Monday, December 28, 2009

“Pre-Incubation Programme Series – Successful On-line Social Networking and Game Business”

Final intake of Cyberport Incubation Programme
“Pre-Incubation Programme Series –
Successful On-line Social Networking and Game Business”
Free Enrollment. Welcome to Join!

(Hong Kong, December 28, 2009) Cyberport IncuTrain Centre (“IncuTrain”) is now calling applications for the last intake of its onsite and offsite IncuTrain programme from companies specialized in the digital entertainment industry and creative lifestyle related areas. The application deadline is January 28, 2010 with the vetting process in February 2010. Don’t miss the last opportunity to join our incubation program and apply now!

To help the applicants to understand more and get prepared for the business proposal, another session of the “Pre-Incubation Programme Series – Successful On-line Social Networking and Game Business” will be organized by IncuTrain on January 11, 2010 for those who are interested in the Incubation programme.

“Pre-Incubation Programme Series – Successful On-line Social Networking and Game Business”
Date : January 11, 2010 (Monday)
Time : 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Venue : Cyberport IncuTrain Centre
Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
Charge : Free
Language : Cantonese
Rundown : An introduction to Cyberport Incubation Programme
Experience-sharing by incubatees in 3D social networking and on-
line game business
Q & A session and a tour to IncuTrain facilities
(Light lunch will be served)

To enroll, please email to stating your name, contact number and email address by January 6, 2010. For enquiry, please contact 3166 3907. Seats are limited and on a first come first serve basis.

For more information about Cyberport Incubation Programme or application form and brochure downloads, please visit

For enquiry, please contact
Karen Wong
Tel : 3166 3903
Email :

Thursday, December 24, 2009



~ 座談香港數碼娛樂企業進入國內市場面對的障礙,以及如何建立數碼娛樂產品進入內地市場的順暢通道及相應機制
~ 促進內地企業通過香港發展海外市場,互補資源,攜手拓展商機

~ 邀請政府有關機構、廣州以及香港數碼娛樂企業參與午餐會
~ 邀請廣州政府機構分享廣州數碼娛樂產業的發展平臺、優惠政策以及支持措施
~ 邀請香港有關企業及機構分享香港數碼娛樂產業市場現況
~ 參觀內地主要數碼娛樂企業、舉辦洽商會議,包括投資、收購、合作機會

時間:早上9時30分 至 下午 5時30分

** 受培育公司可享有75% 培訓支助,包括團費 (即受培育公司只須付HK$50)及香港往廣州交通
** 已畢業受培育公司也可享有50% 培訓支助,包括團費 (即受培育公司只須付HK$50)及香港往廣州交通

報名:請於2010年1月13日前連同參加公司名稱、參加者名稱、電郵及電話,電郵致 標題 “穗港數碼娛樂產業交流團”報名。

建議由香港出發的交通工具:香港九龍搭乘東鐵到羅湖口岸(約30元),然後過關轉乘廣深鐵路列車到廣州火車東站(70元),集合地點近大快活, 請參閱本頁註: 廣州火車東站地圖)

時 間 擬  定  行  程
9:30 - 10:15 香港出發到廣州火車東站
10:15 - 11:00 前往午餐會地點—廣州迎賓館酒店
11:00 – 13:30 午餐會—『穗港數碼娛樂產業的發展以及市場商機』主要針對如何建立香港數碼娛樂企業產品進入內地市場的順暢通道及相應機制、如何促進穗港兩地數碼娛樂企業合作與發展進行探討。
13:30-14:00 驅車至廣東原創動力文化傳播有限公司 或其他公司
14:00-15:30 參觀廣東原創動力文化傳播有限公司 或其他公司
17:00-17:30 前往廣州火車東站,結束考察行程

~ 香港無線發展中心 
香港無線發展中心 (HKWDC)是由香港特別行政區政府的創新及科技基金撥款,香港無線科技商會統籌成立,用作推動香港無線科技開發及應用的重點項目。它肩負起使香港成為亞太區無線科技中心的使命,致力吸引世界各地的投資及人才。香港無線發展中心得到香港特區政府,其他半政府機構和無線科技業界公司的大力支持。

~ 香港數碼娛樂培育及培訓中心 

~ 廣東動漫遊戲產業研究中心

~ 廣州從化動漫產業園



Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Optimal Usability Certification Workshops on Jan 28/29, 2010

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre is organizing two Optimal Usability Workshops in January 2010 targeting small and medium sized digital entertainment and creative lifestyle content companies. Please find workshop details as follow:

1/ Usability Issues Workshop

Date: January 28, 2010 (Thursday)
Time: 9:00-17:00
Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
** The workshop will be conducted in English

2/ User Testing Workshop

Date: January 29, 2010 (Friday)
Time: 9:00-17:00
Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
** The workshop will be conducted in English

** certificate of attendance will be issued by Optimal Usability and Cyberport IncuTrain Centre to the participants after the workshop.

Course Fee: HK$250 for each workshop
** Seats are limited, and on first-come-first-served basis

Application deadline: January 15, 2010 (Friday), 5pm.

To register: please fill in enrolment form in here and fax at 3166 3027 or email at with subject "Optimal Usability Workshops in Jan 2010" by January 15, 2010 (Friday), 5pm. Thanks.

About Common Usability Issues Workshop

Common Usability Issues is a practical introduction for people wanting to learn about how to improve the usability of software applications or websites. From high-level principles right through to detailed tips on specific interface elements, attendees will learn how to apply simple usability guidelines to their work and build usability into their designs from the start. Attendees also take away a set of valuable reference notes and checklists.

During the workshop participants will:

- To understand fundamental usability concepts and issues Learn why usability is important, and how it can be inexpensively included in projects.
- To learn about best-practice usability heuristics (including the latest research) Learn how to apply best practice usability and avoid basic mistakes, through the use of dozens of real-world examples.

About User Testing Workshop
This workshop is a practical introduction for people wanting to learn about how to improve the usability of software applications or websites. In a nutshell, user testing involves sitting down with real users, getting them to use a piece of technology, and figuring out what annoys or frustrates them. Using hands-on exercises and rich examples from New Zealand and overseas organisations that the presenter will cover:

an introduction to usability
- how to prepare relevant scenarios
- how to recruit participants
- how to facilitate and observe user tests
- how to analyse tests
- how to present results.
Each attendee will receive a copy of our User Testing Methodology report.
During the workshop participants will:
- Understand fundamental usability concepts and issues
- Learn how to design and plan user tests
- Learn how to facilitate and observe user tests
- Learn how to analyse and report the results of user testing
- Learn practical tips and tricks from the school of hard knocks

Who should attend?

Designers and developers of all kind of interactive technologies including websites, intranets, software applications, IVR systems, consumer electronics and mobile phones; usability specialists; business analysts responsible for screen designs; project managers wanting to know more about how user testing fits into the wider product development lifecycle; market researchers wanting to know how to incorporate observational
research into their projects; technical writers wanting to learn about the latest usability research; business analysts responsible for screen designs.

About the presenter - Dave O'Brien

Dave O'Brien is a senior consultant at Optimal Usability, New Zealand's leading usability consultancy company. Optimal Usability has completed over 1,600 user tests for clients such as Trademe, Westpac, Department of Conservation and Yahoo!

Dave’s ten years of user-centered design experience in San Diego taught him that the key to delivering a great product is up-front, unbiased user research - moving past preconceptions, folklore, and the competition to find out who the users really are and what they really need.

His past work, as a full-time UI designer for Qualcomm and a senior UI consultant for Intuit, includes both commercial products (B2B web apps and high-profile consumer desktop software) and internal tools (intranets, workflow automation, and knowledge management).

More recently, Dave designed a call-centre system for Air New Zealand, helped create the customer experience for a telco startup, guided the development of website personas for ACC, and created a new site-structure evaluation tool.

** Cyberport IncuTrain Centre reserves the right of to change the content of the event without prior notice.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

BizSpark Tech Talk (hands-on lab training): Windows Azure Platform Hands-on Training

You are invited to participate a hands-on training on our latest Cloud Computing Development Platform – the Windows Azure Platform ( In addition to a hands-on development experience, participants will also be granted the access code (token) to the real Azure Platform to taste the deployment procedures.

Want your developers to start exploring Windows Azure? ACT NOW! (Seats are limited, first come first served. Deadline for registration – 5th Feb 2010)

Date & Time: TBC (Feb 2010) (9:00am – 5:30 pm)

Venue: Infocan Training Ltd.

8th Floor, Greenwich Centre, 260 King’s Road, Hong Kong

Speaker: Eddie Chua (Microsoft HK Ltd.)

Harry Ng (Infocan Training Ltd.)

Registration: Please send your nomination(s) to with subject "Feb 2010 Windows Azure Platform Hands-on Training" together with company name, participants' name, email and tel, maximum 2 seats per company.



- Introduction: What’s Windows Azure Platform

- Hands on lab (HOL) on Windows Azure

- HOL – Windows Azure Storage


- HOL – SQL Azure (Basic Management + Data Migration)

- HOL – App Fabric (Authentication

Note: Light breakfast plus Lunch are provided.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Invitation to the Kick-off Ceremony of the PANORAMA – Asia Pacific Animation Challenge and Animation Camp 2009

Dear incubatees and alumni,

Autodesk, Hong Kong Maya User Group and Cyberport IncuTrain Centre would like to invite you to the “Kick-off Ceremony of the PANORAMA – Asia Pacific Animation Challenge and Animation Camp 2009” on:

Date : December 11, 2009 (Friday)
Time : 10:30 am (Guest Registration)
11:00 am (Ceremony Commences) – 12:00 nn
Venue : Function Room 1-3, Level 3, Cyberport 3 (Core E), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
** Light lunch will be provided

PANORAMA will see students from Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore submitting their original animation projects for a chance to represent their country in the finals of the contest – the Animation Challenge Bootcamp, which will be held at Hong Kong Cyberport during December 11 to 14, 2009.

Simultaneously, Animation Camp 2009 to be held on December 12 at Hong Kong Cyberport will be one of the largest digital media development events for Hong Kong creative industry for this year. Leaders of the animation world including Lucasfilm Animation Singapore and Imagi Studio are invited to deliver the training to the youth, the incubatees and the industry in Hong Kong.

We hope you will join us in this meaningful occasion. Inquiries may be directed to Maggie Kwok / Katherine Lam at 3166 3907/ 3166 3902.

If interest, please email the following reply slip to with subject "PANORAMA kick off ceremony– Asia Pacific Animation Challenge and Animation Camp 2009" by 4 December 2009

Yours Sincerely,
Cyberport IncuTrain Centre

Reply Slip


(* Please choose one of the following )
* Yes – I shall attend the ceremony /
Sorry – I cannot attend the ceremony and would like to nominate others as my representative.

Do you want to reserve a seat for free shuttle bus service (Admiralty <-> Cyberport) ?

Shuttle bus service will be available as follow:
>>From Admiralty to Cyberport:
Please gather at 10:15am, December 11, 2009 at the entrance of Cafe de Coral restaurant (facing Drake Street) at the ground floor of Admiralty Centre, Admiralty, Hong Kong.

>>From Cyberport to Admiralty:
Please gather at 1:15pm, December 11, 2009 at the lift lobby, ground floor of Core E, Cyberport 3


Intellectual Property Department is organizing a "粵港創意產業企業交流活動" from December 8-9 at Guangzhou, China. It will be a 2-days' visit to 國家網遊動漫產業發展基地(天河軟體園)( ) and 越秀園區(黃花崗科技園)( We believe that there would be fruitful exchanges between the Hong Kong delegation , GD officials and the representatives of the enterprises.

Participants are expected to absorb their transportation and accommodation costs as well as other expenses arising from the trip.

For incubatees and alumni, you are entitled to have training reimbursement (incubatees could enjoy 75% training expense reimbursement ; alumni could 50% training reimbursement) on hotel accommodation, transportation cost between Hong Kong and Guangzhou, and any conference / training registration fee of this event within the period December 7 - 10, 2009.

Note: no need to have 2 quotations for the following expense items:

- hotel accommodation at 廣州雲山大酒店 during DEC 7 - 10 (HK$400 each night including breakfast)

- Transportation by direct train from HK to Guangzhou

If you are interested, please send attendees' name, company name, title, tel and email to with subject "粵港創意產業企業交流活動" by 12:00nn, December 2 , 2009.

Please find the details for the event as follow:


時間: 2009年12月8日-9日
地點: 廣州市
考察交流地點: 國家網遊動漫產業發展基地(天河軟體園)、越秀園區(黃花崗科技園)2個園區。


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

BizSpark Tech Talk : SQL Server 2008 R2 - A Developer's Perspective

Date: 17 Dec, 2009 (Thu)
Venue: Microsoft Hong Kong Limited - Seminar Room Suites 2305-9, 23/F, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong
Time: 18:30 - 19:00 (registration)
19:00 - 20:30 (seminar)
Language: Cantonese
Admission: FREE

In this session we will look at the new features of SQL Server 2008 R2 and what they mean to developers. Join us and learn how it improves IT efficiency by reducing the time and cost of developing and managing applications; and empowers end users to make better decisions through Self-Service Business Intelligence capabilities.

Mr. Andy Cheung, Application Platform Architect, Microsoft Hong Kong
Andy is responsible for connecting Enterprises in Hong Kong to provide advice and guidance for software architecture and implementation using Microsoft Technologies. He is also actively involving in local developer communities, and has been awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for three consecutive years.

To register:
Please send email with your company name, participants' name, tel, email and subject "DEC 17 BizSpark Tech Talk : SQL Server 2008 R2 - A Developer's Perspective " to by 12:00 nn, December 14, 2009.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Cyberport IncuTrain Pre-incubation Program – Presentation Skills

Welcome Startups to Join!
plus Free-of-charge Business Development Training

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre ("IncuTrain") is now calling for a new round of applications from digital entertainment and creative digital lifestyle related areas startups to join IncuTrain off-site incubation program. Small-to-medium sized digital entertainment and creative digital lifestyle businesses are welcome to join IncuTrain off-site program and have an opportunity to obtain government subsidies on advance digital production facilities, training, legal advice, internship recruitment, partnership matching and collaborations with local and overseas organizations.

Call for Applications:

From now on until December 15, 2009, we welcome applications from any Hong Kong registered companies, particularly the start-ups, to join Cyberport IncuTrain program. Please visit for details and application form download.

To learn more about IncuTrain program and get a chance to attend express training on “Presentation Skills”, please join Cyberport IncuTrain Pre-incubation program with details as follow:

Cyberport IncuTrain Pre-incubation Program ?Presentation Skills?details:
Date : December 7, 2009 (Monday)
Time : 12:00 to 17:30
Venue : Cyberport IncuTrain Centre
Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
Charge : Free-of-charge
Supported by: Hong Kong Maya User Group, iProA and WTIA
Rundown :
12:00 - 12:15 Registration
12:15 -12:45 Light lunch
12:45 -13:10 Introduction to Cyberport Incubation Program
13:10 -13:30 Experience-sharing by graduated incubatees
13:30 -17:00 Business Development Express Training on “Presentation Skills“.
To learn how to:

      • present with confidence;
      • communicate more effectively; and
      • enhance your personal and professional impact.

17:00 -17:30 Q & A session and a Cyberport tour

To register, please email with subject "Cyberport Pre-incubation Program – Presentation Skills on DEC 7, 2009” together with your name, tel and email address by November 30, 2009. Seats are limited and on a first-come-first-served basis.

For more information, please visit or
To apply, please download application form and brochure from

Learning Express trainer's bio:

Ms Cristina Rodenbeck,
Facilitator, Consultant & Coach, ACT Training International Pte Ltd. (HK based)

Cristina is an experienced and passionate communicator. Before joining ACT, she worked for two of the world’s greatest advertising agencies, Ogilvy & Mather and Leo Burnett. Cristina is able to aptly add the value of her extensive experience and knowledge into her training, consulting and coaching projects with ACT. Clients she has trained include: McGraw-Hill Companies, Prudential Asset Management, Shangri-La Hotels & Resorts, Ove Arup, EDAW, BASF East Asia, Ciba Specialty Chemicals (Taiwan), Citibank Private Banking, Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Deutsche Bank, Hong Kong Cyberport, Huntsman Advanced Material, Huntsman Textile Effects (China), Internet Securities Inc, Swiss Reinsurance Company.

For enquiry, please contact
Tel : +852-3166 3907 Fax : +852-3166 3027
Email :

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

SME Circle Training on November 20, 2009: Starting Businesses in China. Co-organizer: iProA

Co-organizer: iProA
Venue sponsor: Cliftons Hong Kong Central Office

Under the current global economic situation, China becomes one of few economic entities still having positive and healthy growth. Additional with the blessing from CEPA, many are considering opening their businesses in China. Is China really a good place for establishing and running a business? Is there any good market to enter specifically for Hong Kong business people? We have invited speakers to share their experiences with you. Don’t miss this event and register for a seat first.

Date : 20 November 2009 (Friday)
Venue : Cliftons Hong Kong Central Office, Level 33, 9 Queens Road Central, HK(Venue sponsored by Clifftons, map:
Time: 6:30pm for registration
6:45-8:00pm for presentation
Followed by practical discussion, experience sharing, and Q & A till 9:00pm

Organizers: iProA Offline Club and Cyberport IncuTrain Centre

Language: principally in Chinese

Topic: a) Telecom and communication business in China
Speaker: Mr. Albert Cheng (Bio Attached)
Centre Manager, IncuTrain Centre Hong Kong Cyberport
Management Company Limited

b) Internet business in China
Speaker: Mr. Kenny (Bio Attached)
Director, Global Business, ESRI China (Hong Kong) Limited

c) Mobile game business in China
Speaker: Mr. Kin Ko (Bio Attached)
CEO, Lakoo (北京拉闊遊戲軟體發展有限公司)

Charge: Free of charge (drinks and snacks will be available at own cost)

Capacity: 50 persons

Seats are limited (first come first serve). Please confirm your attendance via email to of iProA no later than November 18, 2009. For enquiries, please call Mr. Yu at 2778 0040.

Albert Cheng – bios
Albert Cheng is Manager of Hong Kong Cyberport’s IncuTrain Centre, responsible for the incubation programme, which helps start-up companies in the digital entertainment industry and creative digital lifestyle related areas. Albert has 20 years’ managerial experience, particularly in the technology, media and telecommunication sector (TMT) in Greater China. He has a proven track record in helping SMEs in the TMT sector to raise capital and grow their business.

Before joining Cyberport, Albert was Vice President – China of Cherrypicks Group, one of Asia’s leading mobile and Internet solution and service providers.

Albert’s previous roles included Vice-President of A8 Digital Music Group, where he played a key role in the company’s expansion from an SME to a listed company, and Senior Manager - Direct investment and Business Development of C S International Management, where he developed his expertise in private equity investment. C S International Management managed the investment of a consortium backed by World-Wide Investments (the direct investment arm of late Sir Y K Pao’s family), Wing Tai Holdings and Temasek Holdings (the investment arm of Singapore Government)

Albert holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences from the University of Hong Kong.

Kin Ko – bios
Kin ko co-founded Lakoo with Peter Tam in 1999 in Hong Kong. Lakoo is a mobile game developer and publisher, with a theme focus on mobile online role-playing games and geographic focus on China. Nowadays Lakoo has a team of 100 in Guangzhou.

Kin was graduated in CUHK in 1997, major in Computer Engineering and minor in Sociology as well as Government and Public Administration. kin was mostly based in China since 2003, and now have his time spitted among a few cities.
More information of Lakoo can be found in while that of kin can be found in

Kenny Chien Kwok Keung – bios

About iProA Offline Club
iProA Offline Club, a functional subcommittee of iProA with a focus on humanity and cultural sharing, aims to promote the continuous public and corporate support of events which will bring more awareness of care to the people in need through the union of the online and the offline worlds.

About Cliftons
Cliftons is Asia Pacific’s #1 provider of computer training, conference, seminar and video-conferencing facilities. With over 200 state of the art rooms across nine cities in Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, as well as a host of affiliate venues in many cities throughout the region, Cliftons has provided the space for hundreds of small and large companies to train, update and develop their teams. Cliftons has facilitated international software rollouts, technical training, business planning workshops and professional development conferences for many of Asia Pacific’s leading organisations and government departments. With over eleven year’s experience assisting organisations deliver training solutions, Cliftons has developed a uniform international level of service, technical infrastructure and flexibility second to none.High levels of customer service, a strong team environment, integrity and commitment to its clients are but a few of the reasons why Cliftons is the industry leader. Cliftons has the resources, expertise and experience to assist corporations and government departments train, update and develop their teams, having assisted over 1500 organisations deliver their training facility requirements for organisational software rollouts, technical training, business planning workshops and professional development programs.Organisations can benefit from the delivery of a more streamlined training program by considering Cliftons as part of the end solution during a project’s initial planning stages. Central locations, state of the art technical infrastructure and a business philosophy built on service and flexibility have allowed Cliftons to develop a reputation for delivering its clients immediate and long-term financial and human capital benefits.

About Cyberport IncuTrain Centre
Funded by the Innovation and Technology Fund, Hong Kong Cyberport IncuTrain Centre is Hong Kong's first and only incubation and training centre for the digital entertainment industry. Dubbed as the "IncuTrain Centre", it aims to promote the commercial success of Hong Kong’s digital entertainment industry, foster entrepreneurship and competence amongst small-to-medium size businesses, and generate a pool of creative business talents for the local industry. IncuTrain also provides incubatee companies with fully equipped office spaces, advance digital production facilities, support in business development, training, legal advice, internship recruitment, and facilitates partnership matching and collaborations with local and overseas organizations. For more information, visit

Monday, November 2, 2009

Animation Camp 2009 數碼娛樂培訓營 2009


Animation Camp 2009 Details
數碼娛樂培訓營 2009詳情
Date日期: 12 / 12 / 2009 (Saturday星期六)

Time時間: 14:00 – 18:15
Venue地點: Function Room 1-3, Level 3, Cyberport 3 (Core E), Cyberport, Hong Kong. 香港數碼港道100號數碼港3座(E區)3樓會議廳1-3
Language語言: English (with Cantonese simultaneous interpretation)
Admission Fee: HK$100
Current incubatees with 75% training expense reimbursement, just need to pay HK$25
Alumni with 50% training expense reimbursement, just need to pay HK$50

Cyberport Animation Camp is one of the largest digital media development events in this year. Sponsored by Autodesk, Inc., a world leader in 2D and 3D design, engineering and entertainment software, and co-organized by Cyberport IncuTrain Centre and supported by Mayan Hong Kong Maya User Group, leaders of the animation world including Imagi Studio, Lucasfilm Animation Singapore, Rhythm & Hues Studio and Rising Sun Pictures are invited to be the key speakers of the Camp. The camp will gather all industry practitioners focusing on animation production soft skills upgrade in areas of character design, story design, and features animation. It is aiming to bring the local animation production skills and quality to the next level.

數碼娛樂培訓營2009由全球最大的二維、三維數位化設計和工程軟件公司Autodesk(Autodesk Inc.)主辦,香港數碼港IncuTrain 聯合主辦,並得到瑪雅人—香港瑪雅用戶群,以及香港數碼港管理有限公司全力支持,將於12月12日假香港數碼港舉行,開於予公眾人仕參加,使成為本年度最大型數碼娛樂發展活動之一。主辦單位邀請世界級動畫界翹楚,包括意馬國際動畫公司(IMAGI)、盧卡斯電影公司(Lucas film)、美國著名特效工作室Rhythm & Hues Studio及澳洲特技製作公司 Rising Sun Pictures代表來港,提供大型講座予本地年青人、中小企業及專業人才,為匯聚全港動畫界精英一起學習交流,藉此提昇本地動畫製作專才與企業的技藝水平和知識,激發香港發展更優質的數碼創意產業。

Act NOW ! While seats are available!
名額有限, 報名從速!

MORE ABOUT Animation Camp 2009

Presentation Skills - Business Development Learning Express Training Program

Presentation Skills - Business Development Learning Express Training Program Date: December 7, 2009 (Monday)
Time : 13:00 to 17:00
Venue : Solution Lab
Charge : Free-of-charge
** with sandwich lunch and drink provided

By the end of the session participants will be able:

- To improve their ability to identify essential messages and design their presentations effectively.
- To improve eye contact, vocal projection, stance, gestures and animation.
- To refine their professional image and ensure that it matches the message to be sent across.

Trainer's bio: Ms Cristina Rodenbeck, Facilitator, Consultant & Coach, ACT Training International Pte Ltd. (HK based)
Cristina is an experienced and passionate communicator. After more than 11 years of successfully managing client relationships by receiving briefings, analyzing needs, negotiating budgets and presenting campaigns, research findings and ideas across three different markets (Asia, Europe and Brazil), Cristina is able to aptly add the value of her extensive experience and knowledge into her training, consulting and coaching projects with ACT.

To register, please send email to by December 4, 12:00nn with subject "Business Development Express Training: Presentation Skills on December 7, 2009" together with company name, attendee's name, email and tel.

SME Circle Training: How to Start Game Business in China - Successful Case Sharing

Details of the workshop:

Date: November 18, 2009 (Wednesday)
Time: 1:00 – 2:00 pm (35 mins for presentation, 25 mins for Q&A)
Venue : Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong

** Brown bread lunch and drinks will be provided.
Language: Cantonese
ppt: Chinese or English
Fee: Free-of-charge.
Reservation by first-come-first-served basis. Please go register while seats are limited.

1/ Entrepreneurship in China
- China paints a road paved with gold and rough diamonds to many foreigners whom had never been to China or for those that had just arrived. Is the road ahead really filled with easy money ?
2/ My Entry into Games Business
Quick Highlights of how I got into the business and the road I had taken from 1999 to 2009. Includes ;
- My arrival in China
- Years of World of Warcraft
- Joining Citic Telecom 1616
- Finally I m ready for China

3/ Was it Easy ?
China paints a road paved with gold and rough diamonds to many foreigners whom had never been to China or for those that had just arrived. Is the road ahead really filled with easy money ?
4/ Doing Business in China is Hard !
- Fallen International Giants
- Heavy Weight Competitors

5/ The Light of Hope
- Despite the hardship there is still a pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow.

Speaker's bio:
Calvin Ng
iLemon Group Inc.

Calvin Ng is the CEO of iLemon, a leading virtual world and Flash MMORPG online games company base in Shanghai and Beijing, China. He currently sits and act’s as advisors on the board of 2 MMORPG start-up in China. Calvin has extensive experience in the digital media, social networking, online games and virtual world space. He was a consultant to Sulake ( Habbo ) and the Vice President of Citic Telecom responsible for their new strategy and new media development. Prior Calvin was part of the team that successfully clichéd the deal for World of Warcraft in China in partnership with THE 9 and also developed China 1st digital comics magazine and 3G video comics on mobile. Back in 2000 Calvin master-minded the control of more than 85% of cyber cafes in Malaysia and is the only company that partners with all the major PC games publishers worldwide. A former veteran in the promotional advertising industry he had won numerous awards, During the Daytona USA craze back in 1994, Calvin took a video game company from USD 10 million in sales to USD 50 million.

To register, please send email to by November 11, 12:00nn with subject "SME Circle Training: How to Start Game Business in China - Successful Case Sharing " together with company name, attendee's name, email and tel

BizSpark Tech Talk : Extending your Web Application with Web Application Toolkit

You are cordially invited to this FREE Tech Talk training:
Date: 19 Nov, 2009 (Thur)
Time: 19:00 - 20:30 (seminar)
Welcome Time: 18:30 - 19:00 (registration)
Venue: Suites 2305-9, 23/F, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese
Target audience: Developer
Fee: Free-of-charge

How many times have you heard developers trying for hours to get a sample to work only to find it does not do what they expected? In this session we will see how the new Web Application Toolkits are designed to enable Web Developers to simply extend their web application capabilities by providing them with a packaged set of running samples, templates and documentation. Join us and learn how to add Web 2.0 social capabilities, REST Services, Mobile access and IE8 Extensibility to your website in a simple way.

Speaker: Harry Ng, Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)
To register, please send email to by November 17, 12:00nn with subject "BizSpark Tech Talk : Extending your Web Application with Web Application Toolkit " together with attendee's name, company name, email and tel

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Get Together with CVCF 2009 Speakers

The gathering will be hosted by most of Cyberport Venture Captial Forum 2009 speakers as follow:

- Mr. Dave McClure, Startup Investor and Advisor, Founders Fund
- Mr. Aydin Senkut, Founder and President, Felicis Ventures
- Mr. Yat Siu, CEO, Outblaze Limited
- Mr. Dominic Chan, Founder and Partner, Dark Horse Investment
- Mr. Justin Kan, Founder and President,, Inc.
- Mr. Leo Ku, Vice President, Meephone
- Mr. Ralph Marx, President, Advocate Systems, Inc.
- Mr. Calvin Ng, CEO, iLEMON Group Inc.
- Ms Carol Sands, Managing Partner Member, The Angels' Forum & The Halo Funds
- Mr. David Smith, Founder and Chairman, Tynax Inc.

Content of the gathering:
The above CVCF 2009 speakers have extensive experience and knowledge on angel funds and entreperneurship. The gathering provides a chance for incubatees and alumni to meet with CVCF 2009 speakers face-to-face.
Also, it is a prime opportunity to ask CVCF 2009 speakers all kind of questions about startup fund raising, how to build business and grow profit, how to work with angel investors and etc.

Please prepare your questions!

In addition, the participants would also learn:
* Matching criteria for angel investment
* Best selling points of abusiness from a angel investors' point of view
* What should be prepared/ready to initiate a successful partnership with angel investors
* Different ways (and stages) of collaborating with angel investors as an entrepreneur in creative industries
* What kind of support that a startup may have

The gathering will be informal with a lot of dialogues and interactions.
Please come and enjoy the networking.

To register, please send email to with your company name, participants' name, tel and email subject "Get-Together Gathering with CVCF 2009 Speakers" by 12:00nn November 12, 2009 (Thursday).

Date: 16 Nov 2008 (Monday)
Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Venue: Solution Lab, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre , Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong

(for detailed speakers' profile, please visit CVCF 2009 website at



全中國兒童數目超過13億, 坐擁超過4,500萬個網絡遊戲用戶, 實際銷售收入超過105億人民幣, 你希望成為當中動畫和遊戲發行商的一份子嗎? 立即參加香港數碼娛樂業北京考察團,把商機盡握在手!

由香港貿易發展局主辦, 為期3日2夜的香港數碼娛樂業北京考察團將於11月23-25日舉行。得到國家商務部的邀請, 本考察團將有機會參與第二屆中國服務貿易大會, 在數字動漫遊戲專場內與內地多家知名遊戲開發商或動漫製作室進行多項商貿配對, 與內地企業(如搜狐、聯眾、金山、完美時空等)相討合作協議。此外, 為協助香港企業進一步了解內地數碼娛樂業的發展, 本考察團還會安排到有關企業拜訪和進行不同類型的交流活動。

- 參觀當地有關企業,認識並了解實際營商環境
- 參與第二屆中國服務貿易大會- 在數字動漫遊戲專場進行商貿配對和推廣活動
- 交流宴會,與當地公司建立聯繫,為未來洽談商貿作準備

- 各類遊戲開發商 (網上遊戲開發商, 手機遊戲開發商等)
- 電腦/數碼動畫
- 無線服務提供者

‧ 安排公司拜訪
‧ 安排商貿配對和推廣活動
‧ 舉辦交流晚宴
‧ 來回北京機票連兩晚住宿
‧ 當地交通安排

截止報名日期 : 11月5日

如欲索取更多資料, 請填妥以下回條或與本局黎靄怡小姐或陳穎欣小姐聯絡。
黎靄怡小姐 電話:2584 4401 電郵:
陳穎欣小姐 電話:2584 4163 電郵:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

『動畫師畫出彩虹』 分享會


John Chan@貓室- 憑原創動畫短片《動畫鏗鏘集》獲得 2008 DigiCon6 大賞香港區第1名,並在日本舉行的總選嬴取「2008 DigiCon6大賞最優秀賞」最高殊榮,他怎樣看香港創作及本地動畫行業發展?他的入行經過又是怎樣?

如果你也想親身與John Chan接觸,聽他分享創作靈感來源以及製作動畫的點滴經驗,歡迎你參加數碼港之友的『動畫師畫出彩虹』分享會!


日期:2009年10月31日 (六)

內容:● 動畫製作公司貓室簡介
   ● John Chan 入行經過
   ● 動畫介紹:動畫鏗鏘集
   ● 播放得獎作品《動畫鏗鏘集》
   ● 分享製作過程及創作靈感
   ● 問答時間
   ● 參觀數碼港數碼媒體中心


備註:1. 免費穿梭巴士來回金鐘港鐵站及數碼港 (詳情請參閱報名表格)
   2. 所有參加者將獲贈精美紀念品乙份


Please Click Here for detail of this seminar.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cyberport Venture Capital Forum 2009

Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF) was first launched in 2004 to provide a unique two-way platform for the entrepreneurs and investors to share insights and explore challenges. CVCF has become a key signature event of Hong Kong Cyberport, connecting the local and global investors and entrepreneurs in the creative ICT and digital media industries in a focused one-day format each year.

CVCF 2009
The creative business sector often embraces groundbreaking business models and marketing strategies. Since the dotcom era in the late 90’s, the creative industries have not only evolved and thrived but also changed the dynamics of traditional business. Companies like Skype for example, have entered the communications market by driving the cost of telephony to zero. Companies like Facebook, Google, Netflix, Clearwire, and YouTube are all examples of companies which changed the gestalt of global media business and at the same time changed the world. These creative companies were all first financed by private angel investors. The theme of CVCF 2009 is “Finding Perfect Angels: Early Stage Investors Backing Creative Start-ups”. We will invite angel investors and entrepreneurs who have gone through the crucial start-up stage of a creative business to share their insight and experience, and highlight how they can work together to develop and build innovative company that can succeed and thrive.

The detail of CVCF 2009 was in following:

Date: 17 November 2009 (Tuesday)
Time: 09:00 - 17:30
Venue: Function Rooms 1-3, Cyberport 3, Cyberport Road, Hong Kong

Meet the angel investors and creative industry entrepreneurs at CVCF 2009 and learn how they work together to develop and build innovative companies that can succeed and thrive into the coming decade.

Keynote Speaker:
Dave McClure, Startup Investor and Advisor, Founders Fund

Keynote Topic:
"Sourcing , Selecting & Nurturing Your Next Best Deal"

Aydin Senkut, Founder and President, Felicis Ventures

Keynote Topic:
"The Changing Rote of Angel Investors"

Yat Siu, Outblaze Limited, CEO
Keynote Topic:
"Just Do It!"

FREE BOOK for early bird registrants

First 50 paid registrants will receive a copy of "Zero-to-IPO" written by David Smith OR "Angel Financing 天使融資" written by John Lo and Patricia Woo with author's autograph.

As Cyberport IncuTrain Centre is one of CVCF 2009 supporting organsation , the Centre is entitled to have 20 complimentary tickets for incubatees on first-come-first-served basis.

If you are interested in CVCF 2009 and would like to get the ticket, please send an email to with your company name, attendee's name and email by October 30, 2009.

For more information, please visit

Preview of SIGGRAPH Asia 2009", 15 October 09 (Thursday)

HK ACM Siggraph Professional Chapter Seminar 2009 - "Preview of SIGGRAPHAsia 2009", 15 October 09 (Thursday)

HK ACM Siggraph Professional Chapter will be organizing a seminar on following

Date: 15October 09 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00 - 9:00pm
Venue:Lecture Theatre , 1/F Hong KongProductivity Council, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon.

In this special occasion, we are going to preview of SIGGRAPH Asia 2009,which will be held in Yokohama, Japan on coming 16-19 December 2009; withscreening of SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 Computer Animation Festival.

Also, 2 speakers will be sharing their works and talk about theirexperience in animation production and multimedia development:

Mr. Buck Mok: AnimationWorkshop- The Making of Wu Song Kill Tiger
Mr. Kith Ng: KeyZ- The Making of Allen Mama - Why original content is important for a smallstudio

The seminar is totally free for all members and non-member.
Due to limited capacity, members of ACM SIGGRAPH HK ProfessionalChapter will be served as first priorityDue to limited seats, if you are interested to join the seminar,please register by fax to 2434-5695 oremail: on or before 12 October 09.

For enquiry, please feel free to call HK ACM Siggraph Professional Chapter at 2436-8752.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Microsoft Surface - 將給你帶來革命性的改變 !

Microsoft Surface 是多重觸控式嶄新操作介面,這塊30吋的「桌面」顯示器,可以讓用戶透過雙手自由操控,簡單及直接觀看和應用數碼內容。



- 甚麼是 Microsoft Surface﹖
- Microsoft Surface 的用途及潛在發展的商機

- Microsoft Surface 現有應用介紹

- Microsoft Surface 應用開發

講師: Mr. Eddie Chua,

ISV Solution Architect,

Developer & Platform Group,

Microsoft Hong Kong


日期: 2009年10月28日 (星期三)

地點: Microsoft BizSpark Creativity Center @ 數碼港 IncuTrain
香港數碼港道100號數碼港3座 (F區) 5樓 518室


12:00 - 13:00 登記

13:00 - 16:00 研討會

16:00 - 16:30 問答時間


對象:任何對Microsoft Surface有興趣的人仕

費用:HK$40 (現場付款)



報名:請將你的姓名、電郵及電話號碼於10月22日前,發送電郵至 training@cyberport.hk報名。

Click Here for more detail of this campaign.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

INVITATION: APAC Blockbuster Tour 2009 & Autodesk Digital Entertainment Creation Solutions Launch, Sept 22 (Tue)

It is evident from the list of top grossing blockbusters that mind-blowing visual effects and astounding animation techniques are common key success factors in these films. They bring audiences more intense experience and believability in both effects and the characters that they conjure.

Our guest presenters on this Tour are professionals who have worked on high profile Hollywood movies, push the envelope and achieved success. They will inspire you with their ability to overcome the odds and share their experiences in working on some of the most iconic movies. They will take us behind the scene, while keeping it real with practical advice from the field.

Guests Introduction:

Hollywood opportunities in Asia Pac
Ian Cope, Communications Manager, Rising Sun Pictures

Rising Sun is a leading film visual effects company with offices in Adelaide & Sydney, Australia. Fourteen years of collaboration with the industry's top filmmakers has seen Rising Sun's filmography grow to exceed sixty feature films. Long time contributors to the highly successful Harry Potter franchise [The Goblet of Fire, The Order of the Phoenix and The Half-Blood Prince] they are currently working on The Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2 as well as Peter Weir's The Way Back. Rising Sun work released in theatres this year includes Terminator Salvation, X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Watchmen.
Ian Cope has been with Rising Sun Pictures (RSP) since 2001. Using his knowledge of film and visual effects, Ian has contributed to many feature films including "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", "Australia", "Prince Caspian," "28 Weeks Later," "Blood Diamond," "Superman Returns," "Harry Potter," "Batman Begins," and "The Lord of the Rings". He started at RSP as a VFX Compositor, and has since filled many roles including Animator, Editor, VFX Coordinator & Production Manager. As Communications Manager Ian is able to draw on his varied experience in VFX to market Rising Sun Pictures on the world stage. Ian is also an active member of the Visual Effects Society.

Taking it to the next level
Desmond Chan, Supervising Technical Director & Production Manager, Imagi Production Ltd.

Imagi Studio’s principal business is the development and production of CG-animated theatrical feature films. Imagi’s first theatrical movie TMNT was released in March 2007, opening #1 in U.S. box office revenue, the first time in history that an Asian animated film achieved that honor. Astro Boy is Imagi’s next motion picture for worldwide theatrical release in October 2009.
Desmond Chan is Supervising Technical Director & Production Manager at Imagi Production Ltd. in Hong Kong. He has a broad range of experience with high profile studios in Hong Kong leading up to his present position. Desmond has been using Maya since 1998 (Maya 1.0) and became an animator with a focus on special effects. Desmond is highly skilled in working with particles, dynamics and MEL scripting and spends his time solving technical challenges and designing pipeline in the tight production schedule. His work is seen in many blockbuster movies in China, such as "Twin Effects", "Promise", and "TMNT". He is currently working on upcoming animation projects "Gatchaman" and "Astro boy".

Date : 22nd September 2009 (Tuesday)
Time : 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Venue : Chiang Chen Studio Theatre, G/F.,Chung Sze Yuen Building, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

If you are interested, please send your name, email and tel number to by 3:00pm September 18, 2009 for registration. Thanks.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bootcamp: Microsoft Surface—the Possibilities

Microsoft Surface is a revolutionary multi-touch computer that responds to natural hand gestures and real-world objects, helping people interact with digital content in a simple and intuitive way. With a large, horizontal user interface, Surface offers a unique gathering place where multiple users can collaboratively and simultaneously interact with data and each other.
During the Tech Talk, you will learn :
- What is Surface?

- Market potential on Surface from biz perspective

- Apps on Surface

- SDK and development skills 101

Speaker: Eddie Chua, ISV Solution Architect, Developer & Platform Group, MSHK

Tech Talk Detail:
You are cordially invited to this Tech Talk training:

Date: 16 October 2009 (Friday)

Time: 12:30—16:30

Registration: 12:30-13:00

Venue: Microsoft BizSpark Creativity Centre @ Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, Units 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong

Language: English and supplement with Cantonese

Target audience: Developer

Fee: HK$40
HK$10 (for Cyberport IncuTrain’s incubatees with 75% reimbursement)
HK$20 (for Cyberport IncuTrain’s alumni with 50% reimbursement)
** Sandwich lunch and drinks will be provided

please send your company name, participants' names, email and tel to by October 14, 2009.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Call for Entry!! Panorama: Asia Pacific Animation Challenge 2009

Panorama: The very first Asia Pacific Animation Challenge for students is now calling for entry!!!

You can win fabulous prizes including a trip to Hong Kong for a once in the lifetime mentorship by 4 international industry experts from award winning animation, designs and visual effects creation companies:i. Lucasfilm – Projects claimed to fame “Starwars” series, “Back to the Future” seriesii. Animal Logic – Projects claimed to fame “Happy feet”, “Australia”, “300”iii. Rhythm and Hues –Project claimed to fame “Incredible Hulk”, “Land of the Lost”, “Night at the Museum”iv. Imagi – Project claimed to fame “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, “Astro Boy”

Get started today by downloading FREE* Autodesk software on the Student Engineering & Design Community

To learn more, please visit or

Deadline: 1-11-2009


Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Hong Kong ICT Awards 2009: Best Ubiquitous Networking Award event : Networking Hours For All ICT Players - Road to Excellence and Success From Start

Online Registration:

Organizer: Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA)

Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)
Cyberport IncuTrain Centre (IncuTrain)
Hong Kong Startup Association (HKSUA)

Working Partner: e-zone

A good beginning is half success. This applies to all start-ups in their venture to the business world. To ICT companies, a good start could be particularly difficult as it is important because investing effort in the right technology and business strategy can give you a head's start, which can sometimes define a winner in the galloping technology race.

Echoing with the up-and-coming Hong Kong ICT Awards 2009: Best Ubiquitous Networking Award and its associated special recognition awards, including the Best Start-up Company (for companies established not before 1 Jan 2007), a series of events are being hosted. Organized by the Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA), co-organized by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), Cyberport IncuTrain Centre (IncuTrain), and the Hong Kong Startup Association (HKSUA), we would like to invite you to attend our Networking Hours For All ICT Players - Road to Excellence and Success From Start-Ups

Date : 25 September 2009 (Friday)
Venue : CentrePoint, LG1, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong
Time :
4:45 pm for registration
5:00-6:00 pm for focused discussion
6:00-7:00 pm for networking hour
Fee : Free of charge
Target audience : All ICT players, especially start-up companies
Language : Cantonese

The Organizers would cordially invite you to a memorable networking night featuring speakers who have earned their business success as they mastered the ups and downs of the ICT Industry. The speakers, all of whose companies are award-winning enterprises, will share with the audience their success stories

How they cope with changes and capitalize opportunities?
How do you pick, in a pool of technologies, the ones that will yield the most profits?
How do you stay in the lead?
How do you deal with changes and failures as they come inevitably?
What makes a company more successful than others?
How is excellence attained?

Explore the answers with the speakers and audiences in the networking hours that follow.

For ICT start-ups, this networking hour is your shortcut to understanding the industry with advice from the best; for existing industry players, this is a time to review your business strategy and learn how others are managing their business.

Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity! Register at TODAY! Seats are limited!

1. Mr. Sunny Kok (Director, Green Tomato)
Best “Start-Up Company” of Asia-Pacific ICT Awards [APICTA] 2005
Red Herring Asia 100 Award 2007
Red Herring Global Mobile Content Award 2007
China Mobile (Guangdong) Innovation Award 2006

2. Mr. Picco Chu (Director, Zensis Limited)
HKICT Awards 2007: Best Ubiquitous Networking (Mobile Infotainment) Bronze Award
Nokia Software Market 2007 Star Award
3G Cyberport - Mobile Service 2006
Hong Kong Wireless Technology Excellence Awards - Mobile Infotainment Gold Award

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

SME Circle Training: iPhone Apps Developers Mingle

Event details as follow:

Date: September 4, 2009 (Friday)
Time: 12:30- 14:00
Venue: Solution LabUnits 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Fee: HK$40 (for non-IncuTrain incubatees)
HK$10 (for IncuTrain incubatees with 75% reimbursed)
** Sandwich lunch and drinks will be provided

Organizer: Cyberport IncuTrain Centre
Supporting organization: CocoaHeads Hong Kong

To register:
Please send your name, company name, tel and email with subject "SME Circle Training: iPhone Apps Developers Mingle" to by 12:00nn, September 2, 2009

Target audiences:
For those who want to start their iPhone application development, or to look for iPhone game developers, or to network with iPhone application developers community.

Seminar Topics and Speaker Bio:

Topic: Introduction to CocoaHeads
Speaker: Mr. Bill So
Bill So is a local Mac indie. Bill mainly focuses on developing his own Mac and iPhone product lineup in recent years. His recent work includes - Finger (a Chinese handwriting tablet for iPhone ( He takes project but tend to be picky in selecting clients. Bill So is also the host of CocoaHeads Hong Kong - a local Mac/iPhone developer community -

Topic: iPhone development process overview - a business perspective
Speaker: Mr. Gordon Ho
Gordon has been creating software with usability in mind - intuitive software that helps users complete their tasks, generates buzz and drives in revenue. To date, GoGoalSoft has completed more than 40 iPhone applications for clients worldwide. Gordon is multi-talented and his experience includes photo processing, games, content retrieval and delivery, utilities, language, media streaming, social networking and web services integration.Gordon focuses on creating software that is easy to use and mission oriented. Gordon founded GoGoalSoft Limited, a company that specializes in Mac OS X (and now iPhone) software development, back in 2006.

Topic: iPhone game market overview
Speaker: Mr. Franky Fu
Franky Fu,* *– Franky is a veteran high-tech executive with over 10 years experience at the executive level. His solid track record of success spans over 25 years in commercial software development, Internet technologies, and information systems, for international and US-based companies such as Adobe and Apple Computer. He specializes in product development, strategic alliances, business development and the creation of go-to-market strategies.Franky is currently a Director of Celestial Digital Entertainment Limited, Hong Kong and oversee the company's daily operation and the direction of the company. CDE had released over 30 titles on the Apple's App Store and a few of these titles had been on the Top 100 Apps.

Topic: Location-based social media application
Speaker: Mr. Chris Chan
Chris Chan is an iPhone and web applications developer. He has extensive experience on large scale web application deployment. He also has strong belief on mobile internet and has built a series of applications on iPhone with different partners. IGPSD is the consultancy firm that Chris has started in 2008 focusing on LBS on iPhone and Web2.0 application development. By sharing the same vision, IGPSD has partnered with Fon and New Media Publication Group to deploy LBS on its Walkamap platform. Walkamap is the foundation platform developed by IGPSD to provide the point of interest searching, users' reviews sharing and an extendable interface to different content providers. With this platform, different content providers can easily integrate their existing data to Walkamap database and the user reviews can also store back to the content partner’s server through Walkamap.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pre-Incubation Programme Series - Enhance your Business Value by Cyber Laws

Free Enrollment. Welcome to Join!

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre (“IncuTrain”) is now calling for a new round of applications of its incubation programme from companies specialized in the digital entertainment industry and creative lifestyle related areas. The application deadline is September 30, 2009 with the vetting process in October.

Due to the positive response received in the last Pre-Incubation Programme held in August, another session of the “Pre-Incubation Programme Series – Enhance your Business Value by Cyber Laws” will be organized by IncuTrain on September 14, 2009 for those who are interested to find out more about the Incubation programme.

“Pre-Incubation Programme Series – Enhance your Business Value by Cyber Laws”
Date : September 14, 2009 (Monday)
Time : 12:00 to 16:30
Venue : Cyberport IncuTrain Centre
Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
Charge : Free
Rundown : An introduction to Cyberport Incubation Programme
Experience-sharing by graduated incubatees
“Enhance your Business Value by Cyber Laws”
Q & A session and a tour to IncuTrain facilities
(Light lunch will be served)

To enroll, please email to stating your name, contact number and email address by September 10, 2009. For enquiry, please contact 3166 3907. Seats are limited and on a first come first serve basis.

For more information about Cyberport Incubation Programme or application form and brochure downloads, please visit

Funded by the Innovation and Technology Fund, the Cyberport IncuTrain Centre aims to incubate local companies, particularly the start-up companies, in the digital entertainment industry and creative lifestyle related areas and to provide them with professional training, services and support of all kinds for their commercialization success in business.

For enquiry, please contact
Tel : +852-3166 3907 Fax : +852-3166 3027
Email :
Speakers Profile

Vitus Leung, PhD, Principal Partner of Leung Tam & Wong, Solicitors
Mr Leung advises on contentious and non-contentious legal issues in relation to commercial, technology and personal injury matters, i.e. Information Technology, Intellectual Property & Biotechnology negotiations; Scientific, Environmental, Medical & Engineering R&D; and Personal Injury actions in areas of Medical & Dental Negligence and Occupational Diseases.

He has advised on AMS-3 direct e-stock trading system development and JV contracts, stock data trading agreement, website agreements, software escrow agreement, trademark and IP litigation, IT related criminal litigation, etc.

He had presented in various technology, commercial and educational related forums. He is a former part-time instructor of LiPACE (Open University) on Professional Certificate on E-Commerce; frequent speaker of HKIM, HKFI, CMA, I-resource Centre, plus various schools on the topic of “Legal Issues on Internet” and “Copyright Law”.

Mr. Matthew Chow, Managing Director of Simage Animation and Media Limited
Simage Animation and Media Limited is an Animation-loving company, specializing in the art and technique of creating high-end commercial production for all styles of animation for cartoon, advertising and broadcast industries.

Supporting with a well trained production team and high-end technical arms, Simage accomplishes a distinguished record of providing comprehensive service to their clients.

Moving into future perspective, Simage will extend their technology to merge creativity for achieving a consistent improvement; simultaneously they guarantee an excellent quality and efficient delivery of production service with competitive price over the world.

Simage offers 2D / 3D Animation production service for outsourcing needs for corporate and business promotion, such as games, outdoor advertising, CD-Rom, Website, TVC, MV and feature films.

Albert Cheng, Centre Manger of Cyberport IncuTrain Centre
As Cyperport IncuTrain Centre Manager, Albert Cheng is responsible for the incubation programme, helping start-up companies in the digital entertainment industry and creative lifestyle related areas.

Albert has 20 years’ managerial experience, particularly in the technology, media and telecommunication sector (TMT) in Greater China market. With solid experience in private equity investment and corporate M&A, he has a proven track record in helping SMEs in the TMT sector to raise capital and grow their business.

Albert holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences from the University of Hong Kong.


Supporting Organizations

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

香港無線及電訊科技業商貿推廣北京團, 15~18 Sept, 2009


  • 亞洲規模最大的世界級資訊通信展覽會
  • 3G牌照發放後工業和資訊化部主辦的首個國際大型資訊通信展覽會
  • 中國內地唯一獲得全球展覽會協會(UFI)認證的信息通訊展
  • 亮點包括3G應用體驗、B3G、4G等前瞻性技術展示,以及基於TD-SCDMA的3G業務應用演示及移動上網體驗

對象: 電訊、無線及信息科技服務供應商
推介團日期: 2009年9月15至18日

- 參觀2009中國國際信息通信展覽會
- 會見當地官員,了解最新科技發展政策
- 拜訪當地電訊/無線網絡營運商、ASP應用服務供應商,了解用家的真正需要
- 貿發局悉心安排的無線通訊業界的交流午宴及晚宴,打通國內商機網絡

- 來回香港及當地交通、酒店住宿(單人房包早餐)
- 交流午宴、晚宴及企業會見安排

有興趣者, 請將你的姓名、電郵及聯絡電話,於8月20日或以前電郵致

Latest Innovation with Microsoft ASP.NET 4.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, 10 Sept, 2009 (Thu)

Tech Talk details:
You are cordially invited to this FREE Tech Talk training:
Date: 10 September, 2009 (Thu)
Time: 19:00 - 20:30 (seminar)
Welcome Time: 18:30 - 19:00 (registration)
Venue: Suites 2305-9, 23/F, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese
Target audience: Developer
Fee: Free-of-charge

Come and learn about ASP.NET 4.0 and the new Visual Studio 2010 improvements that will make you more productive. Know how to build a simple web site that takes advantage of new features to control the rendering of client IDs and view state. See how new Visual Studio 2010 intellisense improvements make JQuery coding really easy, and look at the new HTML snippets features which can dramatically reduce your typing. What follows is the deployment features which can publish your Web application with just one click.

Speaker: Andy Cheung, Application Platform Architect, Microsoft Hong Kong

Andy is responsible for connecting Enterprises in Hong Kong to provide advice and guidance for software architecture and implementation using Microsoft Technologies. He is also actively involving in local developer communities, and has been awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for three consecutive years.

please send your company name, participants' names, email and tel to by September 7, 2009.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How to Ensure Your Application to be Compatible with Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and IE8, 13 Aug, 2009 (Thu)

Tech Talk details:
You are cordially invited to this FREE Tech Talk training:
Date: 13 Aug, 2009 (Thu)
Time: 19:00 - 20:30 (seminar)
Welcome Time: 18:30 - 19:00 (registration)
Venue: Suites 2305-9, 23/F, Three Pacific Place, 1 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese
Target audience: Developer
Fee: Free-of-charge

Windows 7 has placed a strong focus on developer platform fundamentals such as security, performance, and compatibility. Windows 7 is also the premier platform for developers to create applications for the client and the cloud. Come and learn the best practices on how to write compatible applications for the Windows operating system and to migrate Windows XP applications to Windows 7 and Windows Vista. We will also discuss common application compatibility changes so you can effortlessly get your applications up and running and what application compatibility strategy you should be using today.

Speaker: Andy Cheung, Application Platform Architect, Microsoft Hong Kong

Andy is responsible for connecting Enterprises in Hong Kong to provide advice and guidance for software architecture and implementation using Microsoft Technologies. He is also actively involving in local developer communities, and has been awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for three consecutive years.

please send your company name, participants' names, email and tel to by August 7, 2009.

Friday, July 17, 2009

TPG (Tokyo Project Gathering) 2009

TPG (Tokyo Project Gathering) 2009 will be held from October 19 to 22 along with the TIFFCOM – Marketplace for Film & TV in Asia, which is affiliated business market of Tokyo International Film Festival. Commercially and / or critically promising projects will be presented at the TPG2009.

TPG2009 is now open for the registration of all the interested participants. Please check


You are invited to attend a Special Consultation Session held in Hong Kong on Friday, the 24th of July, 2009. ICANN ( is the global coordinator for the unique identifiers (including domain names and IP addresses) of the Internet. Hong Kong is 1 of 4 cities hosting this series of Global Consultation and Outreach Events ICANN is conducting for the New gTLD (generic Top-Level-Domain) Program, and is the first ever open official ICANN event to be held in Hong Kong. Internet Society Hong Kong (ISOC HK) is proud to be bringing this event to Hong Kong alongside ICANN.

Your participation will help shape the future of the Internet’s addressing systems.

Date: 24 July 2009 (Friday)
Time: 9am – 5pm
Venue: Ballroom, Level 5, Island Shangri-La Hotel, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Language: English
FREE OF CHARGE including coffee break

ICANN Speakers/Representatives to Hong Kong and Agenda:

Who Should Attend?
ICT industry management and professionals, trademark and intellectual property rights practitioners, businesses small and large, consumer and civil society groups, government officials, professional associations, investors and operators of domain names and TLDs, individuals concerned with Internet governance and interested to learn more about the ICANN process.

You may Pre-Register at: (FREE entry to event)

ICANN Invitation:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Creativity turns into Real Business

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre
“Pre-Incubation Programme – Business Proposal Writing Techniques”
Free Enrollment. Welcome to Join!

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre (“IncuTrain”) is now calling for a new round of applications of its incubation programme from start-up companies.

To facilitate the applications, a “Pre-Incubation Programme – Successful Business Proposal Writing” event will be organized by IncuTrain on August 4, 2009 for any interested parties to join.

Cyberport IncuTrain “Pre-Incubation Programme – Business Proposal Writing Techniques”
Date : August 4, 2009 (Tuesday)
Time : 12:00 to 17:30
Venue : Cyberport IncuTrain Centre
Unit 518, Level 5, Cyberport 3 (Core F), 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
Charge : Free
Rundown :
- An introduction to Cyberport Incubation Programme
- Experience-sharing by graduated incubatees
- Coaching on business proposal writing techniques
- Q & A session and a Cyberport tour
(Light lunch will be served)

To enroll, please email to stating your name, contact number and email address by August 1, 2009. For enquiry, please contact 3166 3907. Seats are limited and on a first come first serve basis.

From now on until September 30, 2009, we welcome applications from any Hong Kong registered start-up companies. The scope of the incubation programme is now expanded to cover both Digital Entertainment Industry and Creative Lifestyle Content related areas.

Off-site Incubation
Application Deadline: August 10, 2009
Vetting : End of August 2009

On-site Incubation & Off-site Incubation
Application Deadline : September 30, 2009
Vetting : October 2009

For more information, please visit or
To apply, please download application form and brochure from

For enquiry, please contact
Tel : +852-3166 3907
Fax : +852-3166 3027
Email :

Monday, July 13, 2009

Value of Cloud seminar by HP, Cyberport and InterGrid

"The Value of Cloud" seminarfree-of-charge at HP Solution Center.

Cloud computing represents entirely new value to consumers and large organizations. It offers a way for your organization to access highly scalable and flexible services over the internet via a usage-based business model. Together with Cyberport and InterGrid, HP is organizing this informative event to share with you how to take full advantage of Cloud computing to satisfy your demanding needs of IT resources in developing and deploying scientific research, digital media creation and enterprise applications. Our guest speaker Scott Houston from InterGrid, a New Zealand-based Cloud services provider, will share his visionary insights, valuable experience and frontline ideas on the new opportunities of Cloud.

To register, please send your name, company name and email to by 3pm, July 10.

Design and Building 21st Century Digital Media Infrastructure

InterGrid Seminar at City University of Hong Kong on 14/7/2009 (Tue) 3:30pm-5:30pm

Seminar by Mr Scott Houston, CEO of InterGrid & Founder of The New Zealand Supercomputing Centre

In this seminar Mr Houston will give a brief introduction of the establishment of The New Zealand Supercomputing Centre, and share his experience in built the world largest computer processing facility in the Southern Hemisphere for film making. Mr Houston will talk about his works at Weta Digital; and demonstrate “Green Button” – a new plugin for Blender and Geneious that builds the power of a supercomputer into the desktop applications. Mr Houston will present an overview of the New Zealand Digital infrastructure, job opportunities, and his views over the New Zealand and Hong Kong collaboration.

For enquiries, pleased contact Miss Vivien Chan, School of Creative Media at 2194 2767

Thanks and best regards,

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre

Banff Venture Forum 2009

Banff Venture Forum 2009, October 1st & 2nd, is the premier company financing event in Canada. It will showcase early and growth stage companies in three streams: Information Technology, Energy Technology and Life Sciences Technology. Approximately 35 companies will be presenting before investors from across North America with the intention of securing the investment required to grow their businesses.

The Forum is designed to showcase the hottest hi-tech companies, offer insight into key issues within the industry, provide a premium networking opportunity and give companies a chance to learn from world-class professionals in the investment community. Banff Venture Forum 2009 is an event not to be missed!

Banff Centre is the official training partner of Cyberport IncuTrain Centre, we encourage incubatees to participate in Banff Ventrue Forum 2009 as presenting companies or general delegates.

Alumni could enjoy 50% training reimbursement from Cyberport IncuTrain Centre on registration fee, air ticket, accomodation and land transporation ( coach transportation between airport and Banff Centre only) .

To register, please send email with participant's name and company name to by end of August. Thanks

For more info about Banff Venture Forum 2009, please visit

For cost info, please visit

Cyberport IncuTrain Centre


TDC is organizing a digital entertainment industry delegation tour to Taipei during August 19 to 21.

As current incubatees, you could join this delegation with 75% training expense reimbursement. Also, you will be invited to share experience learnt during this delegation with other incubatees in the future.

To register, please send the following info to by 12:00 noon, July 17, 2009. Thanks.


Thanks and best regards,
Cyberport IncuTrain Centre



在金融海嘯下,數碼娛樂業尤其遊戲及動漫業是少數能夠逆境上揚,對抗海嘯的產業。台灣—單是網上遊戲業於2008年的總收益以達到30億港幣。到底他們有甚麼值得我們借鑒呢?港台兩地又有甚麼合作空間?我們怎樣才能打進台灣的內銷市場呢? 動漫及遊戲業盛行下,衍生產品(專利授權)的需求有著龐大的發展空間,我們該怎樣把握商機?貿發局將於8月19至21日組團到台灣考察,探討以上的問題。詳情如下:

- 拜會當地相關政府部門,了解台灣數碼娛樂及專利授權業的最新發展及外商投資狀況
- 參觀當地有關企業,認識並了解實際營商環境
- 於當地舉行研討會/推介會,推廣香港數碼娛樂和專利授權,讓代表團向當地業介自我介紹
- 交流晚宴,與當地公司建立聯繫,為未來洽談商貿作準備
- 遊戲業 (網上遊戲, 手機遊戲等)
- 電腦/數碼動畫

 安排公司拜訪
 舉辦研討/推介會
 舉辦交流晚宴
 來回台北機票連兩晚住宿
 當地交通安排
*若1公司派2名代表參加(共佔1房),第2位只須另加港幣$2,000即可參與**名額有限,香港貿易發展局擁有選取報名者參與資格之最後權利** 請遞交貴公司的簡介及欲面見的公司性質作商貿配對之用

Tokyo Game Show Sense of Wonder Night: Call for Submission

The SENSE OF WONDER NIGHT (SOWN) is an event to discover new game ideas that will catch people by surprise and give them a “Sense of Wonder” — a sense that something will change in their world — right at the instant of seeing or hearing the concept. It spotlights motivated game developers by providing them with an opportunity to present their ideas and prototypes.

Last year, it received 67 entries from 14 countries and regions. 11 titles were selected for presentation, including 4 from outside Japan. The audience of more than 500 people from 22 countries and regions gathered for the presentations as well as for the concurrently-held International Party. It was a truly international event and ended in a great success.
The SOWN 2009 office has begun inviting entries to SOWN 2009. Why don’t you show your idea to the Tokyo Game Show audiences who come from around the world? And we would like you to be inspired by other presenters and audiences and find new experience and network at SOWN.


Date September 25 (Fri.), 2009 (time TBD)

Venue Makuhari Messe - International Conference Halls (planned)

Qualification : Open to all individuals regardless of nationality, age, or occupation (students, game producers, etc.), and to all corporate bodies

Screening Entries will be screened fairly by the SOWN 2009 Screening Committee to select up to 10 works for presentations at SOWN 2009.

Results The selected applicants will be directly contacted by the Management Office around August 26 (Wed.), 2009.

For more info, please visit

Application deadline : August 16 (Sun.), 2009 (Japan time)

It is a good chance to show case your game proposal. Don't miss the chance !

Regards,Cyberport IncuTrain Centre

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How to Start Your Own Business?

創業起步: 如何開創自己的生意?

拍賣網站eBay聯同「數碼港數碼娛樂培育中心」(簡稱:IncuTrain),將於8月25日及28日舉辦「創業起步:如何開創自己的生意」免費證書課程,透過講座及工作坊,針對數碼娛樂、創意生活內容行業之產品,分享成功銷售經驗及技巧,如何在逆境創業;與此同時,IncuTrain 將介紹最新一期公開招募申請詳情,協助有志創業的人士,提供各項培育服務及資助,包括免租寫字樓、技術設施、市場推廣、培訓、法律顧問、招聘畢業生等,並協助各公司與相關海外及本港機構聯繫。

eBay and Cyberport IncuTrain Centre (IncuTrain) will organize "How to start Your Own Business" free-of-charge certification course on August 25 and 28. The course will include a seminar and a workshop to share successful sales skills and explore business opportunities for people, who are interested in developing digital entertainment and creative lifestyle content products. During the seminar, IncuTrain will introduce the details about its new round of application. Funded by the government, IncuTrain provides support and financial assistance including free office, technical equipment, marketing, training, legal advice, internship hiring and support in networking with overseas and local organizations to start-ups.
Register now, limited seats available!

How to Start Your Own Business Seminar
Date: Aug 25, 2009 (Tuesday)
Time: 14:00-17:00
Venue: Function Room 1&2, Level 3, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese

eBay Hands-on Training Workshop
Date: Aug 28, 2009 (Friday)
Time: 14:00-17:00
Venue: Function Room 1&2, Level 3, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese

First Day : How to Start Your Own Business Seminar
2:00-2:20pm Registration
2:20-2:25pm Welcome Remarks by Cyberport
2:25-3:00pm Global Ecommerce - Trends Involved in Ecommerce Business
3:00-3:30pm eBay Introduction: an additional channel to sell products worldwide
3:30-3:45pm Coffee Break
3:45-4:15pm PayPal Basics
4:15-4:45pm eBay Trust & Safety: promoting a trusted online marketplace
4:45-5:15pm Cyberport IncuTrain Programme
5:15-5:30pm Q&A

Day Two: eBay Hands-on Training Workshop
2:00-2:15pm Registration
2:15-2:30pm eBay Basics: Importance of Market Research
2:30-3:00pm How to source for eBay selling
3:00-3:30pm Get your First Listing Up
3:30-3:45pm Coffee Break
3:45-4:30pm eBay Selling Strategies
4:30-5:00pm Q&A

Free-of-charge !
Act now, while seats are available!

>>Register Now

Application Deadline: August 21, 2009 (Friday)
Enquiry Hotline : 3166 3907


  • Belle Liu, Founder, BeansBox Studio; Executive Committee Member, iProA

Belle founded BeansBox, a boutique web design studio based in Hong Kong, where she helps companies create user-friendly websites and market their businesses online since 2003. Prior to founding BeansBox, she was a law graduate and I.T. Officer at the University of Hong Kong.

She also sponsors and actively participates in the local technology scenes like BarCamp, Web Wednesday, iPhanatics and CocoaHeads.

  • Albert Cheng, Centre Manager, Cyberport IncuTrain Centre

As IncuTrain Center Manager, Albert is responsible to run the IncuTrain programme to help the start-up companies in the digital entertainment industry and creative lifestyle content related areas.

Albert has 20 years of managerial experiences crossing different industries with latest 8 years in technology, media and telecommunication sector in greater China market. He also has soldid experiences in private equity investment and corporate M&A.

Albert graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor Degree of Social Sciences.

  • Michelle Leung, Head of eBay Marketplace Hong Kong, eBay

As the Director of Hong Kong Marketplace Development for eBay Hong Kong, Michelle Leung is responsible primarily for driving eBay business in Hong Kong market in terms of gross merchandise volume and revenue.

Seeing the success of eBay Hong Kong as the overall triumph of eBay’s APAC CBT business, Michelle is also striving to develop new business opportunities by evangelizing the three key principles of eBay – Trust, Selection and Value and to attest eBay as the most secure and reliable online auction platform to sellers and buyers.

Prior to joining eBay, Michelle demonstrated her management and strategic skills as the head of Getty Images Hong Kong, where she was in-charge of the sales and marketing in Asia Pacific markets and achieved the highest revenue per employee in the whole region.

Michelle joined Getty Images from Google, where she was founding Senior Sales Manager for APAC. Prior to Google, Michelle spent three years at PCCW on global sales and pulled off over 220% of new business. Moreover, Michelle worked for Cisco in the USA and Ernest & Young in Canada before moving to Hong Kong.

Michelle is a Chartered Accountant of Canada; she graduated from the University of British Columbia, Canada with a Bachelor degree of Commerce. Michelle also participated in the EMBA program at Fudan University.

  • Alice Chow, Manager, eBay Marketplace Hong Kong, eBay
  • Ryan Lai, Specialized eBay Trading Consultant, AuctionForces
  • Eric Lo, Head of Business Development, Hong Kong Merchant Services, PayPal

As Head of Business Development of PayPal Hong Kong, Eric is responsible for developing new business opportunities in Hong Kong, , and evangelizing the business value of the PayPal gateway as the most secure and reliable cross border and domestic business transaction platform to key business partners.

In this capacity, his duties primarily consist of overseeing negotiations on agreements with Hong Kong merchant acquisition, agencies and key business partnering. He is also responsible for developing relationships with transaction partners such as technology providers and financial institutions to help facilitate trading and transactions between users.

Eric has over 15 years of professional experience in financial and internet payment industry. Prior to joining PayPal, Eric put his strategic skills and experience in developing secure online platform for consumers, merchants and banks in Visa International.

Eric graduated from the York University on Administrative Studies and the University of Toronto on Computer Science.

  • Egon Liu, experienced eCommerce practitioner



Supporting Organizations:


Organizers, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Co. Ltd., Cyberport IncuTrain Centre and eBay Hong Kong, reserve the right to change the content of the course without prior notice.