樂培訓營2010 - 彼思動畫攝影指導 Patrick Lin 分享


香港數碼港數碼娛樂培育中心邀請到彼思動畫製作室的攝影指導Patrick Lin來港,與你作近距離心得交流。Patrick 是土生土長的香港人,於美國留學加入迪士尼 • 彼思曾製作多部賣座電影動畫,包括《蟲蟲特工隊》、《反斗奇兵2》、《怪獸公司》、《超人特工隊》、《五星級大鼠》和《沖天救兵》。

Hong Kong Cyberport IncuTrain Centre has invited Mr. Patrick Lin, Director of Photography – Camera, Pixar Animation Studios, to Hong Kong for a seminar to industry professionals. Patrick was born in Hong Kong and educated in the US. After joining Pixar, Patrick have worked on a number of blockbusters including A Bug's Life, Toy Story 2, Monters, Inc., Incredibles, Ratatouille, and Up.

Seminar Details 講座簡介

日期 :2010年6月18日 (星期五)
時間 :下午3:00-5:00
地點 :香港數碼港數碼娛樂培育中心香港數碼港道100號數碼港3座(F區) 5樓518室Solution Lab

** 講座採用廣東話進行

Date : June 18, 2010 (Friday)
Time : 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Venue : Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Level 5, Core F, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.

** The seminar will be conducted in Cantonese

Content and Features 講座內容及特色


• 透視動畫和數碼娛樂創作的過程
• 動畫和數碼娛樂的發展及未來趨勢
• 互動答問,分享在彼思的工作生活

抽奬 – 參加講座的朋友,有機會獲得Patrick親筆簽名的精美迪士尼 • 彼思電影禮品!

During the seminar, Patrick will share with you:

• Creative process of animation and digital entertainment
• Trends and Developments
• Interactions and Q&As with audience

After the seminar, you could have a chance to Lucky Draw and get a gift from Disney / Pixar with Patrick's autograph!

Targeted Participants 適合對象

• Digital entertainment Industry professionals 數碼娛樂業專業人士
• Startup companies 創業者
• Anyone decided to be digital entertainment industry practitioners 有志加入數碼娛樂行業的朋友

Free-of-charge 費用全免

Limited Seat Available, Register NOW! 名額有限,報名從速!

Shuttle bus will be arranged between Admiralty and Cyberport


About the speaker

Patrick Lin

Director of Photography - Camera

Pixar Animation Studios

Patrick Lin joined Pixar Animation Studios in September 1997 as a Layout Artist on A Bug's Life. For Lin's next project he worked as Layout Sequence Lead on Toy Story 2, and then as Lead Layout Artist on Monsters, Inc. Lin's work has been a part of three Academy Award®-winning features, The Incredibles as Director of Photography, and Ratatouille as Lead Layout Artist, and Up, as Director of Photography. Lin is currently working on a future Pixar project.

As Director of Photography – Camera, Lin leads a team of Layout Artists to scout out set locations, establish staging for each of the film's scenes, and to shoot and compose each shot, inside the computer. Lin and his team also determine initial character position, timing and blocking for the film's animators as well as help set the film’s pacing and refine shot flow by working closely with the editorial team.

Filmmaking is something Lin has wanted to do from the moment he discovered it could be studied at a university. While in film school, he shot student films and developed a passion for cinematography. Upon seeing Toy Story he realized that cinematography had become a part of animated films and he knew that was what he wanted to do.

Prior to coming to Pixar, Lin worked as a Camera Assistant for Midland Productions for client MGM and Skellington Productions, and then as a Motion Control Operator at Matte World. While at Matte World he worked on a number of productions including Wag the Dog, The Truman Show, Soldier and X-Men. He then went on to work as Director of Photography with Midland Productions for Tower Records, IMAX and Sea World.

Raised in Hong Kong, Lin left to attend high school in London, Ontario in Canada at the age of 15. He then came to the Bay Area and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Video from California College of Arts and Crafts. Lin has lived in the Bay Area ever since.

Enquiry Hotline 諮詢專線 : 2186 8739
Application Deadline 報名截止日期: 2010/06/14
Click HERE for Registration

Attention 注意事項
* Organizers reserve the right to change the content of the seminar.

Organized by:

Hong Kong Cyberport IncuTrain Centre

Supported by:

Create Hong Kong
Commerce and Economic Development Bureau

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures International

BizSpark News

火速參加 Microsoft「2010世界『遊』你創」比賽,3 位終極大贏家每人可獨得逾HK$35,000獎金獎品 !!!
登入 專頁!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Startups Connect: Networking with Digital Marketing and Advertising-related Companies

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre will have "Startups Connect" networking event to bring industry professionals, startup companies, incubatees and alumni together with their presentations and mentors / guests in the event. During the event, participants are encouraged for active networking and information exchange.

Details of the event:

Date: July 16, 2010 (Friday)

Time: 12:15 - 14:00

Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport, Hong Kong.

Language to be conducted: Cantonese and English, and subject to the speakers.

Fee: normal price HK$20

Registration is open to startups and industry professionals.

To register: please send your company name, participant's name, email and tel to with subject "Startups Connect: Networking with Digital Marketing and Advertising-related Companies" on July 16, 2010" by July 9, 2010.


12:15 - 12:30 Registration

12:30 - 12:45 Simple lunch

12:45 - 13:35 Mentors, incubatees and alumni presentation

Topics and Speakers:

12:45 - 13:00 “Digital Marketing and Advertising: Industry Evolution and Market Overview” by Mr. Oscar Lo, Sales and Marketing Director of New Digital Noise

13:00 - 13:10 "Social Media Marketing on” by Mr. Raffi Kamalian, COO of

13:10 - 13:20 "Effective and Innovative Solution Making Internet Display Advertising Campaigns More Efficient” by Mr. Savio Tang – Founder/CEO, Cosher Limited

13:20 - 13:30 "Technology and Business Performance: Data, Marketing and Common Sense” by Mr. Paul Denlinger, Digital Advertising Association (Greater China)

13:30 - 14:00 Mingle

14:00 End of Event

About the speakers and the companies:

New Digital Noise
Founded in 2001, New Digital Noise is about innovation and deploying new marketing methods to engage customers. Over the years, the company's service scope includes web development, touch-screen kiosk, smartcard loyalty programme, augmented reality, Bluetooth, mobile solution, and branded browsers. For details, please visit

Mr. Raffi Kamalian, COO of is an online community for artists and their fans based in Hong Kong. Since launching in 2007, has grown to over 1600 artists and 500,000 users from around the world. has worked on social media-based marketing campaigns with many brands including adidas, Coca-Cola, Nokia, Esprit and Diesel Jeans. Prior to the founding of, Raffi was working as an assistant Professor in CUHK's Faculty of Engineering.

Mr. Savio Tang – Founder/CEO, Cosher Limited

Savio Tang has more than 10 years experience in the software/I.T. industry. He is also active in the start-up and Venture Capital communities. Savio founded Cosher Limited in 2009. Cosher ( is the world’s first company to offer standard-based online advertisements, replacing the mouse cursor pointer with a product/company logo. After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Purdue University in the United States in 1998, Savio worked for Intel Corporation in Silicon Valley as a Senior Software Engineer till 2005. Savio then joined a startup company Facio Software in Beijing where he served as Director of Engineering and later Director of Operations. Facio is engaged in mobile phone software development. Savio also helped founded Xanamatrix Interactive, which is a mobile/IPTV games developer in Beijing. In 2008, Savio graduated from the University of Hong Kong/London Business School partnership MBA program. Upon graduation from the MBA, Savio joined the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association as a public/external relations manager where he liaised with venture capital and private equity funds and helped the association recruit new funds as members for the benefit of the industry in the region. Savio is also an active committee member of a registered non-profit charity named LOG ( which aims to help impoverished children in rural China through better nutrition and education.

Mr. Paul Denlinger, Digital Advertising Association (Greater China)

Paul Denlinger has worked more than 15 years in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan in both Chinese and western companies, and has participated in the dramatic growth and development of several Chinese internet companies. Born in Seattle, he was educated in the US, Taiwan and graduated from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. He is bilingual in Mandarin Chinese and English. After graduating from university, he worked at Ogilvy & Mather Advertising in Taiwan, where he worked on hi-tech accounts. When the Internet wave started, he moved to Silicon Valley, where he joined a pre-IPO US-based Chinese language Internet company, Sinanet, as a consultant. At the time, the company was looking for a strategy to expand its presence; he recommended the company establish a presence in China. It soon merged with a Chinese software company, becoming, now the largest online media portal in China. Later, he joined chinadotcom, the first China-play company to list on Nasdaq, as its vice president of product management, where he oversaw the rapid growth of that portal in China. While there, he also recommended investments; one early-stage company he assisted was Shanda Interactive Entertainment, which is now China’s largest online gaming company. Now, he is working on establishing a new association to connect startups, advertisers, agencies and online media called Digital Advertising Association (Greater China). With headquarters in Hong Kong, it will serve the Greater China region.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Startups Connect: Networking with Animation-related Companies

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre will have "Startups Connect" networking event to bring industry professionals, startup companies, incubatees and alumni together with their presentations and mentors / guests in the event. During the event, participants are encouraged for active networking and information exchange.

Details of the event:

Date: June 11, 2010 (Friday)

Time: 12:15 pm - 2:00 pm

Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 3, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport, Hong Kong.

- incubatees just pay HK$5
- alumni just pay HK$10
- normal price HK$20


12:15pm - 12:30pm: Registration

12:30pm - 12:45pm: Simple lunch

12:45pm - 1:35pm: Mentors, incubatees and alumni presentation

Topics and Speakers:

12:45pm - 12:55pm:

“Sharing on Generating Successful Creative Ideas in Animation and Digital Entertainment and How to Pitch the Ideas to the Investors” by Mr. Eddy Wong Wang Hin, CEO and Director of Menfond Electronic Art & Computer Design.

12:55pm - 1:05pm:

"3D immersive virtual worlds and their role in education and collaboration" by Mr. Claus Nehmzow, Managing Director, 3D Avatar School Limited.

1:05pm - 1:15pm:

"Developing Your Animation Project" by Mr. Matthew CHOW, SIMAGE ANIMATION & MEDIA LIMITED

1:15pm - 2:00pm: Mingle

2:00pm: End of event

Language to be conducted: Cantonese and English, and subject to the speakers.

Registration is open to startups and industry professionals.

To register: please send your company name, participant's name, email and tel to with subject "Startups Connect: Networking with Animation-related Companies on June 11, 2010" by June 4, 2010.

About the Speakers:

Mr. Eddy Wong Wang Hin, CEO and Director of Menfond Electronic Art & Computer Design

Founded the company with his brother in 1990, Eddy Wong graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing in 1989 and has since devoted his time and talent to Menfond. After producing the first-ever computer animated TV commercial, Eddy immediately impressed the creative world and has since been awarded numerous more projects including worldwide tv commercials and feature movies. Eddy has produced visual effects for Jackie Chan's GORGEOUS and THE NEW POLICE STORY, Jet Li's FEARLESS, as well as TWINS EFFECT, MASTER Q:2001, A CHINESE TALL STORY and INITIAL D. Under the leadership of Eddy, Menfond has won numerous international awards and recognitions including Electronic Theatre from SIGGRAPH, Digital Theatre from IMAGINA, the New York Festival Awards, the Grand Prize of the Japan International Advertising Award, the Best Visual Effects Award from the Taipei Golden Gorse Film Festival and the Best Visual Effects Award from the Hong Kong Film Awards. Furthermore, Eddy actively focuses on training new blood for the animation industry. Joinly with The Hong Kong Productivity Council, he created Hong Kong's first training program for Film Visual Effects and has to date trained over 200 new animators. In addition, Eddy also serves on the committee for the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation, the Hong Kong Arts Centre and the Cyberport IncuTrain Centre.

Mr. Claus Nehmzow, Managing Director, 3D Avatar School Limited.

From Germany originally, Claus worked and lived in Zürich, München, New York, London and is now based in Hong Kong. Before setting up ALCUS, while General Manager International at the brand and user experience agency Method, Claus led a project for the health insurer Cigna that pioneered a new style of health education community, using 3D immersive worlds and "serious games" technology. This project gained international credibility as a leading example in this space. Prior to joining Method, Claus was Partner at the global management and technology company PA Consulting, where he helped clients apply virtual world immersive experiences to a wide range of business problems. His "Second Life" incarnations of PA's office and online conferences - including UK Sunday Times and Financial Times events - have been widely hailed as pioneering and successful. He has also developed numerous business pilots in 3D world. He has led comparisons between different virtual world platforms, including Linden Lab's Second Life, Forterra's Olive and others.

Mr. Matthew Chow, Managing Director of Simage Animation and Media Limited

Simage Animation and Media Limited is an Animation-loving company, specializing in the art and technique of creating high-end commercial production for all styles of animation for cartoon, advertising and broadcast industries. Supporting with a well trained production team and high-end technical arms, Simage accomplishes a distinguished record of providing comprehensive service to their clients. Moving into future perspective, Simage will extend their technology to merge creativity for achieving a consistent improvement; simultaneously they guarantee an excellent quality and efficient delivery of production service with competitive price over the world. Simage offers 2D / 3D Animation production service for outsourcing needs for corporate and business promotion, such as games, outdoor advertising, CD-Rom, Website, TVC, MV and feature films.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

BizSpark Tech Talk : Windows Phone 7 Application and Game Development Introductory Seminar


Windows Phone 7 Series has transformed the mobile experience by aligning your apps, your contacts, and most importantly — your phone — with your life in motion. In this session we will showcase everything you need to know to start building your applications and games with Visual Studio 2010 for Windows Phone 7 Series right away.

Date: Jun 10, 2010 (Thu)

Time: 18:30 Registration starts

18:45 – 19:30 Dinner
19:30 – 21:00 Seminar

Venue: Microsoft Hong Kong Limited - Seminar Room

13/F, Cyberport 2, 100 Cyberport Road,

Hong Kong

Language: Cantonese

Admission: FREE

* Dinner will be provided.

To register: please send your company name, participant's name, tel and email to with subject " BizSpark Tech Talk : Windows Phone 7 Application and Game Development Introductory Seminar " by June 4, 2010.

Shuttle bus will be provided at the following locations:

Pick up location

- Admiralty McDonalds near Admiralty Center, Drake Street, Admiralty MTR
Assembly time - 6:30pm; Shuttle bus will depart at 6:45pm

- Kwun Tong How Ming Street near Everest Industrial Centre
Assembly time – 6:15pm; Shuttle bus will depart at 6:30pm

- Mongkok Prince Edward Playing Field Road near Mongkok Police Station
Assembly time – 6:15pm; Shuttle bus will depart at 6:30pm

- Quarry Bay Hoi Chak Street near Quarry Bay Park Phrase II
Assembly time – 6:15pm; Shuttle bus will depart at 6:30pm

Drop off location

- Admiralty McDonalds near Admiralty Center, Drake Street, Admiralty MTR Station

- Mongkok Mong Kok East MTR Station

- TaiKoo Kornhill Road, Taikoo MTR Station (Exit C1)

- Kwun Tong How Ming Street near Everest Industrial Centre

Note: The drop off locations are subject to changes. Final details will be announced during the event.

BizSpark Tech Talk : Windows Phone 7 Insider Event

Windows Phone 7 is coming at Holiday 2010 and the momentum is building up quickly in Hong Kong. To keep you up-to-date with the latest news of Windows Phone 7, we would like to invite you to a Windows Phone 7 Insider event to:

  • Hands on real WP7 device

  • Learn about the design concept of WP7

  • See latest demos on WP7 including User Interface, applications and games

  • Talk to WP7 experts directly

Date: May 27, 2010

Time: 7-9pm

Venue: 2305-2309, 23/F, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong.

6:30pm - registration and WP7 hands on time
7:00pm - Seminar on WP7 design concepts, latest demos and MarketPlace information
8:00pm - Q&A, mingling and WP7 hands on time
9:00pm - End of Event

To register, please email to with subject “Windows Phone 7 Insider Event on May 27, 2010” together with your company name, participant’s name , tel and email by May 24, 2010.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Call for Presentation: Startups Connect 3D Animation

Reply Deadline: May 28, 2010

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre is planning next "Startups Connect" networking event with the topics related to "3D Animation". As incubatees and alumni, you are cordially invited to present your company and products in order to spark new collaboration or ideas.

If you are interested to be one of the presenting companies, please send your proposed topic by email to Katherine Lam (email at with subject “Call for Presentation: Startups Connect: 3D Animation" by May 28, 2010.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Windows Phone 7 Application and Game Development Certification Training

Windows Phone 7 Certification Training
Windows Phone 7 is expected to be launched towards the end of 2010 and have been an industry focus since its announcement in February. It opens up a brand new platform for software companies to develop and distribute their mobile games and applications. An in-depth training for local software developers will help them become the first mover in Windows Phone 7 MarketPlace and gain first-mover advantage.

Windows Phone 7 應用及遊戲開發培訓證書課程
Microsoft 於本年二月發表的Windows Phone 7,這個嶄新的手機平台預計將於2010年底推出,Windows Phone 7設置觸控介面,專為流動應用程式及遊戲而設,Microsoft 現與香港數碼港IncuTrain Centre 推出“Windows Phone 7 應用及遊戲開發培訓證書課程”,使有專業開發者可領先掌握商機,於Windows Phone 7 平台上,自行設計應用軟件及遊戲程式。

Course Details (課程簡介)
Date : June 23-25, 2010 (Wednesday to Friday)
Time : 09:00-18:00 (Lunch break 12:30-13:30)
Venue : Fortress Tower Learning Centre, Fortress Tower, 250 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong (Exit B, Fortress Hill MTR Station)

Targeted Participants(適合對象)

  • Anyone decided to be Windows Phone 7 professional application and game developers

  • Basic knowledge in .NET Programming is expected
** The course is conducted in English

prerequisite requirement of participant (課程要求)
  • participants to be proficient in C# (懂編程語言C#)
Course Fee(課程費用)
** Cyberport IncuTrain Centre's incubated companies could enjoy 75% reimbursement
(Only HK$700 after 75% reimbursement)
** Cyberport IncuTrain Centre's alumni could enjoy 50% reimbursement
(only HK$1,400 after 50% reimbursement)
** Students could enjoy 25% with valid student ID card
(Only HK$2,100)

** Seats are limited. Please settle the payment within 2 days after receiving the confirmation of registration email.

  • Windows Phone 7 trainer with Microsoft authorization to come to Hong Kong to deliver the course first time in Hong Kong

  • Workstation and Windows Phone 7 development tools will be used all the way in the course

  • Each topic will be covered by lecture and demos, followed by Hands-on-Labs to help students put what they have learnt in practice

  • Students will get an original Microsoft recognized Windows Phone 7 application and game development programming training certificate if with 100% attendance
Course Structure(課程架構)
  • Building consumer applications on Windows Phone 7 with Silverlight

  • Game development on Windows Phone 7 with XNA

  • 3D graphics on Windows Phone 7

  • Using Windows Phone 7 hardware features, accelerometer, multitouch, camera, etc

  • Getting your application certified on Windows Phone 7

About the Trainer (師資介紹)
Jeffrey Jiang is the Co-Founder and CTO at Touch Dimensions (Singapore), who is responsible for directing technological research and development. His company flagship product, Autumn Dynasty is supported on multiple platforms (PC, Windows Phone, Xbox360), and is the regional winner for Microsoft Code 7 contest. Jeffrey is a programmer for over 11 years, and takes obscure interest in the fields of real-time graphics, physics simulations, and maths. Prior to Touch Dimensions, he is the lead programmer of Envisage Reality.

Enquiry Hotline(諮詢專線): 2186 8739
Application Deadline(報名截止): 2010 / 06 / 18

* Organizers, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co. Ltd. Cyberport IncuTrain Centre and Microsoft Hong Kong Limited, reserve the right to change the content of the course.
主辦單位香港數碼港管理有限公司數碼娛樂培育中心及Microsoft Hong Kong Limited 保留更改課程之權利

Click Here for enrollment


Monday, May 10, 2010

From SME to a listed company in Hong Kong

Date : 28 May 2010
Time : 4:00pm – 6:00p.m.
Venue : Conference Hall 04, 2/F Lakeside 2, Hong Kong Science Park
Co-Organiser : Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association

Co-organised by Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation and Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (HKVCA), the upcoming Exchange @ Science Park features the topic of SME to be listed on the Main Board or Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) of Hong Kong. The talk will cover:

  1. Listing Requirements and Procedure
  2. Advantages of Listing in Hong Kong
  3. Role of sponsor and how to co-operate with them
  4. Tips for preparing listing
We are pleased to have invited the guest speakers from the financial sector to share their professional advice on the above topic.

Guest Speakers
  • Mr. Geoffrey Tang, Senior Manager, Issuer Marketing Department of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited; and

  • Ms. Deirdre Yau, Executive Director of Guotai Junan Capital Limited

This event provides an excellent networking opportunity for audience and to meet with the speakers. You could also meet with Mr. Roger Marshall, Committee Member of the HKVCA and other members from the association for casual chats and exchanges. Don’t miss this opportunity and register to attend this event!

16:00 – 16:03Welcome Remarks by
Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation
16:03 – 16:06
Opening Speech by
Mr. Roger Marshall
Committee Member of HKVCA
16:06 – 16:26
Hong Kong as an international listing and capital raising centre in Asia
Mr. Geoffrey Tang,
Senior Manager, Issuer Marketing Department,
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
16:26 – 16:46
Going for a GEM Listing: From a sponsor's perspective
Ms. Deirdre Yau,
Executive Director,
Guotai Junan Capital Limited
16:46 – 17:30
Networking Cocktail

About Exchange @ Science Park
Exchange @ Science Park is an informal networking event organized by Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation. It aims to provide a platform for the technology community to come together, for individual to make new friends and catch up with old ones, for idea exchange of the oncoming activities and to foster the growth of the community as a whole. Each month, feature speakers will be invited to share various scopes of topics including technology development, market trend, financing and industry support.

The event will be conducted in English

This event is free of charge. Please click here for registration.
Please called Mr. Eddie Ching on 2629 6872 for detail of this event.